diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Beseda stres je danes pogosto uporabljena, saj živimo v svetu, ki se hitro razvija in od nas zahteva vedno več in več. Nenehno se moramo prilagajati, spreminjajo se vrednote, navade, družbene strukture in ljudje.
Zaradi vedno hitrejšega ritma življenja le malokomu uspe ohraniti stabilno notranje ravnovesje. Pritiski se začnejo že zgodaj v otroštvu in se skozi življenje le še stopnjujejo. V šoli se morajo otroci boriti za čim boljše ocene, prav tako v srednji šoli, medtem ko na fakulteti poleg tega nastopijo še drugi problemi. Ko se zaposlimo, moramo dokazovati in potrjevati svoje sposobnosti in tako nemalokrat pozabimo na druge vidike našega življenja, kot so na primer ukvarjanje s športom, konjički, druženje s prijatelji, vzdrževanje dobrega odnosa s partnerjem in otroki.
Stres prinese spremembe, s katerimi se moramo soočiti, to pa počne vsak na svoj način, ki se mu zdi najbolj ustrezen. Mnogi se zavedajo pomembnosti teh sprememb, le malokdo pa pomisli na posledice, ki nam jih prinašajo.
Ker nas stres v življenju spremlja skoraj povsod in so mu tudi študentje velikokrat izpostavljeni, smo se odločili za raziskavo na to temo.
S pomočjo ankete, ki so jo rešili študentje Fakultete za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru, smo ugotovili, da se študentje zavedajo škodljivih vplivov stresa na zdravje, prav tako ne kažejo izrazitih znakov stresa, saj se povprečne vrednosti pri čustvenih, socialnih in mišljenjskih znakih gibajo v mejah sprejemljivega. Najbolj stresna predmeta prvega letnika sta po mnenju študentov matematika in programiranje, drugega statistika, med tem ko je najtežji predmet tretjega stohastika. Najbolj stresen je prvi letnik študija, saj morajo študentje zbrati določeno število kreditnih točk za napredovanje v višji letnik, najmanj stresen pa je po mnenju študentov tretji. Najtežji način preverjanja znanja je ustni izpit, na drugem mestu se nahaja pisni. Študenti dokaj pogosto uporabljajo strategije, ki preprečujejo stres, torej se znajo spoprijemati z njim. Telesna aktivnost je eden od najučinkovitejših načinov za premagovanje le-tega, zato je dobro, da se študentje dokaj redno ukvarjajo s športom. Alkohol, droge in ostale razvade so pri nekaterih ljudeh sredstvo za beg pred problemi, a študentje se v povprečju redko zatekajo k tem razvadam in navadam ter se zavedajo, da to ni pravi način za premagovanje stresa.
Ključne besede
stres;premagovanje stresa;študij;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2010 |
Izvor: |
Kranj |
Tipologija: |
2.11 - Diplomsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede |
Založnik: |
[U. Preisinger] |
UDK: |
159.9 |
Št. ogledov: |
1981 |
Št. prenosov: |
403 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
As we live in the ever changing and developing world, the word stress is used more and more in our daily lives. We have to, constantly, adapt to new ways, changes in values, customs and social structure.
Because of the increasing fast way of life, very few of us are able to keep the inner peace and balance. Pressure starts already in our childhood and increases throughout our life. In schools the children must fight for ever better results, while completely different problems arise in the University. And when we start work, we have to prove and confirm our capability and thus often forget other aspects of life, such as sport, various hobbies, meeting friends, maintaining good relationship with partner and of course, with the children.
Stress brings changes which we must accept. Each person deals with them in their own way. Many understand the importance of these changes but don't think of the consequences that come with them.
As we are confronted by stress throughout our lives and because the students are exposed to it too on numerous occasions, we have decided to research the matter further.
With the help from the Faculty students of the University of Maribor, who organised this research, we established, that students are aware of harmful impact stress has on health, and they don't show distinctive stress signs, because the average values of emotional, social and thinking signs are in normal conditions.
The most stressful two subjects for the first term students are maths and programming, second term students stats, but the most difficult subject for the third term students is stohastika. According to students opinion, the most stressful is the first term, as they must collect a certain number of points to advance to next term, and the least stressful is the third term. The most difficult way to check out their knowledge is oral exam, followed by the written exam.
Students quite often use strategies to prevent stress, that means they know how to handle it. The most effective way to fight stress are physical exercises-all kind of sport activities. For some people alcohol, drugs and other substances can be escape from facing up to the problems, however, the students rarely fall into this trap as they know that this is not the way to handle and beat stress. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
Stress;How to beat stress;Study;Student; |
URN: |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede |
Strani: |
[6] f., 90 f. |
Ključne besede (UDK): |
philosophy;psychology;filozofija;psihologija;psychology;psihologija; |
ID: |
10779 |