diplomska naloga
Darja Malovrh (Avtor), Alenka Cemič (Mentor), Jera Gregorc (Komentor)


Poškodbe predšolskih otrok pri gibalni dejavnosti v vrtcu

Ključne besede

gibalne dejavnosti;poškodbe;nezgode;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [D. Malovrh]
UDK: 373.2.016:79(043.2)
COBISS: 9648201 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 953
Št. prenosov: 339
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Injuries of pre-school children at locomotor activity in the kindergarten
Sekundarni povzetek: The intent of this diploma was to research injuries of pre-school children during their locomotor activities in kindergarten. For the purpose of the research, we have modified a questionnaire of Petra Kobe. Survey questionnaire contained 25 variables. Related to the child’s basic information and data about child injuries. We were intersted in frequency of injuries and typs of injury of a child, the cause and circumstances of the injury, the activity of the educator while injury happened , oppinion about lawsuit for damage to their child. 124 parents with children from three diferent regions were interviewed. Collected data was processed using SPSS (Statistical Package for teh Social Sciences) – 21.0 for Windows. For calculating frequencies of particular questions, the application FREQUENCIES was used as a subprogram. Numerical variables, as well as in other appropriate transformed variables, we used DESCRIPTIVES and CORELATION. Results showed that of 124 children who were enrolled in the study, 40 children suffered injury (32,3%). Among them, 17 children (13,7%) were injured once, 11 children (8,9)% were injured twice, 3 children (2,4%) were injured three times, 7 children (5.6 %) were injured four times and 2 children (1.6%) were injured five times. 39 (97.5%) of all injured children suffered minor injuries and 1 child (2.5%) suffered a serious injury. In centralslovenian region was 20 injuries (50%), in gorenjskaregion 12 injuries (30%) and in goriškaregion 8 injuries (20%). The percent of injured boys was 48,4% and the percent of injuried girls was 51,6%. 5.13% of all injuries happened between organized locomotor activity, 61.54% of injuries happened during the free games. The most frequent causes for injuries were unforseen circumstances (60,5%), conflicts with peers 13,2% and fatigue child 2.6%. The most frequent consequences of accidents were bruises (75%), head was the part of the body which was injuried most commonly (50,98%). The report of the accident was written only in 5% of all the injuries. Minor injuries like bruises, falls and bumps are part of the growing up of each individual. Excessive concern and complete detachment of the potential danger may be due to fear of lawsuits, which is not justifiable reason, because the movement is essential for a child’s normal development.
Sekundarne ključne besede: pre-school child;motor activity;motion;predšolski otrok;motorika;gibanje;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Strani: 55 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Injuries of pre-school children at locomotor activity in the kindergarten
Ključne besede (ePrints): gibalna dejavnost
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): locomotor activity
Povzetek (ePrints): Namen diplomske naloge je bil raziskati področje poškodb predšolskih otrok pri gibalni dejavnosti v vrtcu. Za potrebe raziskave smo priredili anketni vprašalnik Petre Kobe. Anketni vprašalnik je vseboval 25 spremenljivk, vezanih na otrokove osnovne podatke in na podatke o poškodbah otroka. Zanimala nas je pogostost in trajanje gibalnih dejavnosti , pogostost poškodb in vrsta poškodbe otroka, vzrok in okoliščine poškodbe, aktivnost vzgojitelja ob poškodbi, ter mnenje staršev o tožbi zaradi poškodovanja njihovega otroka. V vzorec anketiranih je bilo zajetih 124 staršev otrok, ki so bili vključeni v program predšolske vzgoje v treh različnih regijah Slovenije. Podatki so bili obdelani s statističnim paketom SPSS – 21.0 za Windows. S podprogramom FREQUENCIES smo izračunali