diplomska naloga


Narava nudi nam in otrokom neskončno možnosti za pridobivanje novih spoznanj, če le pozorno opazujemo in si dovolimo raziskovati, postavljati vprašanja in vztrajno iskati odgovore. Otroci so raziskovalne narave in spontano, skozi igro spoznavajo svet okoli sebe. Medtem lahko odrasli z ustreznimi spodbudami in usmeritvami omogočimo otrokom novih okoliščin za reševanje problemov in za raziskovanje, s čemer sami pridejo do sklepov, ter jih tako vodimo k razvoju kritičnega mišljenja. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge sta opisana razvoj otroka v predšolskem obdobju in področje naravoslovja v vrtcu, katerih poznavanje je temelj za načrtovanje dejavnosti, ki omogočajo otrokom spoznavanje lastnosti Lune predvsem na podlagi lastnih opazovanj. Za kakovostno načrtovanje in vodenje dejavnosti opazovanj Lune so v teoretičnem delu opisane tudi bistvene značilnosti Lune. V empiričnem delu so opisane ugotovitve na podlagi intervjujev z otroki dveh različnih starostnih skupin (prvo in drugo starostno obdobje) o njihovih predstavah o Luni. V skladu s temi sem razvila naravoslovne dejavnosti, pri katerih otroci preko lastnih opazovanj in zaznav spoznavajo lastnosti Lune, zakonitosti njenega gibanja in spreminjanje oblike svetlega dela. Te dejavnosti so načrtovane tako, da se prepletajo z dejavnostmi ostalih področij kurikuluma, se med seboj povezujejo, dopolnjujejo in nadgrajujejo. Po končanih opazovanjih in ostalih dejavnostih sem ponovno izvedla intervjuje z otroki obeh starostnih skupin. Iz primerjave rezultatov sem ocenila vpliv načrtovanih dejavnosti na predstave otrok o Luni in na njihovo poznavanje Luninih značilnosti.


otrokov razvoj;zgodnje naravoslovje;science education;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Viršek]
UDC: 52:373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 11316809 Link will open in a new window
Views: 605
Downloads: 180
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Observation of the Moon
Secondary abstract: Nature offers us and children endless opportunities to acquire new knowledge, if only we observe it carefully, if we allow ourselves to explore it, ask questions and persistently search for answers. Children like to explore, therefore they learn about the world spontaneously, by playing games. Adults can guide children by appropriate stimulation and direction and thus by the creation of new circumstances which lead to problem solving and researching. These result in conclusions, which are followed by the development of critical thinking. In the theoretical part of this thesis I describe child development in the preschool period and the field of natural science in kindergarten. The understanding of these two is the basis of planning activities, which enable children knowing the features of the moon on the basis of their own observations. The essential features of the moon are also described in the theoretical part of the thesis in order to help successfully plan and lead the activities of moon observation. Findings from children's interviews are included in the empirical part. Children from two age groups (first and second age bracket) answered questions on their observations and notions of the moon. In accordance to their answers and ideas I developed science activities which help children learn about the features of the moon, its movement and the changes in the shape of its illuminated portion on the basis of their own observations and perceptions. These activities are planned in accordance with other activities of the curriculum, are related to them, intertwined with them and they also upgrade them. Interviews with children from both age groups were conducted again after the observations and other activities were finished. The comparison of the conclusions results in my evaluation of the planned activities influence on children's notions and knowledge of the moon features.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;predšolski otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 86 str.
ID: 9225500
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