diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacija in management delovnih sistemov
Aljoša Imamović (Author), Marjan Senegačnik (Mentor), Benjamin Urh (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo opisali poslovne oziroma proizvodne procese, ki se navezujejo na tipe proizvodnje. Poudarek je bil predvsem na prikazu proizvodnje kot transformacijskega procesa z vhodom in izhodom, v katerem se razpoložljivi viri preoblikujejo v izdelke z dodano vrednostjo. Podali sem nekaj definicij procesov različnih avtorjev, ki nas učijo, da sta temelj uspešne proizvodnje organizacija in načrtovanje vseh aktivnosti v podjetju, od ideje do končnega izdelka. V delu smo predstavili podjetje Mercator-Emba d. d., njihove izdelke, vizijo in cilje. Podjetje je vedno znova pod vplivom nepredvidljivih sprememb na trgu, zaradi česar je prisiljeno k prilagajanju razmeram z namenom ostati konkurenčno. Eden od načinov za dosego tega cilja so investicije in razvoj. Zaradi vseh dejavnikov se je podjetje odločilo za investicijo v umestitev nove proizvodne linje instant kakavovih izdelkov, kar je tudi tema pričujočega diplomskega dela. V delu smo predstavili uvedbo nove proizvodne linije, način umestitve linije v proizvodno halo, tehnološki proces instantizacije in celotno proizvodno linijo od surovine do končnega izdelka. Poleg tega smo opisali tudi podporo proizvodnim procesom, ki vključuje certifikate sistema kakovosti, informacijsko tehnologijo ter odgovorno ravnanje z okoljem. S pomočjo investicijskega izračuna in finančnega izračuna pričakovanega donosa smo v nalogi prikazali tudi dolgoročno ekonomsko upravičenost investicije. Uvedba linije je predstavljala več izzivov, in sicer umestitev pakirnih strojev in reprodukcije stroja za instantizacijo kakava ter težave s kadrovanjem zaradi tehnoloških in organizacijskih novosti. Rešitev smo prikazali z idejo reorganizacije ključnih delavcev ter zaposlitvijo novih delavcev, ki imajo željo po učenju in napredovanju. Ključnega pomena je tudi stalno motiviranje zaposlenih. Z opisano investicijo je podjetje obdržalo ključne kupce, hkrati pa lahko pričakuje, da bo sčasoma pridobilo številne nove kupce.


proizvodni proces;uvedba nove proizvodne linije;organizacija proizvodnje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [A. Imamović]
UDC: 658.5
COBISS: 7810835 Link will open in a new window
Views: 883
Downloads: 46
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Introduction of a new production line of cocoa products in the company Mercator Emba d.d.
Secondary abstract: The objective of the present diploma paper was to describe the business or production processes related to different types of production. The focus is placed mainly on the demonstration of production as transformation process with its entry and exit, in which the available resources are being transformed into value added products. We have presented several process definitions by different authors who teach us that the basis of a successful production are the organisation and planning of all company activities, from an idea to a final product. In the diploma paper we have presented the Mercator-Emba d. d. company, their products, vision and goals. The company is undergoing unpredictable market changes due to which it is forced to adapt to the new circumstances in order to remain competitive. One of the ways to do this is by means of investments and development. Due to all these factors, the company decides to invest into the introduction of a new production line of instant cocoa products, which is the main subject of this diploma paper. We have therefore described the process of the inclusion of the production line into the production hall; we have presented the technological process of instantisation as well as the total production line from raw material to the final product. We have also described the support for the production process, including the quality system certificates, information technology and the responsible environment management. Using the investment and financial calculations of the expected return, we have also presented the long-term economic justification of the investment. The introduction of the production line has represented several challenges, namely the inclusion of packaging machines and the reproduction of the cocoa instantisation machine as well as the staffing problems encountered due to technological and organisational novelties. We have represented a solution by proposing a reorganisation of key workers and an employment of new workers willing to learn and progress. One of the key factors is also constant motivation of the staff. The described investment enabled the company to keep its key clients and at the same time it can expect to eventually win numerous new clients.
Secondary keywords: production process;introduction of a new production line;organisation of production;planning of production;justification of investment;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 56 f.
ID: 9170439
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