delo diplomskega projekta


Vse več podjetij želi rasti na način, ki jih pripelje do maksimiranja dobička. Pri tem pa se soočajo z nalogo, kako zagotoviti kader pri proizvodnji večjega obsega proizvodov ali pri vpeljevanju novih produktov, kateri zahtevajo drugačne kompetence. Rast v fizičnem smislu, ki pomeni nabavo novih strojev, zgradb in druge opreme, pritiska na razvoj novih kadrov oziroma prenos novega znanja na obstoječe zaposlene. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej pojasnili faze rasti podjetja, strategije rasti in analizo konkurence. Na podlagi teorije smo analizirali, kako uspešno je podjetje Orodjarstvo Gorjak v primerjavi s konkurenti in kakšen delež predstavljajo v občini, regiji in v obeh dejavnostih, v katerih je prisotno. Za to smo izdelali tržno in konkurenčno analizo podjetja. Vsako podjetje gre v svojem obstoju skozi več faz rasti, zato mora te poznati še preden vstopi v njih. Vedeti mora, kaj je potrebno v vsaki fazi izpolniti oziroma uskladiti, saj jih le to pripelje do željene stopnje rasti. Podjetju je potrebno določiti tudi strategijo rasti, ki bo pomagala slediti ciljem. Orodjarstvo Gorjak d.o.o. je najprej generično raslo s povečanjem obsega prodaje takrat obstoječih izdelkov. Nato je v letu 2015 uvedlo diverzifikacijo in sicer s pridobitvijo novega giganta BMW, ki je takrat predstavljal nov trg. V letu 2017 so diverzificirano rasli s povečanjem hale in nakupom novih strojev. Podjetje se trenutno nahaja v fazi vzleta, kar pomeni, da si je pridobilo stalne kupce in denarni tok, ki je po obstanku na trgu omogočal nadaljno rast ter da se je uspešno prilagodilo spremembam znotraj in zunaj podjetja. V svoji panogi proizvodnje orodij za stroje je zelo stabilno. V zadnjih štirih letih je podjetje raslo v vseh izbranih komponentah; v sredstvih, čistih prihodkih od prodaje, povprečnem številu zaposlenih na podlagi delovnih ur in v čistih poslovnih izidih. Pridobilo si je tudi stabilnega odjemalca in sicer avtomobilskega proizvajalca BMW, kateri je podjetju povečal profitnost, ugled in prepoznavnost.

Ključne besede

rast podjetja;strategija;modeli;implementacija;tržna analiza;analiza konkurence;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [L. Mukenauer]
UDK: 005.412
COBISS: 13129244 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 697
Št. prenosov: 151
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Implementation of the strategy of growth on the example of a tool-making company
Sekundarni povzetek: More and more companies want to grow in a way that leads to maximizing profits. In doing so, they are faced with the task of providing human resources in the production of a wide range of products or with introducing new products that require different competencies. When we talk about growth we mean the purchase of new machinery, buildings and other equipment, which put pressure on the development of new staff and the transfer of new knowledge to existing employees. In the theoretical part we will first explain the growth stages of a company, the growth strategies and the analysis of competition. Basing on the theory, we found out how successful toolmaking Gorjak is in comparison with its biggest competitors and what proportions they represent in the municipality, the region and in both economic activities in which they are present. In order to determine this data, we performed a market and a competitive analysis of the chosen company. Every company goes through several phases of growth in its existence. it is cruical for a company's success to recognise them as they appear and unfold. The company needs to recognise what objectives need to be achieved in a particular stagembecause in doings so leads them to the desired growth rate. The company also needs to define a growth strategy that will help its bussines to grow. Toolmaking Gorjak d.o.o. initially grew its bussiness with the generic growth strategy, which increased the volume of sales of existing products at that time. Then, in 2015, diversification was introduced, with the acquisition of a new giant customer- BMW. The following acquisition introduced the company to a new market. In 2017 they diversified by increasing the hall and purchasing new machines. The company is currently in the take-off phase, which means that they have acquired permanent customers and increased cash flow. Throughout its existence, the company has allowed further growth and has successfully adapted to differend kinds of changes that occured inside or outside of the company itself. The chosen company has been performing stably in its branch, which is tool manufacturing. Over the past four years, the company has grown in all the selected components; in assets, net sales revenues, average number of employees based on working hours and net profit. It also acquired a stable customer, BMW's automotive manufacturer, which increased the profitability, reputation and visibility of the company.
Sekundarne ključne besede: growth strategies;the Churchill and Lewis growth model;generic growth;diversified growth;competitive analysis;market analysis;the growth strategy of the company Orodjarstvo Gorjak.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Delo diplomskega projekta/projektno delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: III, 47 str.
ID: 10942615