Miha Slapničar (Author), Barbara Zaman (Author), Iztok Devetak (Author)


Kemija je naravoslovni predmet, ki mnogim učečim predstavlja težave in izzive. Raziskovalna vprašanja številnih študij se nanašajo na to, kako kemijsko učno vsebino približati učencem, dijakom in študentom, da bi jo laže razumeli in se jo učili z večjim zanimanjem. Rezultati raziskav potrjujejo, da je vzrok temu lahko tudi način poučevanja. Z namenom pridobitve mnenj študentov prvih letnikov na njihovo srednješolsko kemijo je bila na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani na začetku študijskega leta 2014/15 in 2015/16 izvedena raziskava, v kateri je sodelovalo 126 študentov. Anketni vprašalnik je bil sestavljen iz treh delov. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se anketirani študenti zavedajo povezave kemije z vsakdanjim življenjem, da jim dobro razloženi rezultati laboratorijskih vaj omogočajo lažje razumevanje kemijske učne vsebine in da so jim najmanj zanimive kemijske učne vsebine o redoks reakcijah. Spoznanja raziskave so izjemno pomembna za učitelje kemije tako v srednji kot tudi v osnovni šoli, saj narekujejo, kaj učeče motivira in katere aktivnosti jih spodbujajo k učenju in raziskovanju.


aktivni pouk;eksperimentalno delo;učne vsebine;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
UDC: 373.5:54
COBISS: 11407177 Link will open in a new window
Views: 662
Downloads: 147
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Opinion of the future teachers on secondary school chemistry
Secondary abstract: Chemistry is a science subject that poses difficulties and challenges to many learners. Research questions of numerous studies address the manner in which to make pupils and students familiar with the chemistry content to be learned, so that they would understand it better and learn it with greater interest. The research results confirm that a way of teaching plays a significant role thereto. At the beginning of the academic years 2014/15 and 2015/16 the research was conducted at the Faculty of Education, in which 126 students participated, with a view to obtaining the opinions of the first-year students on their high school chemistry. The questionnaire was divided into three parts. The research results show that the respondents are aware of the connection of chemistry with everyday life, that well explained results of lab work facilitate the understanding of the chemistry content to be learned, and that they find the redox reactions to be the least interesting chemistry learning content. The research findings are extremely important for chemistry teachers in secondary school as well as in elementary school, as they dictate the motifs of learners and the activities which encourage them to study and conduct research.
Secondary keywords: teacher;chemistry;secondary education;učitelj;kemija;srednješolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Other
Pages: Str. 982-995
ID: 9250743