magistrsko delo
Marko Brundula (Author), Maruška Šubic Kovač (Mentor), Marijan Žura (Thesis defence commission member), Albin Rakar (Thesis defence commission member)


V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo pereč problem slovenskih lokalnih skupnosti, ki se nanaša na gospodarjenje z gospodarsko javno infrastrukturo. Vodovodna infrastruktura, ki se je gradila v preteklem stoletju, je danes zastarela in iztrošena, pojavljajo se vse pogostejše okvare, količina izgubljene vode vsako leto narašča, poleg tega pa lastnik (lokalna skupnost) pogosto s podatki o fizičnem stanju in tveganosti vodovodne infrastrukture ne razpolaga, kar predstavlja oviro pri izbiri odsekov, ki bi jih bilo treba obnoviti. Glavno oviro za izvedbo obnovitvenih investicij predstavlja problematika zagotavljanja potrebnih finančnih sredstev. Računovodske evidence osnovnih sredstev, na podlagi katerih se obračuna amortizacija, ki predstavlja hkrati višino najemnine za uporabo infrastrukture, so nepopolne. Poleg tega so osnovna sredstva vrednotena po stari nabavni ceni, ki ne odraža njihove dejanske sedanje vrednosti. Posledica takšnega stanja je nezadostna višina zbranih sredstev za obnovitvene investicije. Lokalna skupnost mora s premoženjem (infrastrukturo) ravnati kot dober gospodar, kar si vsak udeleženec predstavlja na svoj način, zato smo v magistrski nalogi analizirali v tujini uveljavljene standardizirane postopke za gospodarjenje s stvarnimi sredstvi in le-te preizkusili na konkretnem primeru vodovodne infrastrukture v Občini Borovnica. V magistrski nalogi smo proučili življenjski krog gospodarske javne infrastrukture, kot ga predvideva Mednarodni priročnik za ravnanje z infrastrukturnimi sredstvi, upoštevajoč pri tem tudi slovenske pravne predpise. Ocenjevanje gospodarnosti v smislu ekonomskih kazalnikov na primeru gospodarske javne infrastrukture ni možno. Za uspešno gospodarjenje je treba zagotoviti učinkovitost v celotni življenjski dobi infrastrukture, kar dosežemo s pravilnim načrtovanjem, doslednim izvajanjem ter spremljanjem učinkov in stalnim dopolnjevanjem načrta za gospodarjenje z gospodarsko javno infrastrukturo.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;gospodarjenje;investicijski proces;komunalna infrastruktura;vodovodna infrastruktura;kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture;amortizacija;lokalna skupnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Brundula]
UDC: 338.465:338.49(043.3)
COBISS: 7611233 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2262
Downloads: 598
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Management of public infrastructure in the local community
Secondary abstract: This master's thesis examines a pressing problem of Slovenian local communities relating to the management of public infrastructure. The water supply infrastructure that was built in the previous century is aging and deteriorating: breakdowns are increasingly frequent, the level of water loss grows greater each year, and moreover the owner (the local community) often does not have access to data on the physical state and risks of the water supply infrastructure, which hinders the selection of sections in need of repair. A major obstacle to carrying out reconstruction investments is the problem of ensuring the financial resources required. Accounting records of fixed assets, which form the basis for the calculation of depreciation, which in turn is used to set the rent for the use of infrastructure, are incomplete. Moreover, fixed assets are valued based on the old purchase price, which does not reflect their actual current value. As a result, the funds collected for reconstruction investments are insufficient. The local community is obligated to be a good manager of property (infrastructure), but what this means in practice is left up to each one’s own conception. For this reason in this master’s thesis we analyzed established standardized practices in other countries for managing material resources and then tested them in the specific case of the water supply infrastructure in the Municipality of Borovnica. This thesis investigates the life cycle of public infrastructure as envisaged by the International Infrastructure Management Manual while also taking into consideration Slovenian legal provisions. Assessment of cost efficiency in the sense of economic indicators in the case of public infrastructure is not possible. Successful management requires ensuring efficiency through the entire lifespan of the infrastructure, which can be achieved through proper planning, consistent implementation, monitoring of effects, and continuous updating of the management plan for public infrastructure.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master of science thesis;management;investment process;municipal infrastructure;water supply infrastructure;cadastre of public infrastructure;depreciation;local community;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 163 str., 6 str. pril.
ID: 9174288