diplomska naloga
Jožica Lužnik (Avtor), Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek (Mentor), Dušan Kogoj (Član komisije za zagovor), Tomaž Ambrožič (Član komisije za zagovor), Anka Lisec (Član komisije za zagovor)


Določitev tipologije podeželskih območij v Sloveniji

Ključne besede

geodezija;diplomska dela;UNI;podeželje;podeželska območja;tipologija podeželskih območij;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik: [J. Lužnik]
UDK: 711.3(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 4949601 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2894
Št. prenosov: 394
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Defining the typology of rural areas in Slovenia
Sekundarni povzetek: This thesis deals with determining the typology of rural areas on the basis of internationally established methodological approaches. The attempt to define the rural areas in Slovenia is made on the basis of two selected methodological approaches. The first analysis employed the OECD methodology of classification of urban-rural areas. In order to adapt this methodology to Slovenian territory, another, indicator-based analysis was conducted, where by the indicators were selected according to a previously created typology of rural areas and according to Slovene legal bases. After the review and analysis of the indicators, individual types of rural areas were defined. The classification of rural areas was carried out in two steps. Firstly, three types of areas were determined: typical rural areas, transitional rural areas and areas of urban character. In the second step, areas were divided into demographically restricted areas, structure-restricted areas, moderately structure-restricted areas and predominantly developed areas. The comparison of these two approaches to defining rural areas showed that the urban-rural classification is more suitable for Slovenian conditions and that the differences between the two approaches are minimal. In both cases, the majority of areas are classified as intermediate and transitional rural areas. On the national level, both classifications show similar results. All urban areas are located close to the main highway cross with its centre in Ljubljana, the capital of the country. Rural areas as well as intermediate and transitional rural areas are scattered over the rest of the country’s territory without any specific pattern. Based on the comparison of the two classifications, we found out that it is impossible to define homogeneous areas on the basis of only one indicator and that a combination of several indicators is necessary.
Sekundarne ključne besede: graduation thesis;geodesy;rural areas;typology of rural areas;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Strani: X, 61 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Defining the typology of rural areas in Slovenia
Ključne besede (ePrints): podeţelje;podeţelska območja;tipologija podeţelskih območij
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): rural areas;typology of rural areas
Povzetek (ePrints): Diplomsko delo obravnava določitev tipologije podeţelskih območij na podlagi študija mednarodno uveljavljenih metodoloških pristopov. Poskus določitve podeţelskih območij za Slovenijo je nato izveden na podlagi dveh izbranih metodoloških pristopov. Prva analiza je izvedena po OECD-jevi metodologiji členitve urbano-podeţelskih območij. Z namenom nadgradnje te metodologije je bila za potrebe slovenskega prostora izdelana tudi analiza na podlagi kazalnikov, ki so bili izbrani glede na ţe izdelane tipologije podeţelskega prostora ter na podlagi zakonskih podlag v Sloveniji. Po pregledu in analizi kazalnikov so bili določeni tipi podeţelskih območij. Členitev podeţelskih območij je bila izvedena v dveh korakih. Najprej so bili določeni trije tipi območij: tipična podeţelska območja, prehodna podeţelska območja ter območja mestnega značaja. V drugem koraku pa je bila izvedena še dodatna členitev na demografsko omejevana območja, strukturno omejevana območja, strukturno zmerno omejevana območja ter preteţno razvita območja. Primerjava obeh pristopov k odločanju podeţelskih območij je pokazala, da je primernejša členitev urbano-podeţelskih območij, ki je prilagojena slovenskim razmeram in se minimalno razlikuje od delne členitve na podlagi izbranih kazalnikov. V obeh primerih je največ območij razvrščenih v vmesna območja ter prehodno podeţelska območja. Obe členitvi glede na celotno Slovenijo sta si med seboj zelo podobni. Vsa urbana območja se nahajajo blizu glavnega prometnega kriţa v Sloveniji, ki ima središče v samem glavnem mestu Ljubljana. Ostala podeţelska območja ter vmesna in prehodno podeţelska območja pa so brez posebnega vzorca razvrščena po preostalem območju Slovenije. Na podlagi primerjave obeh členitev smo ugotovili, da ni mogoče določiti homogenih območij le na podlagi enega kazalnika, temveč je potrebno uporabiti kombinacijo večih kazalnikov.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): This thesis deals with determining the typology of rural areas on the basis of internationally established methodological approaches. The attempt to define the rural areas in Slovenia is made on the basis of two selected methodological approaches. The first analysis employed the OECD methodology of classification of urban-rural areas. In order to adapt this methodology to Slovenian territory, another, indicator-based analysis was conducted, where by the indicators were selected according to a previously created typology of rural areas and according to Slovene legal bases. After the review and analysis of the indicators, individual types of rural areas were defined. The classification of rural areas was carried out in two steps. Firstly, three types of areas were determined: typical rural areas, transitional rural areas and areas of urban character. In the second step, areas were divided into demographically restricted areas, structure-restricted areas, moderately structure-restricted areas and predominantly developed areas. The comparison of these two approaches to defining rural areas showed that the urban-rural classification is more suitable for Slovenian conditions and that the differences between the two approaches are minimal. In both cases, the majority of areas are classified as intermediate and transitional rural areas. On the national level, both classifications show similar results. All urban areas are located close to the main highway cross with its centre in Ljubljana, the capital of the country. Rural areas as well as intermediate and transitional rural areas are scattered over the rest of the country’s territory without any specific pattern. Based on the comparison of the two classifications, we found out that it is impossible to define homogeneous areas on the basis of only one indicator and that a combination of several indicators is necessary.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): rural areas;typology of rural areas
ID: 8309393