diplomsko delo


Učiteljeva uporaba glasbe kot motivacijskega sredstva v prvem triletju devetletne osnovne šole

Ključne besede

razredni učitelji;motivacija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [J. Medvešek]
UDK: 373.32.016:78(043.2)
COBISS: 9581129 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 783
Št. prenosov: 156
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The teacher's use of music as motivational tool in the first triad of primary school
Sekundarni povzetek: The content of my diploma paper is pervaded with experiences and wishes from my childhood that have been from my early years strongly connected with music. For this reason I decided that music will be the main topic. In the theoretical part the terms in connection with motivation, development and tasks of musical education were presented and also the effect of musical education on the development of the child, different musical activities and concrete examples of inclusion music was used as a motivation tool in subjects of the first triennium. The results of the research have shown that for teachers in the first triennium music is mostly an important motivation tool and that is has effect on the motivation of the pupils. Their choice often depends on the learning teaching goals, learning content and the mood of the pupils. According to the use of other motivation tools music is on the third place, that has shown the calculation of the average value. It has also proved that teachers of the first class use more music as motivational tool in comparison with teachers of the second and third class and simultaneously teachers with an additional music education use more music as a motivation tool in comparison with teachers without additional music education. Often they use their own musical instruments followed by Orff’s and the least used are improvisatorial. Instruments are more often used at musical education, Slovene and Art whereas they are used the least at the science subject, get to know the environment. It was also found out, that teachers from the first to the third class use the most music as a motivation tool for meeting the musical goals, the goals of Art and Slovene. From the analysis of the research it was found out that a more frequent use of music as a motivational tool has an effect on more positive conviction of the pupils in the class, the pupils are more relaxed and their imagination and fantasy is more developed, their communication, spontaneity improved or so to say it has also an effect on a more frequent expression of feelings at pupils and on their motivation. It turned out that teachers in the first triennium use music as motivational tool at all subjects but its presence could be more deputized. They wrote on their own that they would use it more if they had more knowledge from vocal techniques and singing skills, more knowledge in musical theories and the most common reason was if they would be able play an instrument.
Sekundarne ključne besede: music education;primary school;glasbena vzgoja;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: 121 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): The teacher's use of music as motivational tool in the first triad of primary school
Ključne besede (ePrints): učitelji prvega triletja
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): teachers in the first triennium
Povzetek (ePrints): Vsebina diplomske naloge je prežeta z izkušnjami in željami iz mojih otroških let, ki so bila že od malih nog močno povezana z glasbo. Prav zato sem se odločila, da bo v diplomski nalogi osrednja tema glasba. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila pojme v zvezi z motivacijo, razvoj in naloge glasbene vzgoje, vpliv glasbene vzgoje na razvoj otroka, različne glasbene dejavnosti ter konkretne primere vključevanja glasbe kot motivacijskega sredstva pri predmetih v prvem triletju. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je za učitelje prvega triletja v večini glasba pomembno motivacijsko sredstvo in da vpliva na motivacijo učencev. Njihova izbira glasbe kot motivacijskega sredstva je najpogosteje odvisna od učnih ciljev, učne vsebine in razpoloženja učencev. Glede uporabe ostalih motivacijskih sredstev je glasba kot motivacijsko sredstvo na tretjem mestu, kar je pokazal tudi izračun povprečne vrednosti. Izkazalo se je tudi, da učitelji prvega razreda uporabljajo več glasbe kot motivacijskega sredstva v primerjavi z učitelji drugega in tretjega razreda, hkrati pa učitelji z dodatno glasbeno izobrazbo uporabljajo več glasbe kot motivacijskega sredstva v primerjavi z učitelji brez dodatne glasbene izobrazbe. Najpogosteje med poukom uporabljajo lastna glasbila, zatem Orffova in najmanj improvizirana. Instrumente uporabljajo največ pri glasbeni vzgoji, slovenščini, likovni vzgoji, medtem ko jih najmanj uporabljajo pri predmetu spoznavanje okolja. Izkazalo se je tudi, da učitelji od prvega do tretjega razreda uporabljajo največ glasbe kot motivacijskega sredstva za uresničevanje glasbenih ciljev, ciljev likovne vzgoje ter slovenščine. Iz analize ankete sem prišla do zaključkov glede strinjanja učiteljev prvega triletja, da pogostejša uporaba glasbe kot motivacijskega sredstva vpliva na pogostejša pozitivna prepričanja učencev v razredu, večjo sproščenost učencev, na bolj razvito domišljijo in fantazijo pri učencih, na večjo komunikativnost, spontanost oziroma pogostejše izražanje čustev pri učencih in na njihovo motiviranost. Ugotovila sem, da učitelji prvega triletja uporabljajo glasbo kot motivacijsko sredstvo pri vseh predmetih, vendar bi lahko bila njena prisotnost zastopana v večji meri. Tudi sami so napisali, da bi jo v večini uporabljali več, če bi imeli več znanja iz vokalne tehnike in petja, več znanja o glasbeni teoriji, kot največji razlog pa so navedli, če bi igrali instrument.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The content of my diploma paper is pervaded with experiences and wishes from my childhood that have been from my early years strongly connected with music. For this reason I decided that music will be the main topic. In the theoretical part the terms in connection with motivation, development and tasks of musical education were presented and also the effect of musical education on the development of the child, different musical activities and concrete examples of inclusion music was used as a motivation tool in subjects of the first triennium. The results of the research have shown that for teachers in the first triennium music is mostly an important motivation tool and that is has effect on the motivation of the pupils. Their choice often depends on the learning teaching goals, learning content and the mood of the pupils. According to the use of other motivation tools music is on the third place, that has shown the calculation of the average value. It has also proved that teachers of the first class use more music as motivational tool in comparison with teachers of the second and third class and simultaneously teachers with an additional music education use more music as a motivation tool in comparison with teachers without additional music education. Often they use their own musical instruments followed by Orff’s and the least used are improvisatorial. Instruments are more often used at musical education, Slovene and Art whereas they are used the least at the science subject, get to know the environment. It was also found out, that teachers from the first to the third class use the most music as a motivation tool for meeting the musical goals, the goals of Art and Slovene. From the analysis of the research it was found out that a more frequent use of music as a motivational tool has an effect on more positive conviction of the pupils in the class, the pupils are more relaxed and their imagination and fantasy is more developed, their communication, spontaneity improved or so to say it has also an effect on a more frequent expression of feelings at pupils and on their motivation. It turned out that teachers in the first triennium use music as motivational tool at all subjects but its presence could be more deputized. They wrote on their own that they would use it more if they had more knowledge from vocal techniques and singing skills, more knowledge in musical theories and the most common reason was if they would be able play an instrument.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): teachers in the first triennium
ID: 8311268