delo diplomskega seminarja


Stres je tegoba sedanjega časa. Zmeraj več ljudi trpi za posledicami stresa na delovnem mestu, saj nam delo povzroča preveliko odgovornost, njemu tudi namenimo večino svojega časa, kar nam posledično zmanjšuje čas za sprostitev. Tako nam primanjkuje časa za zabavo, druženje s prijatelji, sprehode v naravi, telesno aktivnost in druge možnosti za sprostitev. Življenje nam prinaša nenehno nove izzive in obremenitve, pritiske, bojazni, ki sčasoma kopičijo stres v našem telesu. Vse to se nam odraža na telesu in smo posledično manj aktivni in produktivni na delovnem mestu. Dobro je zatorej, da se zavedamo, da moramo v telesu vzpostaviti ravnovesje, da bo vsak stres zdrav stres za naše telo. Tako je v diplomskem seminarju podano veliko načinov kako premagati stres kot posameznik. To storimo z različnimi tehnikami sproščanja kot so joga meditacija in druge tehnike. Opisano je kako se s stresom spopadamo na ravni družbe kakor tudi na ravni organizacije. Vse skupaj pa smo še podkrepili z raziskavo, ki temelji na anonimnem anketnem vprašalniku, ki je bil podan v trgovski organizaciji X in na intervjuju doktorja Lovšeta iz zasebnega zdravstvenega zavoda Lovše. Stres skupaj s pritiski lastnikov za vse zaposlene v podjetju ustvarja negativno klimo, ki se negativno odraža na delu; nižji sta predvsem kakovost in produktivnost dela, pojavlja se preobremenjenosti, izčrpanost, nemotiviranost zaposlenih. Vse to je posebej pomembno za storitvene organizacije kot je npr. trgovska organizacija. Podrobneje smo se ukvarjali s stresom pri trgovcih v trgovskih organizacijah in z premagovanjem stresa pri teh ključnih respondentih.


stres;delovno mesto;trgovinsko podjetje;premagovanje stresa;raziskave;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Kureš]
UDC: 159.9
COBISS: 11216412 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1774
Downloads: 151
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Stress on the workplace in the trade organization X
Secondary abstract: Stress is the ills of the current time. Always more people are suffering from the consequences of stress in the workplace, as we work causes too much responsibility, it also dedicate most of my time, which allows us to reduce the time to relax. So, we lack time for fun, hanging out with friends, walks in nature, physical activity and other forms of relaxation. Life brings us constant new challenges and burdens, pressures, anxieties, which eventually accumulate stress in our body. All this is reflected in our body and we are consequently less active and productive in the workplace. It is good, therefore, that we are aware that we need to strike a balance in the body, that any stress health stress for the body. So, in the graduate seminar given many ways to beat stress as an individual. This is done with a variety of relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga and other techniques. Describes how to cope with stress at company level and at the level of the organization. All together, we are corroborated by a study based on anonymous survey questionnaire, which was given in trade organization X, and interview Dr. Lovše from private medical practice Lovše. Stress along with the pressures of the owners of all employees in the company creates a negative climate that adversely reflects on the work, especially the lower quality and productivity at work, there is the congestion, fatigue, lack of motivation of employees. All this is particularly important for service organizations such as. trade organization. More specifically, we deal with stress among traders in trading organizations and overcoming stress in these key respondents.
Secondary keywords: stress;stress on the workplace;symptoms of stress;relaxation techniques;overcome stress;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: [52] str., [8] str. pril.
Keywords (UDC): philosophy;psychology;filozofija;psihologija;psychology;psihologija;
ID: 993916
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