diplomski projekt
Julijan Kovše (Author), Zlatko Nedelko (Mentor)


Vodenje velja za eno izmed pogosteje preučevanih funkcij managementa. Kljub številnim teoretičnim dognanjem so si avtorji enotni, da optimalni stil vodenja ne obstaja. Na stil vodenja vpliva veliko dejavnikov, ki se razlikujejo od podjetja do podjetja. Odvisen je od npr. organiziranosti podjetja, osebnostnih lastnostih vodje, vpliva na podrejene, sprejemanje vodje iz strani podrejenih, itd. Vsak bodoči vodja se mora znati v najkrajšem času prilagoditi na spremembe v podjetju, saj le tako lahko poslovanje poteka v smeri doseganja zastavljenih ciljev. Dandanes poslovanje zahteva vedno večjo uspešnost, učinkovitost ter hitrost pri prilagajanju na spremembe na trgu. Podjetje, ki svoj inovativni proizvod ali storitev kot prvo ponudi na trgu, razvije določen sistem povezav z dobavitelji ter izpolni vedno večja pričakovanja strank, ima ogromno možnosti za preživetje v novem poslovnem svetu. Vse to je prisililo podjetja v drugačno razmišljanje in spremembo organiziranosti. V tem okviru stopi v ospredje procesna organiziranost, ki predstavlja način, ki organizaciji pomaga, da odgovarja na vprašanje, katere so tiste aktivnosti, ki prinašajo dodano vrednost za stranke. Pri prehodu iz funkcionalne v procesno organiziranost podjetja je ključnega pomena tudi sprememba vodenja, saj so vodje primorane spremeniti svoj dosedanji način oz. stil vodenja, tako da le-ta celoviteje ustreza potrebam procesnega delovanja organizacije. Na temelju preučevanega primera, lahko opredelimo naslednje ključne spremembe, in sicer, da se zaposlenim omogoči več svobode pri izvajanju dela ter vzpostavitev tesnejšega sodelovanja med vodjo in podrejenimi.


vodenje;vodja;stili vodenja;procesna organizacija;management;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Kovše]
UDC: 005.7:658
COBISS: 12788508 Link will open in a new window
Views: 805
Downloads: 142
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Leadership in a process organization
Secondary abstract: Leadership is considered one of the most studied management functions. Despite the many theoretical findings, the authors agree that an optimal leadership style does not exist. A leadership style is influenced by many factors that differ from company to company. It depends on for example the organization of the company, the leaders personality, their influence on employees, how and if employees accept their leader, etc. Any future leader must be able to adapt to changes in business as soon as possible, because it is the only way to run the business in the direction of achieving the given objectives. Nowadays business requires more and more success, efficiency and speed in adapting to market changes. The company that puts its innovative product or service as first on the market, develops a link with its suppliers and fulfills the ever growing expectations of customers, has enormous potential for surviving in the new world of business. All this has forced companies to think differently and change their organization. In this context a process organization is the best way, which also helps the company answer the question, what are the activities that bring added value to customers. In the transition from a functional to a process organization of the company it is also crucial to change the way of leadership, because the leaders are forced to change and adapt their current style of leading, so that it meets the needs of a process organization. Based of the studied example, the crucial changes are, to give employees more freedom in carrying out their work and establishing a closer cooperation between the leader and other employees.
Secondary keywords: Leadership;Leader;Leadership styles;Process organization;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 28 f.
ID: 9227749
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