diplomsko delo
V diplomski nalogi smo predstavili pojem stres, vzroke, posledice in načine obvladovanja
stresa zaposlenih pri delu. Stres smo predstavili tako v teoriji, kot na praktičnem primeru v
podjetju Zlatarna Celje d.d.
Dandanes je življenje bolj stresno in naporno kot kdajkoli prej. Stresu se ne moremo
popolnoma izogniti. Vzroke stresa lahko najdemo v našem delovnem okolju, delovnih
pogojih in v nas samih, njegove posledice pa so lahko ogromne in uničujoče tako za
posameznika, kot za organizacijo in družbo. Stresu smo izpostavljeni povsod: v službi, v
jutranjem prometu in doma. Posledice so lahko telesne, vedenjske in psihične, kot so na
primer, utrujenost, izčrpanost, napetost, pogosta obolenja, slabo počutje, slaba
koncentracija, depresija itd.
Pomembno je, da se s stresom soočimo in se ga naučimo obvladovati, saj to pozitivno
vpliva na našo uspešnost in uspešnost na delovnem mestu. Pri obvladovanju stresa zelo
pomagajo znanje, izkušnje, dobra organizacija časa, pravilno reševanje problemov in tudi
različne sprostitvene tehnike, ki ji dandanes poznamo, kot so meditacija, masaža, joga,
wellness itd.
stres;osebnost;psihologija osebnosti;medosebni odnosi;delovni odnosi;delovno okolje;delovna organizacija;reševanje problemov;zdravje;bolezni;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2009 |
Source: |
Maribor |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[P. Siter] |
UDC: |
159.944.4:331.103 |
Views: |
2861 |
Downloads: |
557 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Stress at work in Zlatarna Celje d.d. |
Secondary abstract: |
In diploma we presented the meaning of stress, it's reasons, consequences and ways for
self-control of employees at their work. Stress was introduced on an example of the
company called Zlatarna Celje d.d., in an theoretical way as in practical.
Nowadays life is more stressful as it was before. Reasons for stress can be found in our
work environment, working conditions and inside us, it's consequences have a massive
influence on destructiveness for an individual, for the company and society. We are
emphasised: at work, in a morning traffic jam and also at home. Consequences can be
sexual, behavorial and physical, such as tiredness, exhaustion, tension, sickness, feeling all
the time bad, having no concentration, ect..
It is important that we confront stress and that we learn how to handle it, because it effects
our successfulness and success at working position. In confronting stress it is important to
use our knowlege, experiences, having a good organization, solving problems correctly and
having relaxed tehniques, which are nowadays known as meditation, massage, joga,
wellness, ect.. |
Secondary keywords: |
stress;knowing stress;reactions of stress;kinds of stress;stressful reasons at
work;kinds of causing stress;consequences of stress at work;ways of confronting stress;stress at work in Zlatrna Celje d.d..; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
57 str., 4 str. pril. |
Keywords (UDC): |
philosophy;psychology;filozofija;psihologija;psychology;psihologija;executive functions;izvrševalne funkcije;work and fatigue;efficiency;delo in utrujenost;učinkovitost;social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;labour;employment;work;labour economics;organization of labour;delo;zaposlovanje;sindikati;theory and organization of work;relations between business firms and employees;teorija in organizacija dela;odnosi med podjetji in zaposlenimi;ergonomija; |
ID: |
987661 |