frekvence posameznih odgovorov v anketnih vprašalnikih. Na številčnih spremenljivkah in tudi na ostalih ustrezno transformiranih spremenljivkah smo uporabili opisno statistiko in analizo povezave med spremenljivkami. Izidi so pokazali, da se je od 124 otrok, ki so bili vključeni v raziskavo, poškodovalo 40 otrok (32,3 %). Med njimi se je enkrat poškodovalo 17 otrok (13,7 %), dvakrat 11 otrok (8,9 %) trikrat so se poškodovali 3 otroci (2,4 %), štirikrat se je poškodovalo 7 otrok (5,6 %), petkrat pa sta se poškodovala 2 otroka (1,6 %). Od vseh poškodovanih je bilo 39 otrok (97,5 %) lažje poškodovanih, težje pa se je poškodoval en otrok (2,5 %). V osrednjeslovenski regiji je bilo 20 poškodb (50 %), v gorenjski regiji 12 poškodb (30 %), v goriški regiji pa 8 poškodb (20 %). Med poškodovanimi otroki je bilo 60 dečkov (48,4 %) in 64 deklic (51,6 %). Med organizirano gibalno dejavnostjo se je poškodovalo 5,13 % otrok, med prosto igro pa se je poškodovalo 61,54 % otrok. Najpogosteje je bila vzrok za poškodbo nepredvidena situacija (60,5 %), spor z vrstniki je bil vzrok za 13,2 % poškodb, utrujenost otroka pa je bila vzrok za 2,6 % poškodb. Pri nezgodah so najpogosteje nastale udarnine (75 %), najpogosteje poškodovani del telesa, pa je bila glava (50,98 %). Zapisnik o poškodbi je bil izpolnjen le v 5 % vseh poškodb. Neznatne poškodbe, kot npr. odrgnine, padci in udarci, so del odraščanja vsakega posameznika. Prevelika skrb in popoln odmik potencialnih nevarnosti, sta lahko posledica strahu pred tožbami, kar pa ni opravičljiv razlog, saj je gibanje nujno za otrokov normalen razvoj.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The intent of this diploma was to research injuries of pre-school children during their locomotor activities in kindergarten. For the purpose of the research, we have modified a questionnaire of Petra Kobe. Survey questionnaire contained 25 variables. Related to the child’s basic information and data about child injuries. We were intersted in frequency of injuries and typs of injury of a child, the cause and circumstances of the injury, the activity of the educator while injury happened , oppinion about lawsuit for damage to their child. 124 parents with children from three diferent regions were interviewed. Collected data was processed using SPSS (Statistical Package for teh Social Sciences) – 21.0 for Windows. For calculating frequencies of particular questions, the application FREQUENCIES was used as a subprogram. Numerical variables, as well as in other appropriate transformed variables, we used DESCRIPTIVES and CORELATION. Results showed that of 124 children who were enrolled in the study, 40 children suffered injury (32,3%). Among them, 17 children (13,7%) were injured once, 11 children (8,9)% were injured twice, 3 children (2,4%) were injured three times, 7 children (5.6 %) were injured four times and 2 children (1.6%) were injured five times. 39 (97.5%) of all injured children suffered minor injuries and 1 child (2.5%) suffered a serious injury. In centralslovenian region was 20 injuries (50%), in gorenjskaregion 12 injuries (30%) and in goriškaregion 8 injuries (20%). The percent of injured boys was 48,4% and the percent of injuried girls was 51,6%. 5.13% of all injuries happened between organized locomotor activity, 61.54% of injuries happened during the free games. The most frequent causes for injuries were unforseen circumstances (60,5%), conflicts with peers 13,2% and fatigue child 2.6%. The most frequent consequences of accidents were bruises (75%), head was the part of the body which was injuried most commonly (50,98%). The report of the accident was written only in 5% of all the injuries. Minor injuries like bruises, falls and bumps are part of the growing up of each individual. Excessive concern and complete detachment of the potential danger may be due to fear of lawsuits, which is not justifiable reason, because the movement is essential for a child’s normal development.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): locomotor activity
ID: 8311413