diplomsko delo
Tamara Bodlaj (Avtor), Karmen Pižorn (Mentor)


Bralna pismenost v angleškem jeziku učencev 5. razreda osnovne šole

Ključne besede

opismenjevanje;slovenščina;ekstenzivno branje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Bodlaj]
UDK: 028.5=111:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9690441 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1129
Št. prenosov: 234
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: 5th year students' reading literacy in English
Sekundarni povzetek: Literacy is “one of the core values, while teaching literacy to pupils is probably the most important and influential contribution of teachers in the educational process as they lead the pupil through spoken language into the vast universe of written language” (Skela, Sešek, Dagarin Fojkar, 2009: 222). Reading is increasingly important in all areas of life including education, work, cultural activities and the exercise of citizen rights. Since Slovenia gained entry into the European Union, all levels of literacy have become more valuable because of the single market, which enables greater access to education and work abroad. To this end, it is vital that each individual fully develops reading comprehension not only in his or her mother tongue, but in a foreign language as well. The principal objective of the empirical part was to examine reading literacy in English of children attending the 5th grade of primary school. The data we collected through a survey questionnaire suggests that pupils attending a school in a city generally learn English for a longer period than the pupils going to a rural school. Furthermore, those pupils who believe they read well in Slovene think the same way about their reading in English, and vice versa. The results also suggest that the pupils who possess more books in English believe their English reading is good, while those with less English books at home think they read poorly. The children who want to read more both in English classes and at home think their reading abilities in English are good. Research reveals what pupils want to read in English class and what are the differences between boys and girls. Girls prefer reading about animals, fashion, music, celebrities, nature and amusing topics. Boys on the other hand prefer comic books and reading about technology and computers, vehicles, sports and military topics. We discovered certain correlations between reading strategies and the ability to recognise one’s own reading ability in English. Those pupils who are not fully aware of their reading abilities in English usually decide to continue reading and do nothing about an unknown word they encountered. However, when asked about the strategies to understand an unknown word, the children who are aware of their reading abilities in English mostly chose the answers “I try to deduce the meaning of the word from other words” and “I ask a family member”. The pupils who, when they started learning English, used to read English words the way they were written, could not understand quite a few words in a text and were never told that letters and sounds in English rarely match, perceive their reading ability in English as poor. On the contrary, the children that could read easily when they started learning English and were familiar with spoken words, now believe their reading ability in English is good.
Sekundarne ključne besede: reading;literacy;English language;primary school;branje;pismenost;angleščina;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: 72 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): 5th year students' reading literacy in English
Ključne besede (ePrints): opismenjevanje
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): literacy
Povzetek (ePrints): Pismenost je »ena izmed največjih vrednot, opismenjevanje učencev pa verjetno najpomembnejši in najvplivnejši prispevek učiteljev v procesu izobraževanja, ko ti vodijo učenca od ustnega jezika v brezmejna obzorja pisnega jezika« (Skela, Sešek, Dagarin Fojkar, 2009: 222). Branje postaja vedno bolj pomembno na vseh področjih v življenju, tako v izobraževanju, pri delu, kulturnem udejstvovanju in izvajanju državljanskih pravic. Odkar je Slovenija članica Evropske unije, so vse vrste pismenosti še pridobile na vrednosti, saj nam enotni trg omogoča lažji dostop do izobraževanja in dela v tujini. Zato je pomembno, da vsak posameznik bralno razumevanje razvije v njegovem popolnem obsegu, ne le v maternem jeziku, temveč tudi v tujem jeziku. Glavni namen empiričnega dela diplome je bil preveriti, kakšna je bralna pismenost v angleščini učencev 5. razreda osnovne šole. Podatki, pridobljeni s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, kažejo na to, da se