diplomsko delo
Lucija Lončarič (Avtor), Verena Koch (Mentor), Stojan Kostanjevec (Komentor)


Prepoznavnost brezglutenskih živil

Ključne besede

celiakija;brezglutenska živila;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [L. Lončarič]
UDK: 612.392:664.236(043.2)
COBISS: 9442889 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 898
Št. prenosov: 532
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Identification gluten-free products
Sekundarni povzetek: Gluten free-diet (GDF) is the only efficient treatment for patients with celiac disease. Celiac patients must eliminate gluten from their diet. Food that originally does not contain gluten can be contaminated with gluten during processing. That kind of food is not suitable for celiac diet. The objective of this study was to gather information on suitable gluten-free food (GF food) and the level of trust in gluten-free labeling. We analyzed shopping habits and key factors for buying gluten-free products. We also analyzed the influence of gluten-free diet on life, ways of finding out if food is gluten-free, factors that effect diet by gender, age, education and duration of disease. Data was collected with a questionnaire, answered by 226 members of Slovenian Celiac Disease Association (SDC). The results show that most patients follow their gluten-free diet plan and that most of them get information from SDC. Identification of GF food is satisfactory but there are only a few providers on the market. Gluten-free labels (both ingredients listing and gluten-free labels) are important for celiac patients and the level of trust in such labels is very high. Most patient buy GF food in shopping centers, however, 55,50 % of them believe there is not enough food suitable for GFD. Most of them choose GF food for their gluten-free label. Patients face most difficulties in restaurants and on vacation. Their knowledge about disease is the key to the right diet. This is why it was suggested that all GF food should contain a gluten-free label and that stores should keep all GF food in the same section. While GF food is a basis for celiac treatment, it is most important to recognize which food is gluten-free. Proper labeling, spreading GF products on market place and informing general public about the importance of GF food could improve identification of GF food at people with celiac disease.
Sekundarne ključne besede: nutrition;disease;prehrana;bolezen;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Biologija in gospodinjstvo
Strani: VIII f., 87 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Identification gluten-free products
Ključne besede (ePrints): prepoznavanje živil
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): identification of food
Povzetek (ePrints): Brezglutenska dieta je edina uradno priznana oblika zdravljenja celiakije. Bolniki s celiakijo morajo iz prehrane izločiti živila, ki vsebujejo gluten. Živilom, ki ne vsebujejo glutena, se lahko v postopku predelave ali obdelave dodajo sestavine, ki gluten vsebujejo in takšna živila niso primerna pri brezglutenski dieti. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti načine in stopnjo informiranosti bolnikov o primernih živilih ter stopnjo zaupanja označbi za brezglutenska živila - »prečrtan žitni klas«. Analizirali smo lokacije nakupov, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na nakup brezglutenskih živil, načine prepoznavanja brezglutenskih živil in vpliv diete na življenje bolnikov. Podatki so bili pridobljeni z anketiranjem bolnikov s celiakijo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 226 naključno izbranih članov osmih podružnic Slovenskega društva za celiakijo (SDC). Ugotovili smo, da največ informacij anketiranci pridobijo v Slovenskem društvu za celiakijo in da večina anketirancev dosledno upošteva dieto. Prepoznavnost brezglutenskih živil med anketiranci je zadovoljiva, vendar je različnost ponudnikov, ki jih ti bolniki poznajo, majhna. Za bolnike s celiakijo, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi, je pomembnejše označevanje s prepoznavnim znakom kot z ustreznimi deklaracijami. Bolniki najpogosteje nakupujejo brezglutenska živila v velikih nakupovalnih središčih, vendar 55,50 % anketirancev meni, da so običajno količine živil majhne. Sodelujoči v raziskavi se najpogosteje soočajo s težavami v restavracijah in na dopustu. Poznavanje bolezni je ključnega pomena za pravilno prehrano bolnika. Za boljšo prepoznavnost brezglutenskih živil so anketiranci najpogosteje izbrali možnost, da bi imela vsa brezglutenska živila znak prečrtan žitni klas in da bi bila vsa brezglutenska živila na istem mestu. Brezglutenska živila so osnova za zdravljenje celiakije, zato je prepoznavanje ustreznih živil ključnega pomena. Z zagotavljanjem ustreznih označb na brezglutenskih živilih, širjenjem ponudbe brezglutenskih živil in seznanjanje čim širše populacije o pomembnosti teh živil, bi lahko zagotovili boljše prepoznavanje brezglutenskih živil pri bolnikih s celiakijo.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Gluten free-diet (GDF) is the only efficient treatment for patients with celiac disease. Celiac patients must eliminate gluten from their diet. Food that originally does not contain gluten can be contaminated with gluten during processing. That kind of food is not suitable for celiac diet. The objective of this study was to gather information on suitable gluten-free food (GF food) and the level of trust in gluten-free labeling. We analyzed shopping habits and key factors for buying gluten-free products. We also analyzed the influence of gluten-free diet on life, ways of finding out if food is gluten-free, factors that effect diet by gender, age, education and duration of disease. Data was collected with a questionnaire, answered by 226 members of Slovenian Celiac Disease Association (SDC). The results show that most patients follow their gluten-free diet plan and that most of them get information from SDC. Identification of GF food is satisfactory but there are only a few providers on the market. Gluten-free labels (both ingredients listing and gluten-free labels) are important for celiac patients and the level of trust in such labels is very high. Most patient buy GF food in shopping centers, however, 55,50 % of them believe there is not enough food suitable for GFD. Most of them choose GF food for their gluten-free label. Patients face most difficulties in restaurants and on vacation. Their knowledge about disease is the key to the right diet. This is why it was suggested that all GF food should contain a gluten-free label and that stores should keep all GF food in the same section. While GF food is a basis for celiac treatment, it is most important to recognize which food is gluten-free. Proper labeling, spreading GF products on market place and informing general public about the importance of GF food could improve identification of GF food at people with celiac disease.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): identification of food
ID: 8310880
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