diplomsko delo
Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti kateri dejavniki vplivajo na izbiro in nakup sirov. V teoretičnem delu sem s pomočjo strokovne literature predelala nakupne navade in obnašanje potrošnikov, podrobneje sem predstavila vrste nakupnega obnašanja, zadovoljstvo porabnikov in proces nakupnega odločanja ter dejavnike, ki vplivajo na nakupno obnašanje. Kot uvod v raziskavo sem najprej predstavila slovenski trg mleka in trg sirov. V drugem delu sem s pomočjo raziskave predstavila cilje raziskave, kakšno metodologijo dela sem uporabila in predstavila ter analizirala anketni vprašalnik ter podala predloge za povečanje zadovoljstva odjemalcev.
potrošnik;vedenje;zadovoljstvo;kakovost;cene;blagovne znamke;oglaševanje;varnost;mlečni izdelki;tržna analiza;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2009 |
Source: |
Koper |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[D. Žbona] |
UDC: |
658.89:637.3 |
Views: |
2489 |
Downloads: |
483 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Factors which affect the choice and purchase of cheeses |
Secondary abstract: |
The purpose of this diploma work to find out the factors which affect the choice and purchase of cheeses. The theoretical part covers the purchase habits and behaviour of consumers. Moreover, the buying behaviour is described in detail as well as satisfaction of consumers and the process of buying decisions and factors which affect the buying behaviour. In the introduction of the research teh Slovenian milk and cheese market is presented. In the second part, the aims of the research are listed, the methodology used is explained and the questionnaire is presented and analysed. In the and, some suggestions how to increase the satisfacton of consumers are given. |
Secondary keywords: |
behavior of consumers;satisfaction;quality;chees;experience;price;brand name; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
43 str., [5] str. pril. |
Keywords (UDC): |
applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;communication and transport industries;accountancy;business management;public relations;komunikacije in transport;knjigovodstvo;poslovni menedžment;stiki z javnostjo;business management;administration;commercial organization;poslovni menedžment;administracija;komercialna organizacija;marketing;sales;selling;distribution;prodaja;distribucija;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;agriculture and related sciences and techniques;forestry;farming;wildlife exploitation;kmetijstvo ter sorodne vede in tehnologije;produce of domestic (farmyard) animals and game;proizvodi domačih živali in divjadi; |
ID: |
985765 |