diplomsko delo


Težave s hranjenjem pri otrocih z motnjami v razvoju

Ključne besede

oralne funkcije;motnje hranjenja;logopedska obravnava;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Oblak]
UDK: 376.1:613.221(043.2)
COBISS: 9380169 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1531
Št. prenosov: 283
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Feeding problems in children with developmental disorders
Sekundarni povzetek: In order to understand feeding problems in children with developmental disorders it is necessary to be familiar with the normal development of feeding. The first part of the theoretical introduction of the thesis is dedicated to the anatomical particularities of an infant and a normal development of primary oral functions and feeding. The second part presents different feeding problems encountered in children with developmental disorders, such as problems with sucking, biting, swallowing, sensibility impairment of the orofacial area, drooling, gastroesophageal reflux, aspiration, and impaired weight gain. It is crucial to address the problem early. Various approaches are possible, such as the sensibility improvement of the orofacial area, development of oral functions, change of feeding technique, adaptation of food, use of adequate accessories, or a change in communication while feeding. When implementing any of the techniques we have to be aware of the child's body position. The theoretical part is concluded with a chapter about the influence of feeding on the development of communication and speech. In fact, during feeding the child develops motor patterns which are also necessary for speech. If the child has problems in the development of oral functions, speech problems can be expected as well. The aim of the practical part of the thesis was to determine the frequency of feeding problems in children with developmental disorders and their impact on speech. A questionnaire on feeding problems was created, which was filled in by parents of 328 children who are treated in the developmental clinics of the Gorenjska region. The results showed that the most frequent problem of children during breastfeeding or bottle feeding is the interruption of feeding with sleep, while weak sucking is also a frequent problem. Regarding different food consistency, children have been troubled the most with accepting solid food; problems with biting and chewing are also common. Parents of children with feeding disorders are more often psychologically burdened. There is a higher occurrence of problems with breastfeeding or bottle feeding in premature than in mature babies. Children who were fed with a nasogastric or orogastric tube for more than five weeks are more likely to have problems with orofacial area sensitivity. Children who had problems with weak sucking are more likely to have problems with the articulation of sibilants after the age of five. Children with a delay in speech and language development or understanding speech have more frequent problems in the oral preparatory phase of swallowing. Children with cerebral palsy have more frequent problems with feeding than other children. One half of the children with impaired weight gain were treated by a paediatrician and/or gastroenterologist. Only a small percentage of children are treated by a speech therapist because of feeding problems.
Sekundarne ključne besede: backward child;nutrition;speech therapy;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;prehrana;logopedija;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Strani: 95 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Feeding problems in children with developmental disorders
Ključne besede (ePrints): otroci z motnjami v razvoju
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): children with developmental disorders
Povzetek (ePrints): Za razumevanje težav s hranjenjem pri otrocih z motnjami v razvoju je potrebno poznati normalen razvoj hranjenja. Prvi del teoretičnega uvoda diplomskega dela je namenjen anatomskim posebnostim dojenčka ter normalnemu razvoju primarnih oralnih funkcij in hranjenja. V drugem delu so predstavljene različne težave s hranjenjem, ki jih srečamo pri otrocih z motnjami v razvoju, kot so težave s sesanjem, grizenjem, požiranjem, motnje senzibilitete orofacialnega področja, prekomerno slinjenje, gastroezofagealni refluks, aspiracija, počasno pridobivanje na teži. Nujna je zgodnja obravnava težav. Možni so različni pristopi, kot so izboljšanje senzibilitete orofacialnega področja, razvijanje oralnih funkcij, sprememba tehnike hranjenja, prilagoditev hrane, uporaba primernega pribora, sprememba komunikacije pri hranjenju. Pri izvajanju katerekoli tehnike moramo biti pozorni na položaj telesa otroka. Teoretični uvod se