diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa
Martin Mlakar (Author), Uroš Klanšek (Mentor), Zoran Pučko (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava operativno planiranje in tehnološke procese gradnje logističnega centra Dacar v Kranju. V teoretičnem delu so pojasnjeni glavni osnovni pojmi in pomeni, ki se pojavijo v diplomskem delu. Vsebina diplomskega dela so opis objekta, določitev aktivnosti, časa trajanja aktivnosti, števila in vrste resursov pri aktivnosti, določitev vrstnega reda izvajanja aktivnosti, izdelava statičnih in dinamičnih spremljajočih planov za delovno silo in mehanizacijo, ter tehnološki procesi, ki se pojavijo pri gradnji. Po teoretičnem delu sledi predstavitev objekta z arhitekturnimi in tehničnimi podatki. V obliki tabel so izdelani statični spremljajoči plani delovne sile in mehanizacije, trajanje aktivnosti, vrstni red izvajanja aktivnosti in dinamični plani količin delovne sile in mehanizacije. V analitičnem delu je predstavljen tudi postopek terminskega planiranja, opis kritične poti in trajanje časovnih rezerv. Rezultat tega sta modificirani gantogram in mrežni diagram. V naslednjem poglavju sledi dinamični spremljajoči plan, v katerem je prikazana količinska potreba resursov, za potrebni material in delovno silo. Operativnemu delu sledijo še tehnološki procesi, ki opisujejo potek montaže jeklene konstrukcije od izrisa do izvedbe konstrukcije. V zaključku so povzeti rezultati in njihova ocena.


operativno planiranje;terminski plan;statični plan;dinamični plan;gantogram;mrežni diagram;tehnološki proces;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [M. Mlakar]
UDC: 69.05(043.2)
COBISS: 20678678 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1782
Downloads: 208
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Operative planning and technological processes of construction for logistic center Dacar in Kranj
Secondary abstract: This diploma thesis presents dealing with operative planning and the technological processes of construction of a logistical center Dacar in Kranj. Main basic concepts and meanings, that appear in a dissertation, are explained in theoretical part. The content of dissertation is based on the description of a building, the designation of activity, the designation of time of length of activity, number and type of resources at activity, designation of the order of activity execution, production of static and dynamic accompanying plans for manpower and mechanization and technological procedures, that appear at construction. The presentation of a facility follows with architectural and technical data after theoretical part. Static accompanying plans of manpower and mechanization, length of activity, order of execution of activity and dynamic plans of amounts of manpower and mechanization are formulated in tables. Procedure of time planning is also presented in analytical part, description of critical way and length of time reserves. Result this is modified gantt chart and network diagram. Dynamic accompanying plan, that displays a quantitative need of supplies, follows for necessary material and manpower in the next chapter. Operative planning part is followed by technological processes, that are describing the progress of the steel construction assembly from plotting to the execution of construction. Results and their evaluation are summarised in conclusion.
Secondary keywords: operative planning;term plan;static plan;dynamic plan;Gantt Chart;network diagram;technologic process;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Gradbeništvo
Pages: VIII, 78 f.
ID: 9598777
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