diplomsko delo
Primož Koležnik (Author), Miran Brezočnik (Mentor), Jože Balič (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo najprej povzeli zgodovinski razvoj NC-tehnologije in navedli sodobne trende na tem področju. Nekoliko podrobneje smo se posvetili STEP-NC metodologij. Jedro naloge je posvečeno primerjalni študiji med programoma DEPOCAM 6 in UGS NX4 za NC-programiranje. Vpeljali smo različne kriterije primerjave, programa pa smo primerjali tudi na osnovi izvedbe praktičnih primerov. Ugotovili smo, da se programa precej razlikujeta, zato je bilo tudi pričakovati velik razkorak časa izdelave med dvema operacijama z istimi rezalnimi parametri. Ugotovili smo, da je programski paket DEPOCAM 6 veliko boljši pri časovni primerjavi, ker je specializiran program za programiranje CNC strojev, vendar z njim ne moremo narisati ali popravljati 3D-risb. Po drugi strani pa je paket UGS NX4 splošen paket za 3D-risanje in analiziranje, simuliranje različnih obremenitev na obdelovancu, zato je primeren za prototipne delavnice, kjer lahko obdelovanec nenehno spreminjamo in dograjujemo. Takšen paket je dobrodošel tam, kjer so operater, programer in konstrukter na enem delovnem mestu.


CNC stroji;CNC programiranje;NC program;študij primerov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [P. Koležnik]
UDC: 004.89:62-5(043.2)
COBISS: 13484054 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3115
Downloads: 354
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison between DEPOCAM end UGS NX4 programs for programming of CNC-machines
Secondary abstract: In this thesis we summarized the development of NC-technology throughout the history and stated modern trends of this area. STEP-NC technology was discussed in more detail. The main part of the thesis includes the comparison of DEPOCAM 6 and UGS NX4 programmes for programming. We initiated different criteria of comparison and compared the programmes in two practical cases. The important realization was that the two types of software are very different; therefore a large difference in production time was expected. We established, that the DEPOCAM 6 software is much better in production time, as it is specialised for programming CNC- sided moulding machines, however it cannot be used for drawing or editing 3D pictures. On the other hand, this software is appropriate for programming CNC machines. UGD NX4 as mechanical system enables general usage of 3D drawing and analysing, simulating different pressure on the product during process, therefore ii is appropriate for prototype workshops, where the product can be changed during the process at any time. Such package is appreciated where the operator, the programmer and the constructor are working together.
Secondary keywords: CNC-machines;CNC programming;NC-program;STEP-NC;case studies;DEPOCAM 6;UGS NX4;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: IX, 53 str.
Keywords (UDC): science and knowledge;organization;computer science;information;documentation;librarianship;institutions;publications;znanost in znanje;organizacije;informacije;dokumentacija;bibliotekarstvo;institucije;publikacije;prolegomena;fundamentals of knowledge and culture;propaedeutics;prolegomena;splošne osnove znanosti in kulture;computer science and technology;computing;data processing;računalniška znanost in tehnologija;računalništvo;obdelava podatkov;artificial intelligence;umetna inteligenca;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;engineering;technology in general;inženirstvo;tehnologija na splošno;operation and control of machines and processes;režim dela in upravljanje s stroji in procesi;
ID: 986851
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