diplomsko delo
Deborah Čendak (Avtor), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


Načelo pravice narodov do samoodločbe, ki je eno izmed temeljnih načel mednarodnega prava, utemeljuje pravico palestinskega naroda do ustanovitve svoje neodvisne države. Problem Palestine pa se brez dvoma pojavi pri izpolnjevanju kriterijev, ki so določeni v Montevidejski konvenciji o pravicah in dolžnostih držav, ki je ena izmed temeljnih konvencij mednarodnega prava s področja državnosti. Dejstvo je, da so štirje temeljni kriteriji za nastanek neodvisne države stalno prebivalstvo, ozemlje, suverenost in sposobnost vstopiti v odnose z drugimi državami. V dotični diplomski nalogi bodo zgoraj izpostavljeni kriteriji podrobno predstavljeni. V nadaljevanju bom poskušala ugotoviti, ali Palestina izpolnjuje kriterije, ki so mednarodnopravno določeni. Pri tem si bom pomagala s pregledom zgodovine in ozadja izraelsko-palestinskega spora, ki se nadaljuje še danes in ki obenem predstavlja enega izmed najbolj zapletenih konfliktov v zadnjem stoletju. Izpostaviti je potrebno, da je bilo zadnjih stotih letih sprejetih ogromno deklaracij, konvencij, zgodilo se je mnogo pogajanj, podpisanih je bilo nešteto sporazumov, a vendar vsa prizadevanja niso pripeljala do rešitve bližnjevzhodnega konflikta. Podrobneje bom predstavila tudi mnenje mednarodne skupnosti o neodvisni Palestini in poskusila ugotoviti, ali je priznanje Palestine s strani Slovenije sploh smotrno. Bližnjevzhodnemu konfliktu žal še ni videti konca, saj sta obe strani trmasti in vztrajata pri svojih argumentih, popustiti ne želita pod nobeno težo in za nobeno ceno. Dokler se državi ob pomoči mednarodne skupnosti ne bosta uspeli dogovoriti o skupni rešitvi problema, ne bo ne konca ne kraja medsebojnih spopadov in nedolžnih žrtev.

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Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: EVRO-PF - Evropska pravna fakulteta v Novi Gorici
Založnik: [D. Čendak]
UDK: 321.011(569.4Palestina)(043.2)
COBISS: 2053343926 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2
Št. prenosov: 0
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: The principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, which is one of the fundamental principles and contributions to contemporary international law, justifies the right of the Palestinian people to create their own independent state. The Palestine difficulty no doubt arises when meeting with the criteria set out in the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, which is one of the most fundamental conventions of international law when it comes to the field of statehood. The fact is that there are four basic criteria for a sovereign and independent state to exist, such as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states. In the herewith diploma thesis the above mentioned criteria will be described in detail. Then I will try to establish whether Palestine in fact meets the criteria determined by the international law. To assist in this regard, I will examine both the overview of the history and the very background of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that is still ongoing down to our time. It no doubt at the same time embodies one of the world's longest-running, the most controversial and the most complex conflicts, taking place during the last century. It should be stressed that in the last hundred years a considerable number of declarations and conventions have been adopted, a high number of negotiations have been started, a large number of agreements have also been signed, but all these efforts have not brought the Middle East conflict to a successful conclusion. In addition, I will also introduce in detail the opinion shared by the international community on the independent Palestinian country and finally, I will attempt to find out if Slovenia's recognition of Palestinian statehood would be reasonable at all. Unfortunately, there is still no end in sight when it comes to the Middle East conflict due to the fact that both sides are quite stubborn and they strongly support their own arguments, they keep refusing to give in, under no circumstance and at any price. As long as both countries, aided by the international community, are not able to agree on a common solution to the problem, interlinked conflicts and clashes between the two will never end and innocent victims will still be suffering and still be killed.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Palestina;Diplomske naloge;Suverenost;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Delo zaključne refleksije študija
Komentar na gradivo: Evropska pravna fak.
Komentar vira: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 13. 08. 2019;
Strani: VI, 55 str.
ID: 11207969
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, diplomsko delo
, diplomsko delo
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