magistrsko delo
Anja Bogdan (Avtor), Mateja Pšunder (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu obravnavamo pogled staršev na sodelovanje staršev in starih staršev pri vzgoji otroka. Vsebinsko je razdeljeno na dva dela. V teoretičnem delu preučujemo vzgojo - njene opredelitve, dejavnike in stile. Predstavimo družino, kjer si podrobneje ogledamo njihove opredelitve, vrste in njeno vlogo v družbi. Teoretično preučimo vlogo starih staršev, njihovo primerjavo v družini nekoč in danes ter prikažemo, na kakšne načine se vključujejo v vzgojo vnukov. V empiričnem delu predstavljamo rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli med starši otrok, vključenih v vrtec. Preverjali smo, kako starši zaznavajo pogostost stikov starih staršev z vnuki v živo in po elektronskih napravah, okoliščine, v katerih starši svoje otroke zaupajo starim staršem, na kakšen način stari starši preživljajo čas z vnuki in kakšno je zadovoljstvo staršev z vključevanjem starih staršev v aktivnosti z vnuki. Preverili smo tudi, kako starši dojemajo vlogo starih staršev pri vzgoji vnukov, na katerih področjih prejmejo od njih največ podpre ter kakšni so po mnenju staršev vzroki za neenotnost pri vzgoji otrok. Ugotovili smo, da imajo stari starši in vnuki pogostejše stike v živo. Svoje otroke starši najpogosteje starim staršem zaupajo v primeru, ko imajo gospodinjske ali domače obveznosti, morajo opraviti večje nakupe ali ko imajo službene obveznosti. Stari starši in vnuki skupaj najpogosteje gredo na sprehod in izvajajo druge športne aktivnosti ali pa jim stari starši pripovedujejo zgodbe iz mladosti. Tako v primeru zadovoljstva z vključevanjem starih staršev v aktivnosti z otroki kakor zadovoljstva z vključevanjem v vzgojo njihovih otrok so starši bolj zadovoljni z lastnimi kakor partnerjevimi starši. Starši s strani starih staršev prejmejo največ podpore v obliki dnevnega ali nočnega varstva otroka, sledi čustvena pomoč. Najpogostejši razlog za neenotnost pri vzgoji otrok starši pripisujejo različnim vrednotam, različnim pogledom na vzgojo ter slabi komunikaciji.

Ključne besede

varstvo;vzgoja;konflikti;magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Bogdan]
UDK: 316.4.051.6(043.2)
COBISS: 92100867 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 157
Št. prenosov: 30
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Participation of parents and grandparents in the upbringing of the child
Sekundarni povzetek: In the master's we consider the view of parents on the participation of parents and grandparents in raising a child. It is divided into two parts in substance. In the theoretical part we study education - its definitions, factors and styles. We present the family, where we take a closer look at their definitions, types and their role in society. Theoretically, we examine the role of grandparents, their comparison in the family then and now, and show how they get involved in raising grandchildren. In the empirical part of the task we present the results of the survey carried out among parents of children enrolled in kindergarten. We checked how parents perceive the frequency of grandparents' contact with grandchildren live and via electronic devices, the circumstances in which parents trust their kids in the daycare with their grandparents, how grandparents spend time with grandchildren and what is the satisfaction of parents by engaging grandparents in activities with grandchildren. We also looked at how parents perceive the role of grandparents in raising grandchildren, where they receive the most support from them, and what parents think are the causes of disunity in raising children. We found that grandparents and grandchildren have more frequent live contacts. Their children are often trusted by parents when they have household or domestic responsibilities, have to make major purchases or when they have work obligations. Together, grandparents and grandchildren most often go for a walk and perform other sports activities, or grandparents tell them stories from a young age. Both in the case of satisfaction with the involvement of grandparents in activities with children and satisfaction with their involvement in the upbringing of their children, parents are more satisfied with their own than their partner's parents. Parents receive the most support from grandparents in the form of daily or night care, followed by emotional assistance. The most common cause of disunity in the upbringing of children is that parents cite different values and, consequently, different views on education and poor communication.
Sekundarne ključne besede: family;grandparents;pre-school children;care;education;conflicts;master theses;Družina;Vzgoja otrok;Otroško varstvo;Predšolski otroci;Stari starši;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Strani: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, [98] str.))
ID: 13945780