diplomsko delo
Ines Beganović (Author), Nada Turnšek (Mentor)


V predšolskem obdobju, zlasti v prvem starostnem obdobju, je zelo pomembno, da zagotovimo bogato in spodbudno učno okolje, ki otrokom ponuja možnost za igro in učenje z različnimi snovmi, predmeti in materiali. Posebej uspešni v zagotavljanju spodbudnega učnega okolja so nestrukturirani materiali, ki jih otroci spoznavajo, preizkušajo njihove lastnosti, rokujejo z njimi, se igrajo na različne načine in tako prek njih pridobivajo različne (učne) izkušnje. Nestrukturirani materiali ustvarjajo zlasti priložnosti za prehod k simbolni igri, za interakcije z vrstniki in prve začetke skupne igre. Omogočajo otrokovo kreativno odzivanje na izziv raznolikega materiala in problemske situacije, ki jih ustvarja vzgojiteljica. Tako je otrok dejavno udeležen v procesu učenja skozi igro. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela so opisana izhodišča procesno-razvojnega modela vzgojnega dela ter vloga vzgojitelja pri ustvarjanju pogojev za dejavno učenje otrok in simbolno igro. V empiričnem delu je predstavljen projekt, ki sem ga izvedla v Vrtcu Ciciban. V projektu so sodelovali od 2- do 3-letni otroci; ponudila sem jim različen nestrukturiran material (škatle, blago in volno). Opisala sem potek procesno-razvojnega načrtovanja, ki je vključevalo opazovanje in dokumentiranje rokovanja z materiali, ter igre, ki jo je material izzval. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni refleksijski in evalvacijski zapisi, v katerih je zapisano, na kak način sem opažanja uporabila kot izhodišče za nadaljnje načrtovanje dejavnosti – na osnovi zamisli, pobud, stvaritev in zanimanja otrok.


simbolna igra;procesno-razvojno načrtovanje;spodbudno učno okolje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [I. Beganović]
UDC: 373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 11343177 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1156
Downloads: 142
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Promotion of child's play with unstructured material
Secondary abstract: In the preschool period, especially in the first age, it is very important to provide a rich and stimulating learning environment that offers children the opportunity to play and learn with different materials, objects and materials. Particularly successful in providing a supportive learning environment are unstructured materials that children learn to test their properties, handle them, play with them in different ways, and through unstructured materials they get the new learning experience. Unstructured materials create particular opportunities for the transition to the symbolic play, for interaction with their peers and the first group games. They can respond a child’s feelings through different material and it can make solution for problems witch teacher create thought game. In this way, the child is actively involved in the process of learning through play. In the theoretical part of the thesis describes the starting process-development model of educational work and the role of the educator in creating the conditions for active learning of children and symbolic play. In the empirical part is presented the project that I carried out in the kindergarten Ciciban. The project involved 2-3 year-olds, which I offer different unstructured material (boxes, cloth and wool). I described the course of the process-development planning, which included observing and documenting the handling of materials and games that the material is challenged. The following are the reflection and evaluation records, which are records of how I used observations as a starting point for further planning activities - based on ideas, initiatives, creation and interests of children.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;play;predšolski otrok;igra;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: XII, 63 str.
ID: 9229009
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