diplomsko delo


Trend pri razvoju inovativnih sanitetnih materialov ter medicinskih tekstilij je v funkcionalizaciji površine tekstilij z namenom pridobitve protimikrobnih lastnosti. Pri večini funkcionalizacijskih metod se še zmeraj uporabljajo reagenti, ki so človeku in okolju neprijazni. Zato iz dneva v dan narašča zanimanje za funkcionalizacijske postopke, pri katerih se uporabljajo okolju prijazni in biorazgradljivi reagenti. Eden izmed najperspektivnejših je hitozan, derivat hitina, ki je za celulozo drugi najbolj razširjen biopolimer na Zemlji. Žal pa ima hitozan, kljub številnim prednostim, tudi slabosti kot so omejena stabilnost in učinkovitost vezana na kisli pH medij. Zato je izrednega pomena poiskati ustrezen substitut za hitozan. Med številnimi polisaharidi je primeren kandidat derivat celuloze, aminoceluloza, ki vsebuje aminske skupine vzdolž polimerne verige. V diplomski nalogi smo tako površino viskoznih vlaken protimikrobno funkcionalizirali z uporabo hitozana in aminoceluloze. Pri tem smo uporabili dva mehanizma nanosa, klasično impregnacijo in depozicijo (vezavo koloidne raztopine polisaharida). Uspešnost funkcionalizacije smo spremljali s potenciometrično titracijo in spektrofotometrično metodo C.I. Acid Orange 7, kakor tudi z mikrobiološkim testiranjem. Rezultati obeh analiznih metod za določanje aminskih skupin dobro sovpadajo; korelacijski koeficient med njima znaša 0,949. Uporaba aminoceluloze, ne glede na princip nanosa, doprinese na površino vlaken znatno večjo količino aminskih skupin v primerjavi s hitozanom. Poleg tega je aminoceluloza pokazala učinkovito zatiranje patogene bakterije Escherichia coli, medtem ko je bil hitozan proti tej bakteriji popolnoma neučinkovit. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov smo potrdili našo hipotezo, da je aminoceluloza ustrezen substitut za hitozan. Postopek depozicije se je v primerjavi z impregnacijo izkazal kot učinkovitejši, v smislu doprinosa števila aminskih skupin in posledično boljše inhibicije patogenih mikroorganizmov.


viskozna vlakna;hitozan;aminoceluloza;impregnacija;depozicija;protimikrobne lastnosti;potenciometrična titracija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [T. Ristić]
UDC: 677.21.027.625.3(043.2)
COBISS: 13648662 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3032
Downloads: 357
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Polysaccharides for development of medical textiles
Secondary abstract: Trends in development of new innovative sanitary and medical textiles are in surface functionalization of textiles with intention to gain antimicrobial properties. Majority of functionalization methods still use reagents that are harmful to the user and environment. Because of that daily increases the interest for functionalization processes, which use environmental friendly and biodegradable reagents. One of the most promising is chitosan, derivative from chitin, which is after cellulose the second most common biopolymer on Earth. Unfortunately, chitosan has in spite of numerous benefits, also weaknesses such as limited stability and its action in acidic pH medium. Therefore, it is important to find an appropriate substitute for chitosan. Among several polysaccharides the most appropriate candidate is cellulose derivative, aminocellulose, which possesses amines on the cellulose skeleton. In this study we have modified the surface of viscose fibres by applying chitosan and aminocellulose onto fibre surfaces. We used two techniques for adsorption, classical impregnation and deposition (attachment of colloidal solution of polysaccharides). The success of modification was monitored using potentiometric titration and spectrofotometric method C.I. Acid Orange 7, as well as antimicrobial testing. The results of both analytical methods coincide, their correlation factor was 0,949. The application of aminocellulose, irrespective of the technique, contributes to higher amount of amino groups on fibre surface in comparison with chitosan. Furthermore, aminocellulose has shown an effective inhibition of pathogenic bacteria Escherichia coli, while chitosan was completely insufficient against it. Based on the acquired results we confirmed our hypothesis that aminocellulose is suitable substitute for chitosan. Deposition technique has proven itself as much more successful in comparison with impregnation, in sense of introducing higher amino group content and consequence better inhibition of pathogenic microorganisms.
Secondary keywords: viscose fibres;chitosan;aminocellulose;impregnation;deposition;antimicrobial properties;potentiometric titration;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Tekstilstvo
Pages: X, 55 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;various industries;trades and crafts;razne industrije;obrti in rokodelstva;textile industry;tekstilna industrija;vegetable hairs;semenska vlakna;
ID: 987909
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