magistrsko delo
Petra Matičko (Author), Aleš Maver (Mentor)


Asirci so antično ljudstvo z Bližnjega vzhoda, natančneje z območja severnega dela Iraka, danes tudi samooklicane Islamske države. Njihove korenine segajo v drugo tisočletje pred našim štetjem, a so vrh svoje države doživeli šele za časa poznega kraljestva okoli leta 800 pr. n. št. V času zgodnjega kraljestva in srednjega imperija so se uveljavili predvsem kot dobri trgovci, s svojimi kolonijami po Anatoliji. Danes jih mnogi poznajo le kot dobre bojevnike iz časa poznega oziroma novoega asirskega imperija, ko jim je uspelo razširiti svojo državo od Perzijskega zaliva na vzhodu do Sredozemskega morja in Egipta na zahodu. Na svojih osvajalskih pohodih so se srečevali z mnogimi ljudstvi, ki so živela na novem osvojenem ozemlju, in eno izmed teh ljudstev so bili tudi Judje, takrat živeči v dveh kraljestvih - Izraelu in Judi, ki so si ju Asirci podjarmili. Prav njihova prevlada nad judovskim ljudstvom jim je zagotovila mesto tudi v Svetem pismu. O njih natančneje poroča Stara zaveza, čeprav jih na nekaterih mestih kot opomin lahko zasledimo tudi v Novi zavezi. Na svojih osvajalskih pohodih so Asirci namreč zavzeli mesti Samarijo in ogrožali Jeruzalem, prestolnici obeh kraljestev, in s tem postali neposredno vključeni v njihovo zgodovino.


magistrska dela;Sveto pismo;Stara zaveza;Nova zaveza;Zgodnjeasirsko kraljestvo;Zgornja Mezopotamija;Srednjeasirski imperij;Novoasirski imperij;Judje;kraljestvo Izrael;Kraljestvo Juda;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [P. Matičko]
UDC: 27-23:94(352)"-1500/-0911" (043.2)
COBISS: 23223816 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1446
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Assyrian people in the bible
Secondary abstract: Assyrians are the ancient people of the Middle East, specifically from the area of North Iraq, today also the self-proclaimed Islamic state. Their roots date back to the second millennium BC, but they only reached the peak of their state around year 800 BC. In the time of Old Assyrian Kingdom and Middle Assyrian Empire they were mainly renowned as good merchants, who had their colonies in Anatolia. Nowadays they are mostly known as good warriors from the time of Neo-Assyrian Empire, when they succeeded to extend their state from the Persian Gulf in the east to the Mediterranean Sea and Egypt in the west. On their conquests they encountered many other nations that lived in the newly conquered areas and one of those people were also the Jews, who were at that time living in two kingdoms - Israel and Judah which were both subjugated by the Assyrians. Precisely their dominion over the Jewish people provided them a place in the Holy Bible. In detail they are reported in the Old Testament, although they can also be found in some places of the New Testament as a reminder. On their conquests the Assyrians conquered the city of Samaria and endangered Jerusalem, capitals of both kingdoms, and thus became directly involved into their history.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Holy Bible;Old testament;New testament;Assyria;Old Assyrian Kingdom;Upper Mesopotamia;Middle Assyrian Empire;Jews;Kingdom of Israel;Kingdom of Judah;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 83 f.
ID: 9169957
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