Brigita Kacjan (Author), Saša Jazbec (Author)


Prispevek obravnava zanimivo in pomembno, a doslej prezrto temo, to je zastopanost frazemov skupaj s pregovori v učnih načrtih in/ali katalogih znanja. Ti dokumenti so uradni nacionalni dokumenti, ki določajo okvire pouka na makroravni. Vanje sodijo tudi frazemi vključno s pregovori, saj gre za naravne večbesedne, frekventne, stabilne jezikovne enote, za katere je značilna idiomatičnost. Kot take so pomemben del vsakdanjega jezka in pričakovali bi, da so torej posledično ustrezno zastopani, obravnavani v učnih načrtih in/ali katalogih znanja za jezikovne predmete na različnih stopnjah celotne vertikale izobraževanja. V empiričnem delu, kjer so nanizani izseki iz skupno 11 učnih načrtov ali katalogov znanja, se je pokazalo, da so frazemi in pregovori zelo skromno zastopani, da se pojavljajo nesistematično, sporadično, da je terminološki aparat neenoten, didaktični postopki pa pogosto zgolj nakazani. Tak prikaz stanja je zaokrožen v zaključku, kjer so nakazane še možnosti za izboljšanje ugotovljenega stanja.


Idiom;Syllabus;Katalog des Wissens;Slowenien;Deutsch als Fremdsprache;Phraseme;Sprichwörter;Bildungssystem;


Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 81'373.7:37.016(497.4)
COBISS: 50957154 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1855-8453
Parent publication: Vestnik za tuje jezike
Views: 1813
Downloads: 142
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Idioms and proverbs in official documents of the Slovene school system
Secondary abstract: The paper deals with an interesting and important, but hitherto neglected phenomenon, the presence of idioms and proverbs in the Slovenian curricula and/or knowledge catalogues. These are official national documents and at the macro level they set out a framework for language teaching and idioms and proverbs are constituent parts of them, as they are natural, multiword, frequent, stable linguistic units with idiomatic characteristics. They represent a significant part of everyday language and it would be expected that they will be accordingly represented in the curriculum/knowledge catalogues for the language subjects in the entire vertical of the Slovenian school system. In the empirical part, where excerpts from a total of 11 curriculum/knowledge catalogs are cited, it is shown that idioms and proverbs occur in only a very modest size, unsystematically and sporadically, that the related terminology is not uniform and that the methodological guidelines are often only indicated. This presentation is rounded up in the conclusion, where possibilities to improve the unsatisfying state concerning idioms and proverbs are presented.
Secondary keywords: tuji jeziki;nemščina;slovenščina;frazemi;frazeologija;pregovori;učni načrti;katalogi znanja;Slovenija;ne zaključna dela;foreign languages;Slovene;idioms;phraseology;proverbs;lesson plans;catalogs of knowledge;Slovenia;Jezikovni vplivi;Učenje in poučevanje;Jeziki;Nemščina;Slovenščina;Frazeologija;Izobraževalni programi;Katalogi znanja;Didaktika;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 83-101
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ4
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1/2
Chronology: 2012
ID: 9630640