diplomski seminar
Tadej Jančar (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor)


Banke se v današnjem svetu morajo truditi za svoj obstoj, za to so primorane slediti določenim trendom. Eden izmed njih je poslovanje na daljavo, kar jim omogoča sodobna informacijska tehnologija, ki je pospešila razvoj elektronskega bančništva - poslovanje med komitentom in banko preko spleta. Elektronsko bančništvo je v večji meri nadomestilo bančno poslovanje z bankomati, plačilnimi karticami in poslovanje preko telefona, in tako komitentu olajšalo opravljanje različnih bančnih in finančnih storitev kar od doma. Elektronsko bančništvo se je razvilo z namenom olajšati stik komitenta z banko. Tako se je pokazalo veliko prednosti tovrstnega poslovanja, kot je prihranek časa, poti v banko, nižje stroške poslovanja in vrsto drugih ugodnih pogojev. Diplomski seminar bo sestavljen iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela, ki bo predstavljal zadnji del. V teoretičnem delu bodo predstavljeni različni pojmi, ki se bodo nadgrajevali od razlage pojmov s širšim pomenom, do tistih z ožjim pomenom. Tako bo teoretični del zajemal opredelitev elektronskega poslovanja, ki je opredeljeno s številnimi definicijami, vrste elektronskega poslovanja in najpomembnejše razloge za razvoj elektronskega poslovanja. Sledila bo opredelitev elektronskega bančništva, opis njegovega razvoja, nasveti za varno uporabo elektronskega bančništva, ter prednosti in slabosti tako za komitente, kakor tudi za banke. V tem delu bomo opisali še značilnosti elektronskega bančništva in njegove sestavne dele. V zadnjem delu bomo podrobno predstavili elektronsko bančništvo Addiko Bank, d. d. in spletno banko Addiko E-Bank.


bančno poslovanje;elektronsko poslovanje;elektronsko bančništvo;elektronske storitve;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Jančar]
UDC: 336.71:004.738.5
COBISS: 12749852 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2000
Downloads: 146
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Electronic banking of Addiko Bank d.d.
Secondary abstract: In order to maintain their existence in the world today, banks are forced to follow certain trends; one of such trends is e-commerce which has been enabled by modern information technology and which has facilitated the development of e-banking – an online business activity between the customer and the bank. Retail banking through ATMs, credit cards and telephone banking have increasingly been replaced by e-banking which has facilitated the customer to use different banking and financial services from the privacy of their own home. E-banking has been developed with intention to facilitate connection between the customer and the bank which resulted in numerous advantages of such banking; e.g. time saving, going to the bank, lower operating costs and several other favourable terms. The diploma seminar is composed of the theoretical and the empirical part, the latter being the conclusion of the thesis. In the theoretical part various definitions are presented, based upon the explanation of those with the broadest meaning to those with the narrowest meaning. Consequently, the theoretical part encompasses the definition of e-banking, which is defined by numerous definitions, types of e-banking and the most significant reasons for the development of e-commerce. The theoretical part is followed by the definition of e-banking, description of its development, advice on the safe use of e-banking, and advantages and disadvantages, not only for consumers but the banks, as well. This part also entails the characteristics of e-banking and its component parts. In the final part, a detailed presentation of e-banking Addiko Bank, d.d., Addiko E-Bank online banking concludes the thesis.
Secondary keywords: E-commerce;e-banking;Addiko Bank;Addiko E-Bank;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 38 str.
ID: 9580002
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