učenci, ki obiskujejo mestno šolo, v povprečju učijo angleščino dlje kot učenci, ki obiskujejo ruralno šolo. Učenci, ki menijo, da dobro berejo v slovenščini, tudi menijo, da dobro berejo v angleščini in obratno. Izkazalo se je, da učenci, ki imajo doma več knjig v angleškem jeziku, menijo, da bolje berejo v angleščini, kot učenci, ki imajo doma manj knjig v angleškem jeziku. Učenci, ki imajo željo po več branja pri pouku angleščine in doma, menijo, da je njihova bralna zmožnost v angleščini dobra. S pomočjo raziskave se je pokazalo, kaj si učenci želijo brati pri pouku angleščine in kakšne so razlike med učenkami in učenci. Učenke bi raje brale o živalih, modi, glasbi, zvezdnikih, naravi in zabavnih temah. Učenci si želijo brati stripe, o tehnologiji in računalništvu, prevoznih sredstvih, športu in vojaških temah. Pokazale so se tudi povezave med bralnimi strategijami in zaznavo bralne zmožnosti v angleščini. Učenci, ki svojo bralno zmožnost v angleščini zaznavajo slabše, so v povprečju največkrat izbrali, da ko med branjem v angleščini naletijo na neznano besedo, ne naredijo ničesar in berejo dalje. Učenci, ki svojo bralno zmožnost v angleščini zaznavajo boljše, pa so med strategijami za razumevanje neznane besede največkrat izbrali odgovora »Besede poskušam razumeti s pomočjo preostalih besed.« in »Vprašam družinskega člana.« Učenci, ki so na začetku učenja angleščine besede brali tako, kot so bile napisane, in ki veliko besed niso razumeli ter jim nihče ni povedal, da se črke in glasovi v angleščini pogosto ne ujemajo, zaznavajo svojo bralno zmožnost v angleščini kot slabo. Tisti učenci, ki jim branje na začetku učenja angleščine ni delalo težav in so besede že poznali v govoru, zaznavajo svojo bralno zmožnost v angleščini kot dobro.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Literacy is “one of the core values, while teaching literacy to pupils is probably the most important and influential contribution of teachers in the educational process as they lead the pupil through spoken language into the vast universe of written language” (Skela, Sešek, Dagarin Fojkar, 2009: 222). Reading is increasingly important in all areas of life including education, work, cultural activities and the exercise of citizen rights. Since Slovenia gained entry into the European Union, all levels of literacy have become more valuable because of the single market, which enables greater access to education and work abroad. To this end, it is vital that each individual fully develops reading comprehension not only in his or her mother tongue, but in a foreign language as well. The principal objective of the empirical part was to examine reading literacy in English of children attending the 5th grade of primary school. The data we collected through a survey questionnaire suggests that pupils attending a school in a city generally learn English for a longer period than the pupils going to a rural school. Furthermore, those pupils who believe they read well in Slovene think the same way about their reading in English, and vice versa. The results also suggest that the pupils who possess more books in English believe their English reading is good, while those with less English books at home think they read poorly. The children who want to read more both in English classes and at home think their reading abilities in English are good. Research reveals what pupils want to read in English class and what are the differences between boys and girls. Girls prefer reading about animals, fashion, music, celebrities, nature and amusing topics. Boys on the other hand prefer comic books and reading about technology and computers, vehicles, sports and military topics. We discovered certain correlations between reading strategies and the ability to recognise one’s own reading ability in English. Those pupils who are not fully aware of their reading abilities in English usually decide to continue reading and do nothing about an unknown word they encountered. However, when asked about the strategies to understand an unknown word, the children who are aware of their reading abilities in English mostly chose the answers “I try to deduce the meaning of the word from other words” and “I ask a family member”. The pupils who, when they started learning English, used to read English words the way they were written, could not understand quite a few words in a text and were never told that letters and sounds in English rarely match, perceive their reading ability in English as poor. On the contrary, the children that could read easily when they started learning English and were familiar with spoken words, now believe their reading ability in English is good.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): literacy
ID: 8311573