diplomsko delo
Tanja Marinac (Author), Stojan Kostanjevec (Mentor)


Uživanje hrane z večjo vsebnostjo sladkorja predstavlja pomembno tveganje za zdravje ljudi. Da bi bil delež oseb, ki presegajo priporočen vnos sladkorja, manjši, je potrebno ljudi ozavestiti o tveganjih, predvsem med otroci in mladostniki. Z izobraževanjem na področju prehranskega vedenja lahko v mladosti vplivamo na zmanjšano tveganje za razvoj bolezenskih stanj, ki so značilna za povečan vnos sladkorjev. Namen diplomskega dela je oceniti primernost oblikovane in izvedene prehranske delavnice za populacijo otrok. Prehranska delavnica je bila izvedena v osnovni šoli, njen cilj je bil vplivati na stališča in namere učencev do uživanja živil z več sladkorja ter jih informirati o tveganjih, ki jih predstavlja prekomerno uživanje sladkorja. Ciljna skupina so bili učenci 5. in 6. razreda osnovne šole. Izvajalki delavnic sta se udeležili izobraževanja prehranskih promotorjev. Rezultati evalvacije delavnice so pokazali, da si učenci želijo predvsem praktičnega prehranskega izobraževanja z aktivno udeležbo. V analizi nismo zaznali posebnih sprememb v prehranskem vedenju učencev, so pa ti izrazili namere po tem, da bodo namesto sladkih pijač pogosteje posegali po vodi in se izogibali pitju pijač z več sladkorja. Izrazili so tudi namero, da bodo pred uživanjem hrane pozornejši na količino sladkorja v živilih. Evalvacija delavnice je pokazala, da je potrebno ustrezno usposobiti neprofesionalne promotorje zdravega prehranjevanja, ki morajo imeti ustrezna znanja o prehrani in morajo biti ustrezno pedagoško usposobljeni, hkrati pa morajo profesionalno pristopiti tudi k organizaciji ter k izvedbi delavnic.


ogljikovi hidrati;sladkor;osnovnošolci;prehranski semafor;prehranske navade;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Marinac]
UDC: 613.22(043.2)
COBISS: 11236937 Link will open in a new window
Views: 461
Downloads: 120
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Encouraging children to consume foods with less sugar
Secondary abstract: Eating food with a higher sugar content represents a significant risk to human health. To decrease the number of people whose sugar intake is higher than recommended, it is necessary to make people aware of the risks, especially among children and adolescents. By the means of education in the field of nutrition behaviour from the early age, we can have an influence on the decrease of the risk of developing diseases, typical for high sugar intake. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the suitability of the designed and performed nutrition workshops for the population of children. The nutrition workshops were carried out in an elementary school. The workshops’ goal was to influence the pupils’ viewpoints and intentions regarding the consumption of food with higher sugar content and to inform them about excessive sugar consumption risks. The target group was the pupils from the 5th and the 6th grade in elementary school. Workshops were carried out by the promoters of healthy eating. The workshop results evaluation showed that pupils mostly want practical nutrition education with active participation. In our analysis, we did not detect specific changes in dietary behaviour of the pupils; they did, however, express their intention to drink water more often than sugary drinks and avoid drinking beverages with higher sugar content. They also expressed their intention to pay more attention to the amount of sugar in food before eating it. The evaluation of the workshop showed that it is necessary to properly educate unprofessional promoters of healthy eating, so that they will have the proper nutrition and pedagogic knowledge and at the same time that their approach to organization and performance of workshops must be professional.
Secondary keywords: nutrition education;prehranska vzgoja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Biologija in gospodinjstvo
Pages: VI, 30 str.
ID: 9176568