magistrsko delo
Saška Škrubej (Author), Milena Blažič (Mentor), Simona Prosen (Co-mentor)


Spodbujanje osebnostnega in socialno-čustvenega razvoja otrok je pomembna naloga strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu in šoli, pri čemer so jim na voljo različne metode in tehnike. Poslušanje in pripovedovanje pravljic je za otroka pomembna razvojna spodbuda, saj imajo pravljice velik pomen za otrokov osebnostni, moralni in socialno-čustveni razvoj. Teoretični del magistrskega dela obravnava značilnosti socialno-čustvenega razvoja otrok v zgodnjem in srednjem otroštvu ter pomen krepitve njegovih socialno-čustvenih spretnosti, kjer imajo pomembno vlogo tudi vzgojitelji in učitelji. Prav tako predstavljam različne definicije pravljice ter teoretične pristope pri njeni obravnavi, pri čemer se osredotočam na razvojni in psihološki pomen pravljic, zlasti za socialno-čustveni razvoj otrok. Pravljico umeščam v vzgojno-izobraževalni kontekst, predstavljam njen pomen za predšolske in šolske otroke, ter značilnosti njenega posredovanja. V empiričnem delu sem z opazovanjem otrok, z individualnimi pogovori z njimi ter z izvajanjem pravljičnih delavnic, želela preveriti značilnosti socialno-čustvenega doživljanja in vedenja otrok (izražanje veselja, zaupljivost, strpnost, socialna vključenost, mirnost in prosocialnost) pred, med in po izvedbi pravljičnih delavnic. Vzorec predstavljata ena skupina predšolskih (N=23) in ena skupina šolskih (N=23) otrok, znotraj vsake skupine pa še štirje posamezni otroci. Pred izvedbo pravljičnih delavnic so bili predšolski otroci manj strpni in mirni kakor šolski otroci, po izvedbi pravljičnih delavnic pa je socialno-čustveno vedenje predšolskih otrok pri večini opazovanih področij napredovalo bolj kakor vedenje šolskih otrok, kar se je pokazalo tako pri celi skupini kot pri posameznih opazovanih otrocih. Nekatere pravljične delavnice so bile otrokom bolj blizu kot druge. Socialno-čustveno vedenje predšolskih in šolskih otrok je bilo najustreznejše med delavnico Reševanje konfliktov, najmanj ustrezno pa med delavnicama Medosebni odnosi (predšolski otroci) in Čustva (šolski otroci). Izvedena raziskava je pomemben doprinos k praksi vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela, saj lahko s pravljičnimi delavnicami v daljšem časovnem obdobju spodbujamo otrokov socialno-čustveni razvoj in dosežemo spremembe v njihovem vedenju.


predšolski otroci;šolski otroci;socialno-čustveni razvoj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Škrubej]
UDC: 82-343(043.2)
COBISS: 11490377 Link will open in a new window
Views: 766
Downloads: 157
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Significance of fairy tales for socio-emotional development of children
Secondary abstract: Promotion of personal and socio-emotional development of children is an important task of professionals in the kindergarten and school, where there are available various methods and techniques. Listening and storytelling is an important development initiative for children as the tales have great importance for child's personal, moral and socio-emotional development. Theoretical part of the master's thesis deals with the characteristics of socio-emotional development of children in early and middle childhood and the importance of strenghtening its social and emotional skils where teachers and tutors have a very important role. I present various definitions of fairy tales and theoretical approaches at it's treatment, whereby I focused on the development and psychological importance of fairy tales, particulary for social-emotional development of children. I placed the fairytale in an educational context and representing it's importance for preschool and school children as well as the characteristics of their intervention. In the empirical part, by observing children, through individual interviews with them and with implementation of fairy-workshops , I wanted to check the characteristics of socio-emotional experience and behavior of children (expression of joy, trusting, tolerance, social inclusion, calmness and prosocialty) before, during and after implementation od fairy-workshop. The sample represents a group of preschool children (N=23) and one group of school children (N=23), within each group also four individual children. Before carrying out the fairy-workshops, preschool children were less tolerant and peaceful as school children. After the implementation of fairy-workshops, the social-emotional behavior of preschool children in most of observed areas advanced more than behavior of school children, which was seen in whole group as well as individual observed children. Some of the fairy-workshops children liked more than others. Socio-emotional behaviour of preschool and school children was most appropriate during the workshop „conflict resolution“ and least appropriate during workshop „interpersonal relationships“ (preschool children) and „emotions“ (school children). This research is an important contribution to the practice of educational work, as we can by using fairy-workshops over time encourage the child's socio-emotional development and achieve changes in their behavior.
Secondary keywords: fairy tale;child;pravljica;otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: VII, 110 str.
ID: 9593259