magistrsko delo
Ana Varjačič (Avtor), Bojan Dekleva (Mentor)


Duševne stiske se pogosto pojavijo v času adolescence, ker je to obdobje, ki ga označujejo številne spremembe ter s tem povezan stres. V magistrski nalogi se zato osredotočamo na to, kaj je duševno zdravje ter na drugi strani duševna stiska. Glavni fokus so duševne stiske mladih ter vloga svetovalnih delavcev pri obravnavanju le-teh. Delo šolske svetovalne službe je precej široko ter tudi v sklopu pomoči pri duševnih stiskah mladostnikom vsebuje veliko dejavnikov, kot so prepoznavanje duševnih stisk, stik in odnos z mladostnikom, delo s stiskami, pozicija svetovalnega delavca na spektru med bližino in oddaljenostjo ter druge. Da bi lahko bolje spoznali kako delo šolske svetovalne službe z duševnimi stiskami poteka v praksi smo izvedli tri intervjuje s tremi različnimi šolskimi svetovalnimi delavkami iz treh različnih gimnazij. Izvedeli smo, kaj spada pod delo svetovalnih delavcev, kakšno vlogo ima šolska svetovalna služba pri delu z duševnimi stiskami mladostnikov, kako svetovalni delavec dela z duševnimi stiskami mladih ter kako v sklopu tega dela sodelujejo s starši otrok z duševnimi stiskami. Svetovalne delavke so nam odgovorile tudi na vprašanji, ali po njihovem mnenju dijaki zaupajo šolski svetovalni službi ter kako pogoste so duševne stiske dijakov in dijakinj. Področje duševnih stisk mladih smo še bolje spoznali v raziskavi, kjer smo za vzorec vzeli 3 prve letnike in 3 četrte letnike treh gimnazij ter jih preko anketnega vprašalnika povprašali o njihovem odnosu do šolske svetovalne službe, o preteklih in sedanjih izkušnjah z duševnimi stiskami ter o pripravljenosti iskanja pomoči pri svetovalnih delavcih. Iz odgovorov smo ugotovili, da prvi letniki bolj zaupajo svetovalnim delavkam kot četrti, ter, da bi tudi prej poiskali pomoč pri šolski svetovalni službi, kot četrtošolci. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika smo dobili podatke, da največ mladostnikov trenutno ne doživlja nobene duševne stiske. Prav tako smo izvedeli, da so duševne stiske pogostejše pri dekletih ali fantih ter, da se pojavljajo statistično pomembne razlike med dekleti in fanti glede iskanja pomoči pri šolski svetovalni službi. Dekleta šolski svetovalni službi zaupajo manj kot fantje, bi pa pri svetovalni delavki prej poiskale pomoč. Na podlagi analize podatkov smo tako izvedeli več o duševnih stiskah mladih, o vlogi šolske svetovalne službe na področju dela z duševnimi stiskami ter o procesu pomoči mladostnikom zaradi duševnih stisk.

Ključne besede

mladi;šolska svetovalna služba;svetovalni delavci;duševne stiske;prepoznavanje stisk;gimnazija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Varjačič]
UDK: 37.048:373.5(043.2)
COBISS: 12146761 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 728
Št. prenosov: 159
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The role of school counselors in dealing with mental and emotional distress of students
Sekundarni povzetek: Mental distress is common in adolescent ages, because this age bracket is closely tied with multiple changes and stress. In this master’s thesis we will focus on what mental health is and how it differs from mental and emotional distress. The main focus is emotional distress in adolescents’ and the role of school counselors in dealing with this distress. The work of school counselors is quite vast, particularly in regards to help-seeking which includes factors, such as recognizing mental distress, contact and relationship with an adolescent, working with emotional distress, the position of the school counselor on the spectrum between closeness and distance and others. In effort to better understand the work of school counselors in regard to emotional distress of high schoolers, we conducted three interviews with three different school counselor workers from three different high schools. We found out what counselors do, what role they play in dealing with emotional distress of students and how they cooperate with the parents of students with emotional distress. We also asked school counselor workers if they believe high school students trust school counselors and how common they think emotional distress among students is. We were able to learn more about emotional distress through a study, where we took three classes of first year students and three fourth year students from three high schools and asked them about their relationship with school counselors, about past and present experiences with emotional distress and about their willingness to seek help from their school counselors. We did this by conducting a survey. Based on the answers we learned that first-year students seem to trust school counselor workers more than fourth year students and would seek help more often than forth year students. We were able to collect data that showed us that the majority of adolescents do not experience emotional distress. We also found out, that emotional distress is more common in girls than boys and that there are statistically important differences between boys and girls, when it comes to seeking help from school counselors. Girls trusted school counselors less than boys, however were more inclined to seek help from their school counselors. We were able to collect and analyse data, that helped us learn more about the emotional distress among high school students, about the role of school counselors in dealing with emotional distress and about the process of helping young people with emotional distress.
Sekundarne ključne besede: youth;guidance service;mladina;svetovalna služba;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Strani: 91 str.
ID: 10973379