diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management delovnih procesov
Barbara Kuder (Author), Jure Kovač (Mentor)


Na uspešnost poslovanja podjetja pomembno vplivajo managerji in njihov proces vodenja. Manager kot vodja mora pravilno dodeljevati vloge zaposlenim, jim svetovati, nuditi optimalne pogoje za delo, jih znati motivirati in povezati v tim. Opravili smo raziskavo o mnenju zaposlenih v produkcijskem podjetju o primernem stilu vodenja in razlikah med režiserjem in producentom. Želeli smo preveriti, ali so zaposleni zadovoljni z medsebojnimi odnosi. V sistematični pregled smo združili teoretična spoznanja različnih avtorjev s področja vodenja. Proces vodenje je ključni dejavnik za uspešnost realizacije ciljev podjetja in spodbujanje zaposlenih za doseganje zavzetosti pri delu. Zastavili smo tri hipoteze: Hipotezo 1 smo na podlagi rezultatov ovrgli. Ne moremo reči, da je proces vodenja režiserja višje ocenjen kot proces vodenja producenta (p/2 = 0,454). Hipoteza 2: Člani filmske ekipe ocenjujejo medsebojne odnose višje od hipotetičnega povprečja, na kar vpliva tudi dejavnik dvosmerne komunikacije, ki po mnenju članov filmske ekipe poteka dvosmerno (vodja – član filmske ekipe). Pri hipotezi 3 smo prišli do ugotovitev, da podjetje ne more delovati brez dobre, odprte in jasne komunikacije (Turner, 2004 str. 136), zato je pomembno, katero strukturo organizacije podjetje vpelje, da bo komunikacija hitra in učinkovita, torej da bodo vsi deležniki posameznega projekta pravočasno prejeli potrebno informacijo. Kot pravita Rozman in Kovač (2012 str. 409), je za tipično hierarhično komunikacijsko strukturo značilna hitra, natančna in učinkovita komunikacija. Tudi v produkcijski hiši Nukleus film d. o. o. se člani filmske ekipe strinjajo, da komunikacija poteka dvosmerno.


stil vodenja;zadovoljstvo zaposlenih;vodja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [B. Kuder]
UDC: 331.103
COBISS: 7727635 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1100
Downloads: 96
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Managers and their process of management importantly influence the successfulness of the conduct of business of the company. Manager as a leader must assign the tasks to the employees appropriately, give advice to them, and offer operative working conditions to them. She must be able to motivate them and connect them as a team. We performed the research on the opinion of the employees in the production company on the appropriate style of management and differences between the director and the producer. We wished to check whether the employees are satisfied with interpersonal relationships. We combined different findings of the different authors from the field of management into the systematic overview. The process of management is a key factor for the successfulness of the achieving the objectives of the company and encouraging the employees in order to achieve the enthusiasm at work. We set three hypotheses: The hypothesis 1 was rejected on the basis of the results. We cannot say that the process of management of the director is evaluated higher as the process of management of the producer (p/2 = 0,454). Hypothesis 2: the members of the film crew evaluate interpersonal relationships higher than the hypothetical average, which is also influenced by the factor of two-way communication, which, according to the opinion of the film crew members, flows in two ways (manager – member of the film crew). In connection with the hypothesis 3, we came to conclusions that the company cannot operate without a good, open and clear communication (Turner, 2004 p. 136). Therefore, it is important what structure of the organization the company introduces in order for the communication to be quick and efficient, so that all the participants of an individual project will accept the necessary information on time. According to Rozman and Kovač (2012 p. 409), it is typical in the hierarchical communicational structure for the communication to be quick, accurate and efficient. In the production house Nukleus film d.o.o. the members of the film crew agree that communication flows in two directions.
Secondary keywords: leadership styles;employee' satisfaction;leader;leadership process;motivation;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 52 f., 4 f. pril.
ID: 9171296
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