diplomsko delo
Mina Stojilov (Avtor), Marija Kavkler (Mentor)


Primerjava slovenskega in španskega modela obravnave otrok z motnjami avtističnega spektra

Ključne besede

šolski sistem;osebe s posebnimi potrebami;spektroavtistične motnje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Stojilov]
UDK: 376.1:616.896(043.2)
COBISS: 9685321 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 833
Št. prenosov: 207
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Comparison of Slovene and Spanish model of trearment of children with autism spectrum disorder
Sekundarni povzetek: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are complex neurodevelopmental disorders that manifest as changes in behavior in the areas of communication, social interaction and imagination. Despite the fact that autism spectrum disorders are present throughout the entire life of an individual, we can alter and improve the way children with autism spectrum disorders interact in the most important areas of their life by addressing the disorders in the early stages and in the quality manner. Education of children with autism spectrum disorders definitely presents a challenge due to the complexity of the problems that such disorders cause. This is why the education, educational programs and methods have to be adapted to the special needs of the children with autism spectrum disorders. The aim of this thesis was to research the field of working with children with autism spectrum disorders in Slovenia and Spain, where I completed my teaching internship during an international exchange. The goals, set during the writing of this thesis, were to find similarities and differences between the Spanish and Slovene models of working with children with autism spectrum disorders, analyze the characteristics of the education provided to children with such disorders, and point out the positive methods used when working with children suffering from autism spectrum disorders in Spain. I found out that the Spanish and Slovene models of working with children with autism spectrum disorders do not differ significantly, due to the similarities between the legislations of both countries concerning this field. The same holds true for the enrollment procedures for children with autism spectrum disorders, as well as the profile of experts that work with them and the methods these experts use in their work. One of the differences can be found in the number of hours of individual and group assistance available to children with ASD, as the children suffering from these disorders in Spain are entitled to more help than those in Slovenia. I also noticed differences in the education available to children with autism spectrum disorders in the aforementioned countries – education in Spain being more diverse and better adapted to the needs of children with autism spectrum disorders.
Sekundarne ključne besede: autism;avtizem;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijske pedagogika
Strani: 84 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Comparison of Slovene and Spanish model of trearment of children with autism spectrum disorder
Ključne besede (ePrints): Šolski sistem Slovenije in Španije
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Slovenian and Spanish education system
Povzetek (ePrints): Spektroavtistične (SAM) motnje so kompleksne razvojno-nevrološke motnje, ki se kažejo kot spremenjeno vedenje na področju komunikacije, socialne interakcije in domišljije. Kljub prisotnosti spektroavtističnih motenj skozi celo življenje lahko z zgodnjo in kvalitetno obravnavo bistveno spremenimo in izboljšamo delovanje otrok s tovrstnimi motnjami na najpomembnejših področjih v življenju. Izobraževanje otrok s spektroavtistično motnjo vsekakor predstavlja izziv zaradi kompleksnosti težav, ki jih prinaša motnja, zato moramo izobraževanje in vzgojne programe ter metode prilagoditi posebnim potrebam teh otrok. Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati področje obravnave otrok s spektroavtistično motnjo v Sloveniji in Španiji, kjer sem v času mednarodne izmenjave opravila tudi pedagoško prakso. Cilji, ki sem si jih zastavila ob pisanju diplomskega dela so bili poiskati podobnosti in razlike med španskim in slovenskim modelom obravnave otrok s spektroavtistično motnjo, analizirati možnosti šolanja otrok s spektroavtistično motnjo in izpostaviti dobre rešitve pri obravnavi in šolanju otrok s spektroavtistično motnjo v Španiji. Ugotovila sem, da se španski in slovenski model obravnave otrok s spektroavtistično motnjo bistveno ne razlikujeta, saj je zakonodaja, ki pokriva to področje, dokaj podobna, ravno tako postopek usmerjanja ter profil in način dela strokovnjakov, ki delajo z otroki s spektroavtistično motnjo. Razlike se pojavljajo v urah individualne in skupinske pomoči, ki jo lahko prejemajo otroci s SAM, saj imajo otroci s SAM v Španiji na voljo več ur kot otroci s SAM v Sloveniji. Razlike sem ugotovila tudi pri možnostih šolanja, ki jih državi ponujata za otroke z obravnavano motnjo, saj Španija ponuja bolj pester in otrokom s spektroavtistično motnjo bolj prilagojen način šolanja.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are complex neurodevelopmental disorders that manifest as changes in behavior in the areas of communication, social interaction and imagination. Despite the fact that autism spectrum disorders are present throughout the entire life of an individual, we can alter and improve the way children with autism spectrum disorders interact in the most important areas of their life by addressing the disorders in the early stages and in the quality manner. Education of children with autism spectrum disorders definitely presents a challenge due to the complexity of the problems that such disorders cause. This is why the education, educational programs and methods have to be adapted to the special needs of the children with autism spectrum disorders. The aim of this thesis was to research the field of working with children with autism spectrum disorders in Slovenia and Spain, where I completed my teaching internship during an international exchange. The goals, set during the writing of this thesis, were to find similarities and differences between the Spanish and Slovene models of working with children with autism spectrum disorders, analyze the characteristics of the education provided to children with such disorders, and point out the positive methods used when working with children suffering from autism spectrum disorders in Spain. I found out that the Spanish and Slovene models of working with children with autism spectrum disorders do not differ significantly, due to the similarities between the legislations of both countries concerning this field. The same holds true for the enrollment procedures for children with autism spectrum disorders, as well as the profile of experts that work with them and the methods these experts use in their work. One of the differences can be found in the number of hours of individual and group assistance available to children with ASD, as the children suffering from these disorders in Spain are entitled to more help than those in Slovenia. I also noticed differences in the education available to children with autism spectrum disorders in the aforementioned countries – education in Spain being more diverse and better adapted to the needs of children with autism spectrum disorders.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Slovenian and Spanish education system
ID: 8311556