diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
Karla Rupnik (Author), Janez Mayer (Mentor)


Prednosti izobraževanja na daljavo se kažejo že v njegovih zgodnjih začetkih, s katerimi smo začeli teoretični del diplomske naloge. Po uvodnem delu smo se opredelili predvsem na študij na daljavo in z raziskavo na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede prišli do pozitivnih odzivov študentov na ta način študija. Presenetljivo je dejstvo, koliko časa se o študiju na daljavo že govori in piše, še vedno pa ima tako malo študentov izkušnje z njim. V diplomski nalogi smo zajeli mnenja o stroških študija na daljavo, porabljenem času za tak način študija, samodisciplini, pridobljenem znanju in izkušnjah stotih rednih in izrednih študentov Fakultete za organizacijske vede. Starost anketiranih študentov se giblje med devetnajst in štiriinštirideset let. Povprečna starost rednih študentov je deset let nižja od starosti izrednih študentov. Anketiranih je bilo osemintrideset žensk in dvainšestdeset moških. Presenetljiv je pozitiven rezultat ankete glede njihovega računalniškega znanja. Samo pet od stotih anketiranih študentov je mnenja, da njihovo računalniško znanje ni zadovoljivo. Opis prednosti in pomanjkljivosti smo iz teoretičnega dela razširili v empiričnem delu naloge, v katerem so študenti z rangiranjem kot največjo slabost določili pomanjkanje pristnega stika s profesorji, na drugo mesto so postavili pomanjkanje stika s kolegi, sledi prepuščenost lastni iznajdljivosti. Zadnja tri mesta zasedajo pomanjkanje samodiscipline, stroški informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije in informacijsko znanje. Slednje pri odločanju anketiranih študentov, sprejeti način študija na daljavo ali ne, ne bi imelo odločilne vloge. Rangiranje prednosti pa so anketirani študenti postavili v naslednji vrstni red: časovna prilagodljivost kot največja prednost, nižji stroški se jim zdijo enako pomembna prednost kot oddaljenost od fakultete in izpolnjevanje službenih obveznosti. Sledi jim večja samostojnost pri študiju, študijska ustvarjalnost, večja zanimivost študiranja kot pri klasičnem načinu podajanja znanja, na zadnje prednostno mesto pa so anketirani študenti dali obvladovanje družinskih obveznosti. Mnenja študentov o tem, koliko bi jih klasično gradivo v celoti zamenjalo ali vsaj dopolnilo z e-gradivi, so potrdila opis obširne raziskave o e-gradivih, narejene že pred leti na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede. Rezultati te raziskave so navedeni v teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge. Ugotovitve kažejo, da bi bila vpeljava študija na daljavo na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede izredno dobro sprejeta, saj rezultati potrjujejo pritrdilen odgovor sedemdesetih od stotih anketiranih študentov za odločitev za študij na daljavo na naši fakulteti, če bi ga že izvajali. S strokovnim delom tutorjev bi bila zabrisana največja slabost študija na daljavo, ki jo anketirancem predstavlja pomanjkanje pristnega stika s profesorji. Glede na čas in pomen informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije je tak način študija v bližnji prihodnosti neizbežen tako za študente kot za fakulteto.


študij na daljavo;izobraževanje na daljavo;informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Kranj
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [K. Rupnik]
UDC: 37.018
COBISS: 6533395 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3179
Downloads: 212
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: ABSTRACT The advantages of distance learning were clear from its onset and the initial, theoretical part of this thesis deals with these. The chapters that follow report on an empirical study into distance learning. Research conducted at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences showed that students responded positively to this type of learning. Distance learning has been discussed and written about for some time now. It is surprising, however, how few people have had experience with it. The thesis presents opinions of 100 part-time and full-time students of the Faculty of Organisational Sciences on costs and time needed for this kind of learning, as well as opinions on self-discipline, gained knowledge and gained experience from distance learning. The 38 women and 62 men participating in the research were between 19 and 34 years old. The average age of full-time students was 10 years lower than that of the part-time students. Answers regarding the participants' computer knowledge were surprisingly positive. Only 5 out of 100 think that their computer knowledge is insufficient. The description of advantages and disadvantages of distance learning from the theoretical part of the thesis has been expended in the empirical part. The students felt that the lack of genuine contact between professors and students represents the biggest disadvantage of this type of learning. The lack of contact with their colleagues and dependency on their own ingenuity came second and third on the ranking of disadvantages. These were followed by the lack of self-discipline, costs of information-communication technology and information knowledge. The latter, however, would not have impact on students deciding for or against distance learning. When asked to rank advantages of distance learning, the majority of the students found time-flexibility as the most beneficial. This was followed by lower costs, less travel time to the Faculty and relative ease with which job requirements can be met, all of which were found equally important. The ranking continues with the independence of studying, study creativity and the perception of this kind of learning as more interesting from the classical knowledge transfer. Coping with family-life requirements was ranked as last among the advantages. Opinions of the students on how many of them would be prepared to change the classical course materials or at least complement them with e-materials, have confirmed the findings of an extensive research conducted at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences a few years ago. The results of this are presented in the theoretical part of the thesis. Findings show that the implementation of distance learning at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences would be very much welcomed. 70 out of 100 students said they would choose distance learning if it was offered as an option at the Faculty. The lack of genuine contact with professors could be overcome by professional work of tutors. Given the importance of time and the meaning of information-communication technology, distance learning will unavoidably become a way of studying in the near future, for students as well as for the Faculty.
Secondary keywords: Distance learning;distance education;information-communication technology;e-material;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Maribor, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 44 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;education;vzgoja in izobraževanje;šolstvo;pouk;fundamentals of education;theory;policy etc;;
ID: 987363
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