magistrsko delo
Sandra Arh (Avtor), Goran Vukovič (Mentor), Uroš Rajkovič (Komentor)


Za obstoj zdravstvenih organizacij je ključnega pomena, da zaposleni dosegajo zastavljene cilje. Ker v zdravstvenih organizacijah delo večinoma poteka v timih, je dobro sestavljen zdravstveni tim z uspešnim vodenjem ključnega pomena. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti vpliv vodenja na učinkovitost timskega dela v bolnišnicah gorenjske regije, ki so vključene v raziskavo, opravljeno med negovalnimi in babiškimi timi v SB Jesenice, BGP Kranj in PS Begunje. S pomočjo znanstvene in strokovne literature v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku smo v teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela predstavili timsko delo, vodenje, učinkovitost in dinamičnost timov v zdravstvenih organizacijah. Empirična raziskava temelji na kvantitativni metodi raziskovanja. Instrument naše raziskave je anonimen anketni vprašalnik, ki je bil oblikovan glede na hipoteze in raziskovalna vprašanja, ki smo si jih zastavili pred začetkom izdelave magistrskega dela. Anketa se je v treh zdravstvenih zavodih izvajala od 1. 6. 2020 do 15. 9. 2020. Statistična obdelava podatkov je bila opravljena v programu IBM SPSS Statistic 22. Uporabili smo opisno statistiko, Shapiro-Wilkov test, Levenov test, grafikon kvartilov, parametrični test, Tukeyevega post-hoc testa , hi-kvadrat test, t-test in analizo variance. Za statistično pomembne rezultate smo upoštevali stopnjo statistične pomembnosti na ravni 0,05 in manj. Anketiranci s svojimi odgovori dokazujejo, da so negovalni in babiški timi ne samo dinamični, ampak tudi učinkoviti. Vodje se zavedajo svoje odgovornosti, vendar niso ustrezno izobraženi na področju managementa. Od 21 anketiranih vodij sta le dva izobražena na področju managementa. Vodja ima pomembno vlogo v timu, saj izvaja svoje naloge ter hkrati vodi in usklajuje urnike, delovne naloge in komunikacijo znotraj tima. Vodenje vpliva na celotno klimo znotraj tima in na učinkovitost timskega dela.

Ključne besede

učinkovitost;timsko delo;vodenje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [S. Arh]
UDK: 005
COBISS: 66214915 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 461
Št. prenosov: 106
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The influence of leadership on the effectiveness of teamwork in hospitals in the gorenjska region
Sekundarni povzetek: It is essential for the existence of health organisations that employees achieve their goals. Since in health organisations work is mostly organisated in teams, a well-composed health team with successful leadership is crucial. The purpose of the master work was to determine the impact of management on the effectiveness of teamwork in the hospitals of the gorenjska region, which includes research carried out between nursing and midwifery teams in SB Jesenice, BGP Kranj and PS Begunje. With the help of scientific and professional literature in slovenian and english, we presented in theoretical part teamwork, leadership, efficiency and dynamics of teamwork in health organisations. Empirical research is based on a quantitative method of research. The instrument of our research is an anonymous survey questionnaire, which was developed according to the hypotheses and research questions that we had before research. The survey was conducted in three health institutions in gorenjska region in period of 1.6.2020 – 15.9.2020. The statistical data processing was made with programme IBM SPSS statistic 22. We used further methods and tests: descriptive statistics, Shapir-Wilk test, Leven test, box plot, parametric test, Tukey post-hoc test (ANOVA) , chi-square test, t- test and variance analysis. For statistically significant results, we used statistical importance level at 0.05 and lower. According to the answers of population which was included in survey, the nursing and midwifery theams are dynamic. Respondents answers are showing that nursing and midwifery are not only dynamic but also effective and managers are aware of their responsibilities, but they are not properly educated in management way. Of the 21 surveyed leaders, only two are educated in management. The manager plays an important role in the team, beside their daily duties, they had to lead and coordinate schedules, work tasks and communication within the team. Leadership affects the overall climate within the team and affects the effectiveness of teamwork.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Upravljanje;Delovne skupine;Bolnišnice;Gorenjska (Slovenija);Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Strani: V, 63 f.
ID: 12766883