magistrsko delo
V magistrskem delu obravnavamo stroškovni vidik distribucije pitne vode predvsem na poudarku
kritja stroškov realne amortizacije vodovodne infrastrukture, ki na danem primeru občine Črnomelj ni
bila ustrezno vključena v ceno distribucije pitne vode v primerni višini, v ceni storitve distribucije
pitne vode za gospodinjstva. Izbrana metodologija določitve cen distribucije pitne vode temelji na
načelu določitve razmerja med nastalimi stroški v procesu distribucije pitne vode (s poudarkom na
stroških amortizacije) in prodanimi količinami pitne vode prebivalcem v določenem območju občine
in v nižjih prostorskih enotah krajevnih skupnosti. V empiričnem delu naloge smo določili ceno
distribucije pitne vode v posameznih krajevnih skupnostih v občini, prikazali smo in ocenili znatne
razlike v cenah distribucije kot posledico različnih dolžin vodovodnega omrežja in različnih gostot
odjema v posameznih krajevnih skupnostih. Tako določene cene so postavljene tudi v širši časovni
okvir. V računskih okvirjih "simulacije" je prikazan analitičen model vpliva sprememb investicijskih
stroškov, dolžin omrežja in gostot odjema na spremembo višine cene distribucije pitne vode, ki se
lahko uporabi v občinah za oceno stanja na področju cen distribucije pitne vode. Vsebina naloge
temelji na predpostavki, da je potrebno stroške realne amortizacije vodovodnega omrežja na ruralnih
območjih vključiti v ceno distribucije pitne vode, kar ima pozitiven učinek na dvig standarda oskrbe s
pitno vodo (zmanjševanje vodnih izgub, nižanje vzdrževalnih stroškov, cim manj motena oskrba s
pitno vodo za gospodinjstva, višanje zdravstvene ustreznosti pitne vode, kar so tudi zahteve že
sprejetega operativnega programa razvoja okoljske in prometne infrastrukture na državnem nivoju), in
na opremljanje nezazidanih stavbnih zemljišč z vodovodno infrastrukturo zaradi rekonstrukcij in
novogradenj na ruralnih območjih. Raziskali smo povprečne potrošniške navade gospodinjstev na
državnem nivoju in (trenutno, 2011) uveljavljene cene storitev na področju distribucije pitne vode v
primerljivih javnih podjetjih in na podlagi kvantifikacije in primerjave statističnih podatkov in
rezultatov v empiričnem delu naloge ugotovili, da je možnost za dvig cen distribucije pitne vode
realna in strokovno utemeljena na ruralnih območjih slovenskih občin, ki se (že) srečujejo s
problematiko izrabljene vodovodne infrastrukture.
Ključne besede
gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;komunalna infrastruktura;vodovodna infrastruktura;demografija;investicijski stroški;amortizacija;cena;pitna voda;ruralno območje;podeželje;rekonstrukcija;novogradnja;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2011 |
Tipologija: |
2.09 - Magistrsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo |
Založnik: |
[G. Požek] |
UDK: |
338.49:711.3:069.8(043.3) |
Št. ogledov: |
2083 |
Št. prenosov: |
460 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
The financial consequences of investing in rural public utility infrastructure |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
This master's thesis discusses the financial aspect of drinkable water supply distribution. Unlike in the
case of the Črnomelj municipality, particular emphasis is placed here on the real cost by including the
amortisation of water supply infrastructure in determining the actual cost of drinkable water
distribution for households. The chosen methodology to arrive at the drinkable water distribution price
setting is based on the principle of regulating the relationship between the actual costs in the process
of drinkable water distribution (with the emphasis on the amortisation costs) and the amounts of
drinkable water sold to the inhabitants in a certain area of the municipality and in the lower spatial
units of the local communities.
The empirical part of this thesis determines the price for the drinkable water distribution in each
individual local community of the municipality; considerable differences in distribution costs are
shown and evaluated as a consequence of different lengths of water supply networks and different
consumer density in each individual local community. The fees established in this manner have also
been placed in the context of a broader time period. The calculating framework of the simulation
presents an analytical model that demonstrates the influence of changes in the infrastructure costs,
network lengths and consumer density on the modification of fees for the distribution of drinkable
water. Municipalities can evaluate the conditions in different areas for the drinkable water cost
distribution. The core thesis of this paper is based on the presupposition that the costs of real
amortisation of water supply network in the rural areas should be included in the price of the drinkable
water distribution. Inclusion of all of the costs will have a positive effect in achieving the requirements
for the operative programs for state environmental and infrastructure standards of drinkable water
supply: reduction of water loss, lowering maintenance costs, maintaining a steady water supply for
households and raising the health standards of drinkable water. An additional positive effect from
inclusion of all costs will be understanding the real costs for providing water supply infrastructure for
reconstructions and newly constructed buildings in the rural areas. A research of average consumer
household habits has been conducted on state level (currently, 2011); in addition, the established fee
structures for services in the field of drinkable water distribution have been studied in some
comparable public organisations. On the basis of quantification, comparison of statistical data and the
results from the empirical part of the thesis we have reached the conclusion that the possibility for the
rise in prices of drinkable water distribution is realistic and professionally justified in the rural areas of
Slovenian municipalities that are presently confronted with the problems of old and deteriorated water
supply infrastructure. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
civil engineering;master of science thesis;public utility infrastructure;water supply infrastructure;demography;investment costs;amortisation;price;drinking water;rural area;countryside; |
URN: |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Magistrsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Komunalma smer |
Strani: |
XVI, 147 str., [11] str. pril. |
ID: |
8711059 |