razvoj, korupcija in vpliv na državo
Gašper Pavšelj (Author), Igor Lamberger (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo predstavlja mafijo kot obliko organiziranega kriminala, mafijo v Italiji, njen razvoj, korupcijo v Italiji ter njen vpliv na Italijo. O resnosti problema mafije in korupcije v Italiji govorijo predvsem njune posledice. Problem korupcije se v Italiji pojavlja v javnem in zasebnem sektorju. Posledice mafije in korupcije v Italiji so ogromne. Mafija vpliva na državo, gospodarstvo, celotno družbo in državljane. Močan vpliv ima na politiko, kjer vpliva celo na določanje zakonodaje. Velik izvor zaslužka mafije je v zasebnih zdravstvenih klinikah in komunalnih storitvah (ravnanje z odpadki). Mnogi Italijani korupcijo, in s tem tudi mafijo, dojemajo kot sestavni del politične kulture. Državljani Italije mafijo dojemajo celo kot obliko oblasti. Pojavlja se močna negativna korelacija med korupcijo in ekonomsko rastjo. Mafija tako v Italiji ustvari izjemne izgube, ki prizadenejo državo ter njene državljane. Računsko sodišče navaja, da skupni neposredni stroški korupcije znašajo 60 milijard evrov letno. Na resnost problema kažejo tudi javnomnenjske raziskave. Ugotovili smo, da mafija v Italiji prigospodari dobičke v višini več deset milijard evrov letno in tako oškoduje državno gospodarstvo. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da kljub prizadevanju za boj proti korupciji, ta s strani vlade in politike ni zadosten oz. da je njihov prispevek pri takšnem boju premajhen.


organizirana kriminaliteta;mafija;korupcija;Italija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: G. Pavšelj]
UDC: 343.341+343.352(043.2)(450)
COBISS: 3199722 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2264
Downloads: 227
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Italian Mafia: development, corruption and its influence on the state
Secondary abstract: Thesis represents Mafia as a form of organized crime, Mafia in Italy, its development, corruption in Italy and the influence of the Mafia on Italy. How serious the problems of the Mafia and corruption in Italy really are is shown primarily in their consequences. The problem of corruption in Italy occurs in public and private sectors. The consequences of the Mafia and corruption in Italy are enormous. The Mafia has an impact on the state, the economy, the whole society and on the citizens. It has a strong influence on the state policy, where it influences even the adoption of legislation. A large source of Mafia earnings is in private health clinics and communal services (waste management). Many Italians perceive corruption and Mafia as an integral part of their political culture. Mafia is perceived even as a form of government by the citizens of Italy. There is a strong negative correlation between corruption and economic growth. The Italian Mafia generates exceptional losses, which affect both the state and its citizens. The Court of Auditors states, that the total direct cost of corruption amounts to 60 billion euros per year. The public opinion surveys also show the severity of the problem. We have found that the Italian Mafia gains profits amounting to tens of billions of euros per year and thus deprives the national economy. We also found, that despite their efforts to fight against corruption, the fight of the Government and the policy against corruption is not sufficient or that their contribution to this fight is too small.
Secondary keywords: mafia;corruption;Italy;influence;consequences;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 46 str.
ID: 9176600
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