magistrsko delo
Občutek za števila in količine predstavlja osnovo za nadaljnje usvajanje matematičnih znanj in spretnosti ter pomembno vpliva na posameznikovo prihodnost. Otroci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami pri matematiki so zato že apriori v slabšem položaju, saj je njihov občutek za števila in količine pogosto manj razvit. S spodbujanjem razvoja občutka za števila in količine v vrtcu in doma lahko pomembno vplivamo na poznejšo uspešnost otrok pri matematiki. Pri otrocih, ki izhajajo iz manj spodbudnega okolja zaradi različnih vzrokov (nižji socialno-ekonomski status, nižja izobrazba staršev ipd.), igrajo ključno vlogo izobraževalne ustanove, ki morajo tem otrokom nuditi intenzivnejšo podporo pri razvijanju občutka za števila in količine. Z opredelitvijo pojma »občutek za števila in količine« kot enega izmed kriterijev za diagnosticiranje specifičnih učnih težav pri matematiki v Kriterijih za opredelitev vrste in stopnje primanjkljajev, ovir oziroma motenj otrok s posebnimi potrebami (2014) je preučevanje občutka za števila in količine postalo pomembno za raziskovanje in razvoj specialne ter rehabilitacijske pedagogike.
V raziskavi je sodelovalo 159 otrok (82 dečkov in 77 deklic; od tega 15 otrok s posebnimi potrebami), ki naslednje leto vstopajo v šolo, ter njihovi starši. Osnovni cilj raziskave je bil raziskati razvitost občutka za števila in količine otrok pred vstopom v šolo, za kar smo oblikovali preizkus razvitosti občutka za števila in količine. Na osnovi rezultatov smo preverili zanesljivost in ustreznost oblikovanega merskega pripomočka. S pomočjo vprašalnika za starše smo pridobili podatke o stopnji izobrazbe staršev, o pogostosti vključevanja otroka v matematične dejavnosti doma in o stališčih staršev glede pomembnosti doseganja določenih matematičnih znanj in spretnosti pred vstopom v šolo. Z uporabo Mann-Whitneyevega in Kruskal-Wallisovega preizkusa smo primerjali razlike v rezultatu na preizkusu razvitosti občutka za števila in količine glede na starost, spol in prisotnost posebnih potreb. Spearmanov koeficient korelacije smo uporabili za preverjanje povezave med razvitostjo občutka za števila in količine pri otrocih in stopnjo izobrazbe staršev ter pogostostjo vključevanja otroka v matematične dejavnosti doma. Rezultati so potrdili razlike v razvitosti občutka za števila in količine glede na starost in prisotnost posebnih potreb, glede na spol pa razlik v rezultatu otrok ni bilo. Poleg omenjenega rezultati potrjujejo tudi, da pogostost vključevanja otroka v matematične dejavnosti doma ter stopnja izobrazbe staršev vplivata na razvitost občutka za števila in količine pri otrocih.
specifične učne težave;matematika;vloga staršev;neformalno učenje matematike;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[A. Jašarević] |
UDC: |
376:51(043.2) |
Views: |
814 |
Downloads: |
110 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Number sense and quantity in children prior to school entry |
Secondary abstract: |
Number sense represents the basis for the further acquisition of mathematical knowledge and skills and has a significant impact on one's future. This makes students with specific learning disabilities in math disadvantaged as their number sense is usually weaker. Early development of number sense in kindergarten and at home has an important effect on the subsequent performance in mathematics. For children coming from a less stimulating environment due to various reasons (lower socio-economic status, lower parent education level, etc.), educational institutions play a key role, as they need to provide more intensive support in developing number sense for these children. By defining number sense as one of the criteria for diagnosing specific learning difficulties in mathematics in the “Kriteriji za opredelitev vrste in stopnje primanjkljajev, ovir oziroma motenj otrok s posebnimi potrebami (2014),« number sense became an important issue for the exploration and development of the profession.
The study involved 159 children (82 boys and 77 girls; of these 15 children with special needs) who are starting with formal education in school the following year, and their parents. The central aim of the research was to investigate number sense in children prior to school entry, for which we designed a number sense test. On the basis of the results we wanted to determine the reliability and adequacy of the designed instrument. Using a questionnaire for parents we also gathered information about parents’ level of education, frequency of involving the child in mathematical activities at home and the opinions of parents regarding the importance of achieving specific mathematical skills prior to school entry. With the use of Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test we compared the childrens results according to their age, gender and the presence of special needs. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to identify correlation between child’s number sense and parents level of education, child’r number sense and the frequency of involving the child in experiences with mathematical skills (at home) and parents level of education and the frequency of involving the child in experiences with mathematical skills.
The results showed significant differences in the development of number sense according to age and the presence of special needs. Gender differences did not occur. The results also showed that the child’s result on the number sense test correlated with the frequency of domestic experience with mathematical activities (reported by parents) and parents level of education. |
Secondary keywords: |
pre-school child;backward child;predšolski otrok;otrok s posebnimi potrebami; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak. |
Pages: |
132 str. |
ID: |
9232218 |