Aleksander Jenko (Author), Matjaž Roblek (Author)


Background and Purpose: Many researchers have investigated various Critical success factors (CSFs) and the different causes of ERP implementation project failures. Despite a detailed literature preview, we were unable to find an appropriate research with a comprehensive overview of the true causes behind CSFs, observed from a human factors perspective. The objective of this research was therefore to develop and evaluate the Primary human factors (PHFs) model and to confirm the significant impact of PHFs on traditional CSFs and on the project success. Design/Methodology/Approach: The comprehensive PHFs research model was developed and examined in empirical quantitative research with the use of available literature and the application of the Root cause analysis. A survey was conducted in various Slovenian organisations in different branches that had previously implemented the ERP system SAP. The model was verified on a sample of 21 experts from 18 organisations. Results: The results show that the PHFs have a significant positive impact on the ERP implementation project success, but only the Competence and Team composition factors are significant linear predictors in an adapted regression model and contribute significantly in predicting project success. These results therefore confirm both proposed hypotheses and the adapted regression model. Conclusion: This study improves the understanding of PHFs and confirms that they have a significant impact on traditional CSFs and the ERP implementation project success. The proposed PHFs model offers project managers and other stakeholders an effective risk assessment of CSFs and is leading the way to human oriented model of ERP implementations.


ERP implementation project;critical success factors;primary human factors model;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
UDC: 659.2:004
COBISS: 4203464 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-5454
Parent publication: Organizacija
Views: 925
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Model primarnih človeških kritičnih dejavnikov uspeha za implementacijo ERP sistema
Secondary abstract: Ozadje in namen: Mnogo raziskovalcev je preiskovalo najrazličnejše Kritične dejavnike uspeha (KDU) in različne vzroke za neuspeh projektov ERP implementacij. Kljub podrobnemu pregledu razpoložljive literature nismo našli ustrezne raziskave s celovitim pregledom dejanskih vzrokov, ki se skrivajo za KDU, z vidika človeških dejavnikov. Cilj raziskave je bil razviti in ovrednotiti model Primarnih človeških dejavnikov (PČD) in potrditi njihov pomemben vpliv na tradicionalne KDU ter uspešnost projekta implementacije. Zasnova/Metodologija/Pristop: S pomočjo zbrane literature in uporabe vzročno-posledične analize je bil razvit celovit raziskovalni model PČD, ki smo ga preverili z empirično raziskavo. Izvedena je bila anketa s sodelujočimi iz različnih slovenskih podjetjih, ki delujejo v različnih branžah in ki so v preteklosti implementirala ERP sistem SAP. Model je bil preverjen na vzorcu 21 strokovnjakov iz 18 organizacij. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo PČD pomemben pozitiven vpliv na uspešnost projektov ERP implementacij, vendar sta samo dva dejavnika, Kompetence in Sestava projektnega tima, značilna linearna napovedovalca v prilagojenem regresijskem modelu in značilno prispevata k napovedovanju uspešnosti projekta. Rezultati tako potrdijo obe predlagani hipotezi in prilagojen regresijski model. Zaključek: Raziskava izboljšuje razumevanje PČD ter potrjuje njihov pomemben vpliv na tradicionalne KDU in uspešnost projektov ERP implementacij. Predlagan model PČD omogoča projektnim vodjem in ostalim sodelujočim na projektu učinkovito oceniti tveganja posameznih KDU in nakazuje pot k človeku usmerjenemu modelu ERP implementacij.
Secondary keywords: projekt ERP;implementacija;kritični dejavniki;človeški dejavniki;informacijske rešitve;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 145-160
Volume: ǂVol. ǂ49
Issue: ǂno. ǂ3
Chronology: aug. 2016
DOI: 10.1515/orga-2016-0014
ID: 9599414