diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varstvoslovje
Jure Špitalar (Author), Vinko Gorenak (Mentor), David Smolej (Co-mentor)


Pravosodni policisti na dnevni ravni sodelujejo s policisti. Sodelovanje poteka na več ravneh, kakor tudi v več pojavnih oblikah in tako obsega izmenjavo informacij, asistenco, razgovore z zaprtimi osebami, opravljanje določenih policijskih nalog znotraj zaporov ter izobraževanje in nudenje infrastrukture s strani policije. Pri sodelovanju obe strani nemalokrat naletita na težave, zato smo pri diplomski nalogi poskušali oceniti to sodelovanje, tako da smo naredili raziskavo s pomočjo anketiranja na vzorcu 79 pravosodnih policistov, postavili šest hipotez, ki smo jih analitično proučili, pridobljene rezultate pa med sabo primerjali in ugotavljali njihovo povezanost. S pridobljenimi rezultati smo poskušali spoznati, kakšno je stališče pravosodnih policistov o sodelovanju, identificirati probleme pri sodelovanju in končno najti tudi predloge za izboljšave. Pravosodni policisti so sicer generalno pozitivno ocenili sodelovanje s policisti, vendar kljub temu vidijo področja, kjer je možno sodelovanje s policijo izboljšati, predvsem v dodatnih skupnih usposabljanjih in vajah ter v spremembah nekaterih zakonskih določb, ki bi omogočile lažje in boljše sodelovanje. Sodelovanje med policisti in pravosodnimi policisti je torej ne samo nujno, temveč tudi neizbežno, zato je pomembno stremeti tako h krepitvi različnih možnosti za sodelovanje kot tudi k izboljšanju obstoječega sodelovanja, ki pa že zdaj ni slabo.


kazenske sankcije;zapori;pazniki;pravosodni policisti;policija;policisti;sodelovanje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: J. Špitalar]
UDC: 343.8:351.741(043.2)
COBISS: 3198698 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1003
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Pravosodni policisti o sodelovanju s policisti
Secondary abstract: Prison officers are cooperating with police officers on daily basis. Cooperation is present on various levels and in different forms. Cooperation includes information exchange, police assistance, police interviews with prisoners, executing police assignments in prison and providing education and training by the police. During cooperation there are more than a few occasions, where both sides encounter difficulties and that is why we tried to evaluate their cooperation, by doing a research with a survey, which was done on a sample of 79 prison officers. We stated six hypotheses, which we analyzed, compared the results that we got from the questionnaires and established different connections between the results. With the results we got to know the prison officers attitude towards the cooperation, identified problems on cooperation and finally tried to offer suggestions for improvements. Prison officers have generally positively evaluated cooperation with police officers. but regardless of that, they see many areas where it is possible to improve the cooperation with the police. Mainly in mutual training and practices, and also in changes in legal provisions, where those changes would make the cooperation better and easier. Cooperation between police and prison officers is not just necessary but also inevitable, so it is as important to strive for building up various cooperation possibilities, as it is necessary to improve the existing cooperation which is not bad as it is right now.
Secondary keywords: Prison officer;Police officer;cooperation;difficulties;cooperation improvement;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 55 str.
ID: 9176443
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, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varstvoslovje