diplomsko delo
Miša Bele (Avtor), Tina Levec (Recenzent), Tomaž Lampe (Mentor), Monika Pavlović (Komentor)


Uvod: Iz preprostega začetka uporabe lesa, kovine, usnja, mavca in različnih visoko temperaturnih termoplastik v ortotiki se je znanost zaradi dolgotrajnega in zahtevnega postopka izdelave posamezne ortoze, usmerila v iskanje materiala, ki bi lahko zmanjšal čas izdelave in hkrati bolj ustrezal pacientu ter mu olajšal proces rehabilitacije. Prva nizkotemperaturna termoplastika je bila predstavljena v šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja. Pripomoček se izdela direktno na pacientu brez predhodnih meritev in dolgotrajnih priprav. V primeru, da pripomoček pacientu ne ustreza, se tega lahko takoj ponovno segreje, omehča in popravi nepravilnosti. Ko nizkotemperaturno termoplastiko segrejemo v topli vodi (50- 60 °C), postane mehka, raztegljiva, elastična, prozorna in v večini primerov samolepljiva. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na podlagi pregleda strokovne in znanstvene literature predstaviti lastnosti, uporabnost in učinkovitost kot tudi najpogostejše področje uporabe nizkotemperaturne termoplastike v ortotiki. Prav tako želimo predstaviti trenutno stanje v primerjavi z novimi metodami izdelave ortoz in drugimi materiali ter prihodnost materialov, ki bi lahko potencialno nadomestili nizkotemperaturno termoplastiko. Metode dela: Opravili smo pregled literature v angleškem jeziku v podatkovnih bazah Google Scholar in PubMed z uporabo iskalnega niza »Low temperature thermoplastic AND (orthotics OR splint* OR splinting material)«. Rezultati: Kot primerne za naše delo smo opredelili osem člankov. Ti opisujejo različne lastnosti materialov, kot so perforiranost, prevleka, barve, debelina, spominska funkcija, drapabilnost, elastičnost, raztegljivost, samolepilnost, prilagodljivost, prožnost in togost, kot tudi različne namene uporabe. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da se nizkotemperaturna termoplastika deli na 3 skupine: termoplastika z elastično osnovo, termoplastika s plastično osnovo in termoplastika z gumijasto osnovo. V ortotiki se nizkotemperaturna termoplastika najpogosteje uporablja za izdelavo imobilizacijske ortoze za roko v počivalnem položaju, kratke in dolge ortoze za palec, dorzalne/volarne ortoze, ortoze za labodji vrat ali za kladivaste prste in komolčne ortoze. Področje ortotike se spreminja z vse pogostejšo uporabo 3D tiska. Ta prinaša manj invaziven, lažji pristop, ki izpodriva klasičnega.

Ključne besede

diplomska dela;ortotika in protetika;adhezija bakterij;naravna mikrobiota kože;ortoza;tekstilni material;hidrofobnost;zeta potencial;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Bele]
UDK: 617.3
COBISS: 56550659 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 348
Št. prenosov: 106
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Usage of low-temperature thermoplastic in orthotics
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: Since the initial use of wood, metal, leather, plaster, and various hightemperature thermoplastics in orthotics, the lengthy and demanding process of manufacturing a custom orthotic has lead scientists to focus on finding a material that would reduce manufacturing time while better fitting the patient and facilitating the rehabilitation process. The first low-temperature thermoplastic was introduced in the 1960s. The device is manufactured directly on the patient without prior measurements and lengthy preparations. If the device does not fit the patient, it can be reheated, softened and corrected immediately. When low-temperature thermoplastic is heated in warm water (50-60 ° C), it becomes soft, stretchy elastic, transparent and in most cases self-adhesive. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to present the properties, applicability and effectiveness as well as the most common applications of low-temperature thermoplastics in orthotics based on a review of the professional and scientific literature. We also want to present the current situation in comparison with new methods of orthotic fabrication and other materials, as well as the future of materials that could potentially replace low-temperature thermoplastics. Methods: We reviewed the English-language literature in the Google Scholar and PubMed databases using the search term »Low temperature thermoplastic AND (orthotics OR splint * OR splinting material)«. Results: We identified eight articles as suitable for our work. These describe different material properties such as perforation, coating, colour, thickness, memory function, drapability, elasticity, stretchability, self-adhesiveness, flexibility and stiffness, as well as different fields of use. Discussion and conclusion: We found that low-temperature thermoplastics are classified into 3 groups: elastic based thermoplastics, plastic based thermoplastics and rubber based thermoplastic. In orthotics, it is most commonly used to make an immobilizing orthosis for the arm in a resting position, short and long thumb orthoses, dorsal/volar orthoses, orthoses for the swan neck or hammer fingers and elbow orthoses. The field of orthotics is changing with the increasing use of 3D printing. This brings a less invasive, simpler approach that is displacing the classic process.
Sekundarne ključne besede: diploma theses;orthotics and prosthetics;bacterial adhesion;skin microbiota;orthoses;textile materials;hydrophobicity;zeta potential;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko
Strani: 42 str.
ID: 12794932