diplomsko delo
Petra Adamič (Avtor), Miha Fošnarič (Recenzent), Tomaž Lampe (Mentor), Monika Pavlović (Komentor)


Uvod: Človeško telo je oblikovano za gibanje, zato človek potrebuje gibanje za ohranjanje zdravja. Načinov, kako se izogniti akutnim in kroničnim boleznim ter s tem ohraniti zdravje, je več. Spodbujanje oseb z amputacijami k športnim aktivnostim pripomore k njihovi večji samostojnosti. Amputacija je odsotnost okončine zaradi prirojenih ali pridobljenih stanj. Stanja so lahko prirojena okvara, rakavo obolenje, srčno-žilne bolezni ali infekcije. Stopnjo amputacije določamo glede na sklep oziroma kost skozi katero potekajo. S protezo nadomestimo manjkajoči del okončine. Glede na funkcijsko kategorijo se posamezniku priporoča protetične komponente. Športna protetična stopala za tek so najpogosteje v dveh oblikah, v obliki črke C in črke J. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil na podlagi pregleda strokovne in znanstvene literature kot tudi dostopnih izdelkov na trgu predstaviti protetična tekaška stopala in njihovo uporabo pri osebah z amputacijo spodnjih okončin. Metode dela: Literaturo smo iskali v angleškem jeziku v podatkovnih bazah PubMed, ScienceDirect Web of Science, Google Učenjak in z iskalnikom Google. Uporabili smo iskalni niz (sprint OR run) AND (prosthesis OR prostheses) AND (foot). Vključili smo prosto dostopne članke, objavljene v zadnjih 10 letih, ter članke in raziskave, ki se navezujejo na športna tekaška stopala. Rezultati: V diplomsko delo smo vključili 18 člankov. Avtorji vseh vključenih raziskav so obravnavali športna stopala za tek. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da uravnava protetičnega stopala v sagitalni ravnini vpliva na togost stopala, dolžino in frekvenco koraka ter vračanje energije. Na togost stopala vpliva tudi velikost obremenitve. Dolžina koraka se pri okončini z in brez amputacije poveča s povečanjem hitrosti. Stran amputacije ne vpliva na tekaški izid. Pomembno razliko so opazili med posamezniki z enostransko ali obojestransko amputacijo. Za tek niso primerna vsakdanja stopala, ampak namenska stopala. Za prihodnje raziskave se nam zdi pomembna natančna navedba vseh podatkov o preiskovancih in njihovih športnih stopalih, poenotenje sistema ocenjevanja togosti stopal, večji vzorec in več raziskav na področju uravnave in oblike stopal ter primerjave oseb z in brez amputacij in stopal med seboj.

Ključne besede

diplomska dela;ortotika in protetika;amputacija;protetična stopala;tekaške proteze;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Založnik: [P. Adamič]
UDK: 617.3
COBISS: 122609667 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 5
Št. prenosov: 3
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Sports prosthetics for run
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: The human body is designed for movement, so a person needs movement to maintain health. There are several ways to avoid acute and chronic diseases and thereby maintain health. Encouraging such persons to participate in sports activities contributes to their greater independence and the improvement of some concomitant diseases. Amputation is the absence of an end for several reasons. It can be a congenital defect, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and infections. The level of amputation is determined according to the joint or cost through which it passes. We replace the missing part of the end with a prosthesis. Depending on the functional category, we recommend prosthetic components to individuals. Sports prosthetic feet for running are most often in two forms, in the shape of the letter C and J. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work was to present prosthetic running feet and their use in lower limb amputees, based on a review of scientific literature as well as available products on the market. Methods: We searched literature in the English language in different databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect Web of Science, Google Scholar and the Google search. Keywords used were (sprint OR run) AND (prosthesis OR prostheses) AND (foot). We included only free articles published in the last 10 years, as well as articles and research related to the running prostheses. Results: We included 18 articles in the thesis, all of which included prosthetic feet for running. Discussion and conclusion: We found that adjusting the prosthetic foot in the sagittal plane affects foot stiffness, step length and frequency, and energy return. The stiffness of the foot is also affected by the size of the load. Stride length increases with increasing speed in the limb with and without amputation. The side of the amputation does not affect the outcome of the run, but the number of amputations, i.e. unilateral or bilateral amputation, does. Not everyday prosthetic feet are suitable for running, they have to be specially designed for it. For future research, we think it is important to provide accurate information about the subjects and their running prosthesis, the unification of the stiffness evaluation system, a larger number of subjects in the research and more research in the field of foot alignment and shape, as well as comparing people with and without amputations and feet to each other.
Sekundarne ključne besede: diploma theses;orthotics and prosthetics;amputation;prosthetic feet;running prostheses;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko
Strani: 58 str.
ID: 16534362