pregled literature
Uvod: Epiduralna analgezija predstavlja najbolj razširjeno metodo za blaženje porodne bolečine. Zaradi pomembnih stranskih učinkov epiduralne analgezije na vzpostavljanje dojenja, ki predstavlja ključni dejavnik otrokovega zdravega telesnega in psihosocialnega razvoja, je pomembno raziskovanje in ozaveščanje porodnic o teh posrednih vplivih epiduralne analgezije na otrokov razvoj in razvoj njunega medosebnega odnosa. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti epiduralno analgezijo in njene potencialne vplive na vzpostavljanje dojenja ter s tem na otrokov telesni in psihosocialni razvoj. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metodologija. Opravljen je bil pregled literature bibliografskih baz COBIB.SI, CINAHL, PubMed ter SAGE Journals Online z izbranimi ključnimi besedami. Iskalne ključne besede so bile dojenje, epiduralna analgezija, stranski učinki ter medicinska sestra in babica. V analizo je bilo vključeno sedem člankov, kjer je bila ključna ugotovitev, da uporaba epiduralne analgezije največ vpliva na kasnejši prvi podoj ter vzdrževanje dojenja. Rezultati: V pregledu literature je ugotovljeno, da ima epiduralna analgezija pomembne negativne vplive na vzpostavitev dojenja, zato pomembno vpliva na mater in novorojenca. Pri ženskah povzroča padec oksitocina, pojav povečane telesne temperature ter povečano potrebo po instrumentalnem porodu, s tem pa otežuje vzpostavitev prvega stika med materjo in novorojencem. Na novorojenca pa vpliva tako, da zmanjša budnost in refleksne odzive, zaradi česar novorojenec težje sodeluje pri dojenju. Razprava in sklep: S pregledom literature je ugotovljeno, da epiduralna analgezija pomembno negativno vpliva na vzpostavljanje dojenja, in sicer tako z vidika porodnice kot novorojenca. Pri porodnici povzroča padec oksitocina, porast febrilnosti in poveča potrebo po instrumentalnem porodu, s tem pa otežuje vzpostavljanje prvega stika med porodnico in novorojencem. Pri novorojencu epiduralna analgezija zmanjšuje budnost in refleksne odzive, zaradi česar novorojenec težje sodeluje pri vzpostavljanju dojenja. Pri zmanjševanju negativnih posledic epiduralne analgezije na dojenje in posredno na otrokovo telesno in psihosocialno zdravje imata ključno vlogo babica in medicinska sestra, ki morata porodnico sprva informirati ter jo seznaniti z vsemi indirektnimi in direktnimi učinki epiduralne analgezije, nato pa tudi pomagati pri vzpostavljanju dojenja s čustveno oporo in spodbudo.
diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;dojenje;epiduralna analgezija;stranski učinki;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL ZF - University College of Health Studies |
Publisher: |
[Z. Nunić] |
UDC: |
616-083 |
Views: |
1460 |
Downloads: |
723 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Effect of epidural analgesia on the success of the breastfeeding |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: Epidural analgesia is the most widespread method to alleviate labor pain. Due to the significant side effects of epidural analgesia on the establishment of breastfeeding, which is a key operatives of the child's healthy physical and psychosocial development, it is important to research and improve awareness of pregnant women about these indirect effects of epidural analgesia on the child's development and the development of their interpersonal relationship. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to present epidural analgesia and its potential impact on breastfeeding and thereby the child's physical and psychosocial development. Methods: In the thesis, we use descriptive methodology, namely we perform a literature review, which is derived from bibliographic databases (COBISS, CINAHL, PubMed ter SAGE Journals Online) with selected keywords. Results: The literature review concludes that epidural analgesia has significant negative effects on the establishment of breastfeeding, and therefore important effects on the mother and the newborn. In women, it causes the fall of oxytocin, rises fever and increases the need for instrumental delivery, and thus complicates the establishment of the first contact between the mother and her newborn child. In the newborn epidural analgesia reduces alertness and reflex responses, resulting in the newborn harder to participate in establishing of breastfeeding. Discussion and conclusion: A key role is performed by a midwife and nurse in the case of reducing the negative effects of epidural analgesia on breastfeeding and indirectly on a child's physical and psychosocial health. They primarily must inform the mother and make her aware of all the indirect and direct effects of epidural analgesia, and then secondarily then also assist in establishing breastfeeding with emotional support and encouragement. |
Secondary keywords: |
diploma theses;nursing care;breastfeeding;epidural analgesia;side effects; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Dipl. delo (bolonjski študij), Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego |
Pages: |
26 str. |
ID: |
9600038 |