magistrsko delo
Simona Korent (Author), Mojca Duh (Mentor)


Odločitve strateškega managementa izhajajo iz poznavanja podjetniškega okolja in samega sebe. S pomočjo različnih metod planiranja strategij preučujemo posamezne strateške dejavnike podjetja in v okolju podjetja, ki so v pomoč strateškemu managementu pri iskanju strateških možnosti in strategij ter pri izbiri dolgoročnih odločitev. Za učinkovito planiranje razvoja podjetja imamo na razpolago metode za iskanje strateških možnosti in strategij. Metode planiranja strategij omogočajo podjetju prepoznati svoje prednosti, ki jih mora razvijati, slabosti, ki jih mora izboljšati, zaznati morebitne priložnosti, ki jih mora izkoristiti ter nevarnosti, ki se jim mora izogniti. Prvi del magistrskega dela je namenjen predstavitvi značilnosti samostojnega podjetnika ter opredelitvi MER-ovega modela integralnega managementa in strateškega managementa. V nadaljevanju opišemo izbrane metode planiranja strategij, namenjene proučevanju podjetja ter proučevanju okolja podjetja. Prav tako v tem delu opišemo izbrane metode planiranja strategij, namenjene celoviti analizi podjetja in njegovega okolja. Drugi del magistrskega dela namenjamo predstavitvi izbranega samostojnega podjetnika in analizi samostojnega podjetnika na podlagi izbranih metod planiranja strategij, namenjenih proučevanju podjetja in njegovega okolja ter celoviti analizi podjetja in okolja. V nadaljevanju bomo na podlagi rezultatov izbranih metod planiranja strategij podali možne strateške usmeritve samostojnega podjetnika. Podali bomo sintezo raziskovalnih spoznanj ter oceno uporabnosti izbranih metod planiranja strategij na primeru samostojnega podjetnika. Zadnji del magistrskega dela je namenjen sklepnim ugotovitvam raziskave.


podjetnik;samostojni podjetnik;strateški management;integralni management;poslovno okolje;modeli;uporabnost;analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Korent]
UDC: 005.21:334.72(043.2)
COBISS: 12777500 Link will open in a new window
Views: 844
Downloads: 100
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Instrumental dimensions of MER model and its usefulness for sole proprietorship
Secondary abstract: Strategic management decisions come from knowing business environment and oneself. We are studying various individual strategic factors of the company and company’s environment with various strategy planning methods which help strategic management in search of strategic possibilities and strategies, and in long-term decisions. We have methods for searching strategic possibilities and strategies for efficient planning and development of the company. Strategy planning methods enable the company to recognise the advantages they need to develop, weaknesses they need to improve, detect potential opportunities they need to take advantage of, and hazards they need to avoid. The first part of the thesis presents characteristics of an private entrepreneur and definition of MER’s model of integral management and strategic management. We continue by describing the selected strategy planning methods for studying the company and studying the company’s environment. This part also describes the selected strategy planning methods for a comprehensive analysis of the company and its environment. The second part of the thesis presents the selected private entrepreneur and analysis of private entrepreneur on the basis of selected strategy planning methods for studying the company and its environment, and a comprehensive analysis of the company and environment. Based on results of selected strategy planning methods, we will provide potential strategic directions of the private entrepreneur. We will provide a synthesis of research findings and assessment of applicability of selected strategy planning methods on the example of the private entrepreneur. The final part of the thesis contains conclusions of the research.
Secondary keywords: sole proprietorship;strategic management;MER model;internal scanning;environmental scanning;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: IV, 98 str.
ID: 9603261