specialistično delo
Barbara Bogdanić (Author), Marija Kavkler (Mentor), Suzana Pulec Lah (Co-mentor)


Motnja pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti (v nadaljevanju ADHD) je ena najpogosteje diagnosticiranih motenj v otroštvu, ki pomembno vpliva na učno in socialno učinkovitost otroka. Temeljni princip v obravnavi otrok z ADHD je večdimenzionalni pristop, v okviru psihosocialne obravnave pa so najbolj učinkoviti kognitivno-vedenjski pristopi. V pričujočem delu smo želeli ovrednotiti učinke skupinske obravnave po načelih kognitivno-vedenjskega ter gibalno-plesnega pristopa za otroke z ADHD. Kognitivno-vedenjski pristopi, usmerjeni na otroka, lahko individualno ali v skupini pomagajo razvijati šibka področja otrok z ADHD, gibalno-plesni pristop pa je lahko v kombinaciji s kognitivno-vedenjskim pristopom še posebej učinkovit v zmanjševanju in nadziranju hiperaktivnega vedenja. V teoretičnem delu predstavljamo osnovno pojmovanje motenj pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti, učinkovite pristope in strategije pomoči ter dosedanje izkušnje pri vodenju skupine za pomoč otrokom z ADHD v Svetovalnem centru za otroke, mladostnike in starše Ljubljana. Naš raziskovalni namen je bil ugotoviti učinke skupinske obravnave po načelih kognitivno-vedenjskega ter gibalno-plesnega pristopa na samopodobo, pozornost in vedenje otrok z ADHD. Raziskavo smo zasnovali kot akcijsko raziskavo, v kateri smo uporabili kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop z elementi kvantitativnega raziskovanja. Vzorec je predstavljalo sedem otrok z ADHD, ki so bili deležni skupinske obravnave v obsegu osmih srečanj, od januarja do marca 2016, njihovi starši in učitelji razredniki pa so ocenili funkcioniranje otrok pred in po zaključku ciklusa srečanj. Rezultati so glede na ocene staršev in učiteljev pokazali pozitivne učinke skupinske obravnave na področju samopodobe vključenih otrok, na področju pozornosti, hiperaktivnosti in impulzivnosti v domačem in šolskem okolju, zelo majhne pozitivne spremembe pa so po ocenah učiteljev na socialnem področju. Izsledki raziskave so lahko spodbuda učiteljem, specialnim in rehabilitacijskim pedagogom ter svetovalnim delavcem na šoli za uporabo skupinskega pristopa kot učinkovite oblike pomoči otrokom z ADHD tudi v šolskem okolju.


otroci z ADHD;motnja pozornosti;skupinska obravnava;kognitivno-vedenjski pristop;gibalno-plesni pristop;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [B. Bogdanić Petek]
UDC: 376:616.89-008.47(043.2)
COBISS: 11186761 Link will open in a new window
Views: 780
Downloads: 106
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The effects of cognitive – behaviour and dance – movement based group therapy for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Secondary abstract: Attention deficit hiperactive disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common diorders diagnosed in childhood that has an important influence on the learning and social abililities of the child. The basic principle in the treatment of children with ADHD is a multidimensional approach, the most efficient psychosocial treatments are the cognitive behavioural approaches. In the existent work we wanted to evaluate the effects of group treatment based on the principles of the cognitive behavioural and the dance movement therapy for children with ADHD. Cognitive behavioural approaches as individual or group treatment oriented towards the child can help to develop the weak areas of the child with ADHD. Dance movement therapy, in combination with cognitive behaviourial therapy, is especially effective in reducing and controlling of hiperactive behaviour. In the theoretical part we are introducing the basic background of the attention deficit hiperactive disorder, efficient approaches, strategies of help and the experiences so far with the leading of groups for children with ADHD at the Councelling centre for children, adolescents and parents in Ljubljana. The aim of our research was to find out the effects of group therapy based on the principles of the cognitive behavioural and the dance movement therapy on the self-image, attention and behaviour of children with ADHD. Our research was designed as an action research where a qualitative research approach with elements of quantitative research was used. The sample consisted of seven children with ADHD, who attended a group treatment which contained eight meetings from january till march 2016. Their parents and class teachers evaluated the performance of the children before and after the treatment. The results showed positive results considering the evaluation of the parents and teachers on the area of attention, hiperactiveness and impulseness at home and at school. Little positive changes were recognized by the teachers on the social area. The results of the research can be used as an encouragement for teachers, special teachers and school councelors to use group work as an effective form of aid for children with ADHD also at school.
Secondary keywords: hyperactivity;child;hiperaktivnost;otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Specialist thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: 173 str.
ID: 9171983