diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa
Andreja Kurbos (Author), Stanko Laković (Mentor)


Hitrost je najpomembnejši dejavnik tveganja za nastanek prometnih nesreč, zatorej varnost v cestnem prometu zadeva vse državljane, saj lahko vsi prispevamo k večji varnosti vseh udeležencev cestnega prometa. Zagotavljanje večje varnosti pa je mogoče s spodbujanjem udeležencev v prometu k odgovornejšemu vedenju, spoštovanju predpisov in oblikovanju zavesti o pomenu prometne varnosti. Vendar se kljub temu prometne nesreče dogajajo, zato je v diplomskem delu predstavljeno kako pomembno je pravilno in pravočasno obveščanje o prometni nesreči, kraju nezgode, številu udeležencev, saj je zelo pomembno, da so interventne službe, katere so pristojne za posredovanje v primeru nezgode, strokovno usposobljene ter da imajo potrebno reševalno opremo za zaščito ljudi in mesta nezgode. Predstavljen bo primer prometne nesreče na avtocesti, opremljenost interventnih služb ter ovire na poti do kraja nesreče.


promet;cestni promet;prometne nesreče;posredovanje interventnih vozil;interventna vozila;intervencija;prometna varnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [A. Kurbos]
UDC: 656.1:629.361(043.2)
COBISS: 14054166 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2867
Downloads: 142
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Solutions for quick intervention of intervention vehicles
Secondary abstract: Speed is the most important risk factor for creation of traffic accidents; therefore the road safety affects all citizens, because we can all contribute to larger safety of road traffic. Ensuring larger safety is possible by encouraging traffic participants to more responsible behaviour, to respect of regulations and formulation of awareness about meaning of traffic safety. However a traffic accidents are occurring in spite of this, that is the reason why will be in diploma work presented how important is correctly and timely notifying about traffic accident, location of it, number of participants, because it is very important for intervention services, which are competent for intervention in case of accident, that they are professionally qualified and that they have all the necessary rescue equipment for people's protection and for location of accident. It will be presented an example of traffic accident on highway, equipped intervention services and barriers on the way to location of accident.
Secondary keywords: traffic accidents;intervention vehicles;road traffic;interventions;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, Promet
Pages: VIII, 62 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;communication and transport industries;accountancy;business management;public relations;komunikacije in transport;knjigovodstvo;poslovni menedžment;stiki z javnostjo;transport and postal services;traffic organization and control;transportne in poštne usluge;organizacija in kontrola prometa;road transport;cestni transport;cestni promet;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;engineering;technology in general;inženirstvo;tehnologija na splošno;transport vehicle engineering;tehnika vozil;land vehicle engineering (excluding rail vehicles);tehnika kopenskih vozil (razen tirnih);
ID: 987717
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