magistrsko delo


Prokurist je pooblaščenec, vendar ne klasični pooblaščenec družbe. Naloga obravnava posebnosti njegovega položaja v razmerju do zakonitih zastopnikov in drugih pooblaščencev ter opredeli njegov položaj med zastopniki. Na podlagi teh ugotovitev nadalje obravnava omejitve prokuristovih pooblastil, ki izhajajo direktno iz zakona ter tudi iz sodne prakse. Ker je prokurist pogost institut v kontinentalnem pravu, primerjamo njegov položaj v različnih sistemih - tokrat v Srbiji, Bosni in Hercegovini ter na Hrvaškem. Omenjene države, razen Srbije, imajo podobno ureditev z manjšimi, a značilnimi razlikami. Na eni strani so sistemi, v katerih se prokurist po obsegu pooblastil enači z zakonitimi zastopniki družbe, in sicer ima vsa pooblastila, razen za odtujitev in obremenitev nepremičnin. Zaradi nejasnosti zakonskega besedila v teoriji in praksi se pojavljajo različne dileme v zvezi obsega prokuristovih pooblastil, predvsem v zvezi prenosa pooblastil ter procesnih upravičenj. Zakon Srbije sicer jasno opredeli položaj prokurista, ga pa bolj približuje generalnemu pooblaščencu kot zakonitemu zastopniku. Za vse omenjene sisteme je možnost podelitve prokure za podružnico. Zato je predstavljen pojem podružnice ter vpliv takšne prokure na obseg prokuristovih pooblastil. Posebno vprašanje je obseg prokuristovih pooblastil glede procesnih upravičenj. To je bila dolgo sporna tema v slovenski praksi, ki je sicer deloma razrešena s spremembo zakona iz leta 2015, vendar vprašanja prenosa pooblastila na odvetnika ter omejitve iz procesnih zakonov še ostajajo sporna. Naloga tudi obravnava posebno obliko skupnega zastopanja - skupno zastopanje prokurista in zakonitih zastopnikov družbe - ter išče odgovore na vprašanja, kdaj je takšno skupno zastopanje smiselno in dovoljeno.

Ključne besede

prokura;prokurist;pooblastilo;zastopniki gospodarskih družb;zastopanje;procesna pooblastila;podružnica;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Pavlišin]
UDK: 347.716(043.3)
COBISS: 42868995 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 500
Št. prenosov: 122
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Limitations of procurators autorisations (comparatively)
Sekundarni povzetek: The procurator is a representative, but not a classic representative of the company. The thesis deals with the specifics of his position in relation to legal and other representatives, and defines his position among them. Based on these findings, it further addresses the limitations of the procurator's autorisations arising both directly from the law and from case law. As a procurator is a common institute in continental law, we compare his position in different systems - this time in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. All the mentioned countries, except Serbia, have a similar arrangement with minor but characteristic differences. On the one hand, there are systems in which the procurator is equal in scope of powers to the legal representatives of the company, namely he has all the autorisations except for the alienation and encumbrance of real estate. Due to the ambiguity of the legal text in theory and practice, various dilemmas arise regarding the scope of the procurator's autorisations, especially regarding the transfer of autorisations and procedural autorisations. The law of Serbia clearly defines the position of the procurator, but it brings him closer to the general representative than to the legal representative. For all the mentioned systems, it is possible to grant a power of attorney for a branch. Therefore, the concept of a branch and the influence of this type of procuration on the scope of the procurator's powers are presented. A special issue is the scope of the procurator's powers regarding procedural rights. This has long been a controversial topic in Slovenian practice, which has been partially resolved by amending the law in 2015, but the issues of the transfer of powers to a lawyer and restrictions from procedural laws remain disputable. The thesis also deals with a special form of joint representation - joint representation of the procurator and legal representatives of the company, and seeks answers to the question of when such joint representation is meaningful and permissible.
Sekundarne ključne besede: procurator;procuration;autorisation;representatives of companies;representatiom;procedural autorisations;branch;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: 41 str.
ID: 12095440