zaključuje s poglavjem o vplivu hranjenja na razvoj komunikacije in govora. Pri hranjenju namreč otrok razvija gibalne vzorce, ki so potrebni tudi za govor. Če ima otrok težave v razvoju oralnih funkcij, lahko pričakujemo tudi težave z govorom. Namen praktičnega dela diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti pogostost težav s hranjenjem pri otrocih z motnjami v razvoju ter vpliv težav s hranjenjem na govor. V ta namen je bil sestavljen Vprašalnik o težavah pri hranjenju, ki so ga izpolnili starši 328 otrok, ki so vodeni v razvojnih ambulantah na Gorenjskem. Rezultati so pokazali, da je najpogostejša težava otrok pri dojenju ali hranjenju po steklenički prekinjanje hranjenja s spanjem, pogosto pa je tudi šibko sesanje. Izmed različnih konsistenc hrane imajo otroci največ težav pri sprejemanju trde hrane; pogoste so težave z grizenjem ali žvečenjem. Starši otrok, ki imajo več težav s hranjenjem, so pogosteje psihično obremenjeni. Pri nedonošenih otrocih je prisotnih več težav pri dojenju ali hranjenju po steklenički. Otroci, ki so bili hranjeni po nazo- ali orogastrični sondi več kot pet tednov, imajo pogosteje težave z občutljivostjo orofacialnega področja. Otroci, ki so imeli težave s šibkim sesanjem, imajo po dopolnjenem petem letu starosti pogosteje težave z izgovorom sičnikov in šumnikov. Otroci z zaostankom v razvoju govora, jezika ali razumevanja imajo pogosteje težave v oralni pripravljalni fazi požiranja. Otroci s cerebralno paralizo imajo več težav s hranjenjem. Polovica otrok, ki počasneje pridobivajo na teži, je iz tega vzroka obravnavanih pri pediatru in/ali gastroenterologu. Le majhen del otrok pa je zaradi težav s hranjenjem obravnavan pri logopedu.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): In order to understand feeding problems in children with developmental disorders it is necessary to be familiar with the normal development of feeding. The first part of the theoretical introduction of the thesis is dedicated to the anatomical particularities of an infant and a normal development of primary oral functions and feeding. The second part presents different feeding problems encountered in children with developmental disorders, such as problems with sucking, biting, swallowing, sensibility impairment of the orofacial area, drooling, gastroesophageal reflux, aspiration, and impaired weight gain. It is crucial to address the problem early. Various approaches are possible, such as the sensibility improvement of the orofacial area, development of oral functions, change of feeding technique, adaptation of food, use of adequate accessories, or a change in communication while feeding. When implementing any of the techniques we have to be aware of the child's body position. The theoretical part is concluded with a chapter about the influence of feeding on the development of communication and speech. In fact, during feeding the child develops motor patterns which are also necessary for speech. If the child has problems in the development of oral functions, speech problems can be expected as well. The aim of the practical part of the thesis was to determine the frequency of feeding problems in children with developmental disorders and their impact on speech. A questionnaire on feeding problems was created, which was filled in by parents of 328 children who are treated in the developmental clinics of the Gorenjska region. The results showed that the most frequent problem of children during breastfeeding or bottle feeding is the interruption of feeding with sleep, while weak sucking is also a frequent problem. Regarding different food consistency, children have been troubled the most with accepting solid food; problems with biting and chewing are also common. Parents of children with feeding disorders are more often psychologically burdened. There is a higher occurrence of problems with breastfeeding or bottle feeding in premature than in mature babies. Children who were fed with a nasogastric or orogastric tube for more than five weeks are more likely to have problems with orofacial area sensitivity. Children who had problems with weak sucking are more likely to have problems with the articulation of sibilants after the age of five. Children with a delay in speech and language development or understanding speech have more frequent problems in the oral preparatory phase of swallowing. Children with cerebral palsy have more frequent problems with feeding than other children. One half of the children with impaired weight gain were treated by a paediatrician and/or gastroenterologist. Only a small percentage of children are treated by a speech therapist because of feeding problems.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): children with developmental disorders
ID: 8310738