diplomsko delo


Diplomsko delo govori o uporabi računalniških orodij pri pouku fizike in njihovo vlogo pri poučevanju naravoslovnih vsebin. Zaradi možnosti, ki jih nudi večpredstavnost so se pri pouku naravoslovnih predmetov uveljavili računalniški programi z interaktivnimi simulacijami ter programsko in strojno opremo za računalniško podporo pri eksperimentih ter video analizo in tako postali skoraj nepogrešljiv del naravoslovnih učilnic. V diplomski nalogi sem računalniške simulacije ločil od računalniško podprtih eksperimentov in jih obravnaval individualno. Tako je v prvem delu opisan izbor in nekaj smiselnih uporab računalniških simulacij, v drugem delu pa izbor in smernice uporabe računalniško podprtih eksperimentov in video analize. Na učiteljih pa je kdaj, kako in koliko bomo od danega uporabili in kako uspešno vnesli v vzgojno izobraževalni proces.


naravoslovne vsebine;računalniške simulacije;računalniško podprt eksperiment;integracija;motivacija;problemsko učenje;izkustveno učenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Klinec]
UDC: 004:53(043.2)
COBISS: 11217993 Link will open in a new window
Views: 483
Downloads: 96
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Integration of computer tools in lessons about motion and dynamics
Secondary abstract: The diploma work is about computer tools used in physics classes and their role in teaching natural science. Due to the possibilities enabled by the multi-presentation, computer programmes with interactive simulations and programmes with mechanical equipment for computer-based experiments as well as video analyses have been put forward in natural science classes thus becoming an indispensable part of the natural science classrooms. In diploma work, computer simulations and computer-based experiments are treated separately and individually. In the first part, there is a description of the selection together with some logical computer-simulated applications while in the second part there is a choice and guidelines of computer-based experiments and video analysis. It depends on teachers when, how and how much of the known contents will be used and how successfully it will be applied to the educational process.
Secondary keywords: software;motion;physics;programska oprema;gibanje;fizika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Fizika in tehnika
Pages: 57 str.
ID: 9175310