Renato Vrenčur (Author)


Posest je dejanska oblast nad stvarjo. Posestnik je sicer v takem odnosu do stvari, da lahko stvar rabi, jo uživa in z njo razpolaga, pri čemer pa ni pomembno ali ima tudi pravico stvar rabiti, uživati ter z njo razpolagati. Posest predstavlja eno izmed temeljnih komponent (upravičenj) lastninske pravice, ki sicer kljub temu, da predstavlja le dejansko oblast nad stvarjo, vendarle kaže na določeno pripadnost stvari osebi, ki to dejansko oblast izvaja. Posest ni pravica, zato ne vsebuje temeljnih upravičenj, vsebuje pa pravovarstveno upravičenje. Posestnik, za katerega pa ni nujno, da sploh ima pravico stvar imeti v posesti, lahko zahteva varstvo posesti bodisi s samopomočjo bodisi s tožbo. Knjiga vsestransko obravnava pravno ureditev posesti, hkrati pa vsebuje sistematično zbrano in razvrščeno najnovejšo sodno prakso s tega področja.


stvarno pravo;posest;stvarne pravice;pravno varstvo;motenje posesti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.01 - Scientific Monograph
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: Univerzitetna založba Univerze
UDC: 347.251(497.4)(0.034.2)
COBISS: 88702209 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-286-000-4
Views: 2034
Downloads: 310
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Legal Regulation of Possession in Sloveni
Secondary abstract: Possession is actual control over a thing. While the relationship between a possessor and a thing allows the former to use the thing, enjoy it and dispose of it, it is not important if he or she also has the right to do so. Possession represents one of fundamental components (entitlements) of ownership, which, despite the fact that it only represents actual control over a thing, nevertheless indicates certain belonging of a thing to a person who exercises actual control. Possession is not a right and therefore does not include fundamental entitlements, but it does contain the entitlement to legal protection. A possessor, who does not necessarily even have the right to possess a thing, may require protection of possession either through self-help or with an action. The monograph comprehensively discusses regulation of possession, and at the same time offers systematically collected and arranged recent case law in this field.
Secondary keywords: Stvarno pravo;Posest;Slovenija;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: 108
DOI: 10.18690/978-961-286-000-4
ID: 9250753