magistrsko delo
Matej Adorjan (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Za uporabo dokumentov, pošiljanje spletne pošte, upravljanje stikov, skupne rabe dokumentov in številnih drugih storitev potrebujejo organizacije ustrezno programsko rešitev. Ponudnikov tovrstnih storitev je več, zato mora organizacija izvesti poglobljeno analizo in izbrati najustreznejšo. Večina informacijskih rešitev sledi sodobnemu trendu in se selijo v oblak. Seljenje v oblak pomeni, da se aplikacije in storitve, ki jih običajno poganjamo v lokalnem računalniku, izvajajo v najetih, zunanjih strežnikih oziroma velikih podatkovnih centrih. Takšno seljenje aplikacij in podatkov lahko ima za organizacije številne prednosti (ponudnik skrbi za varovanje podatkov, posodobitve, zagotovi strežniško infrastrukturo in številne druge prednosti), pojavijo pa se tudi slabosti (ne moremo preveriti, ali je ponudnik oblaka dobro zavaroval podatke; podatki potujejo preko različnih držav širom sveta, kjer so lahko razkriti ali prestreženi; varovanje podatkov ščitijo različne zakonodaje). V našem delu smo preverjali način uvedbe programske opreme kot storitev (Microsoft Office 365) v malo podjetje Valuta. Opisali smo teoretična izhodišča računalništva v oblaku, teoretična izhodišča uvajanja poslovnih rešitev, predstavili Microsoft Office 365 ter popisali dejansko informacijsko stanje v podjetju Valuta. Za uvedbo v podjetje smo izbrali vzporeden pristop po naslednjih korakih: predstavitev rešitve, sklenitev pogodbe, popis obstoječega stanja, načrtovanje uvedbe in uvedba, konfiguriranje in testiranje, izobraževanje uporabnikov, prenos podatkov in zagon v živo, vzdrževanje in podpora. V našem delu smo potrdili vse zastavljene hipoteze v povezavi z uvajanjem oblačne pisarniške rešitve Microsoft Office 365 v malo podjetje Valuta, kjer smo ugotovili, da bi uvedba prinesla številne prednosti pri poenostavitvi poslovanja v povezavi s skupno rabo dokumentov, stikov, koledarjev, spletne pošte in komunikacije.


računalništvo v oblaku;poslovna informatika;informacijske rešitve;Microsoft Office;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Adorjan]
UDC: 004.77(043.2)
COBISS: 12710172 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1098
Downloads: 162
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Cloud solution implementation of Microsoft Office 365 into small business company Valuta d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: For the use of documents, sending e-mail, contact management, document sharing, and many other services, organizations require an appropriate software solution. Providers of such services are numerous, hence the organization need to execute in-depth analysis prior to choosing the most suitable. Most IT solutions follow the trend of moving to cloud. It means that applications and services, which usually run on the local computer, are carried out in rented, external servers or large data centres. Such migration of applications and data can have numerous benefits for organizations (the provider is responsible for data protection updates, provides server infrastructure and a number of other advantages); some disadvantages also appear (you cannot verify whether the provider of the cloud has protected the information appropriately, data is traveling through various countries around the world where they can be disclosed or intercepted; data protection may fall under different legislation etc.). In thesis, we examined the way of the introduction of software as a service (Microsoft Office 365) in a small business Valuta. We described theoretical foundations of cloud computing, theoretical basis of deployment of business solutions and presented Microsoft Office 365 and catalogued the actual state of IT in Valuta. We have chosen a parallel approach for the introduction: solution presentation, contract, inventory, planning of the introduction and implementation, configuration and testing, user training, data transfer, live-start maintenance and support. Thesis confirmed all set hypothesis in relation to the implementation of the cloud solution Microsoft Office 365 in a small business Valuta. We concluded that the introduction of the cloud solution would bring several benefits in terms of business simplification related to sharing of document, contacts and calendars, email and communication.
Secondary keywords: cloud computing;software as a service;sharing;implementation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 56 str.
ID: 9228602