diplomsko delo
Alenka Humar (Avtor), Jera Gregorc (Mentor)


Metode za razvijanje vzdržljivosti v predšolskem obdobju

Ključne besede

vzdržljivost;fartlek;srčni utrip;motorične sposobnosti;metoda igre;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Humar]
UDK: 373.2.016(043.2)
COBISS: 9775689 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1121
Št. prenosov: 202
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Methods for developing endurance in preschool time
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of this thesis is to present the methods for developing endurance and find out which method that the researchers have developed for adults we can use in preschool education based on motor and physical development of the preschool children. Based on the critical analysis of modern Slovene and foreign literature we presume that during the preschool years the most suitable method for developing endurance is the fartlek method. Fartlek means the game of speed. It includes fast and slow runs, different physical activities during practice and enables individual a lot of freedom and adaptation during practice. We can find a similar way of realization in the method of game. When we want to develop endurance with this method we use two or more locations in between which children move things around, solve problems or construct something. The main goal is that children walk or run the distance several times. We wanted to examine if the heart rate of children during the method of game is similar to the heart rate of an adult during practice fartlek. The sample used in the research consisted of seven preschool children aged between 5 and 6. We equipped the children with heart rate monitors and monitored them while performing physical activity like method of game. We discovered that children differentiate from adults in the field of motor and physical skills. Because the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are not developed yet with the preschool children, the strain on the body is bigger as with the adults. The ossification of the child's skeletal system is not finished yet that's why extreme and long endurance training is not appropriate for the children as it leads to depletion of minerals and nutrition needed for bone growth. We can conclude that with preschool children it is not possible to develop endurance by using continual and interval method, because both methods lead to anaerobic area and with this to the collapse of acid-basis balance and also put too much pressure on the organism. Fartlek is the only method which can be suitable for developing endurance during preschool education. Its main characteristic is that everyone can adjust the level of strain according to his ability which means that the children can stop anytime and this means that it does not come to overexertion. With this we confirmed the first hypothesis which is that the only appropriate method for developing endurance during preschool years is fartlek. With the help of the measurements we also confirmed the second hypothesis – through the method of game we develop the endurance by the fartlek method. From the graphs showing the frequency of the child's heartbeat we can read that on average the level of effort was between 50% and 85 % respectively their heart rate was between 140 and 190 bpm. With the majority of children we noticed exchanging intervals of lesser and greater exertion. Its length and intensity differ as the child adjusts the level of strain according to his individual needs. This being also the main characteristic of the fartlek method.
Sekundarne ključne besede: pre-school child;motor activity;predšolski otrok;motorika;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Strani: 31 str., [2] f. pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Methods for developing endurance in preschool time
Ključne besede (ePrints): predšolski otrok
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): preschool children
Povzetek (ePrints): Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti metode za razvoj vzdržljivosti in na podlagi gibalnega in telesnega razvoja predšolskega otroka ugotoviti, katero izmed metod, ki so jih raziskovalci razvili za odrasle, lahko uporabimo v predšolskem obdobju. Na podlagi kritične analize sodobne slovenske in tuje literature o razvoju predšolskega otroka predpostavljamo, da je v predšolskem obdobju najprimernejša metoda za razvoj vzdržljivosti fartlek. Fartlek pomeni igro hitrosti. Vključuje pa hitre in počasne teke, različne gibalne dejavnosti med aktivnostjo in omogoča precej svobode in prilagajanja posameznika med vadbo. Podoben način izvedbe zaznamo med metodo igre. Kadar želimo po tej metodi razvijati vzdržljivost v predšolskem obdobju, uporabimo različno oddaljena mesta, od koder otroci bodisi nekaj prinašajo ali odnašajo bodisi kaj rešujejo ali sestavljajo. Glavni namen na področju gibanja pa je, da čim večkrat prehodi in preteče te razdalje. Želeli smo preveriti, ali je srčni utrip otrok med izvajanjem metode igre, kjer smo razvijali vzdržljivost, podoben srčnemu utripu odraslega med izvajanjem fartleka. Vzorec raziskave je sestavljen iz 7 predšolskih otrok, starih od 5 do 6 let. Eksperiment smo izvajali tako, da smo otrokom namestili merilce srčnega utripa, nato pa z njimi izvajali gibalno dejavnost po metodi igre. Ugotovili smo, da se otroci razlikujejo od odraslih tako na gibalnem kot tudi telesnem področju. Srčno-žilni in dihalni sistem pri otrocih še nista razvita, kar pomeni, da pride do hitrejše in večje obremenitve kot pri odraslih. Prav tako pri otrocih še ni dokončana osifikacija kostnega sistema, zato iz tega vidika prepogosta in ekstremno dolgotrajna vadba vzdržljivosti ni primerna, saj pri njej prihaja do izčrpavanja za rast kosti potrebnih mineralov in hranil. Iz tega sklepamo, da razvijanje vzdržljivosti pri predšolskem otroku po neprekinjeni in intervalni metodi ni mogoče, saj ti dve metodi vodita v anaerobno območje oziroma do rušenja acido-bazičnega ravnovesja, prav tako pa vodita v preobremenitev organizma. Edina metoda, ki bi bila primerna za razvijanje vzdržljivosti v predšolskem obdobju bi lahko bil fartlek, katerega bistvena značilnost je ravno ta, da si stopnjo napora oziroma obremenitve prilagodi vsak sam, kar pomeni, da se otrok lahko ustavi kadarkoli, s čimer preprečimo preobremenitve. S tem smo potrdili prvo hipotezo, da je fartlek edina primerna metoda za razvijanje vzdržljivosti v predšolskem obdobju. Skozi meritve smo potrdili drugo hipotezo in dokazali, da skozi metodo igre razvijamo vzdržljivost po metodi fartlek. Iz grafov frekvenc srčnega utripa otrok je bilo razvidno, da je bila stopnja napora pri otrocih v povprečju med 50 in 85 % oz. je bil njihov srčni utrip med 140 in 190 udarcev/minuto. Pri večini otrok je bilo zaznati krajše izmenjajoče si intervale večjega in manjšega napora, katerih dolžina in intenzivnost nista točno določena, tako da se od otroka do otroka razlikujeta, saj je vsak otrok stopnjo napora prilagajal svojim individualnim potrebam, kar pa je tudi glavna značilnost fartleka.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The purpose of this thesis is to present the methods for developing endurance and find out which method that the researchers have developed for adults we can use in preschool education based on motor and physical development of the preschool children. Based on the critical analysis of modern Slovene and foreign literature we presume that during the preschool years the most suitable method for developing endurance is the fartlek method. Fartlek means the game of speed. It includes fast and slow runs, different physical activities during practice and enables individual a lot of freedom and adaptation during practice. We can find a similar way of realization in the method of game. When we want to develop endurance with this method we use two or more locations in between which children move things around, solve problems or construct something. The main goal is that children walk or run the distance several times. We wanted to examine if the heart rate of children during the method of game is similar to the heart rate of an adult during practice fartlek. The sample used in the research consisted of seven preschool children aged between 5 and 6. We equipped the children with heart rate monitors and monitored them while performing physical activity like method of game. We discovered that children differentiate from adults in the field of motor and physical skills. Because the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are not developed yet with the preschool children, the strain on the body is bigger as with the adults. The ossification of the child's skeletal system is not finished yet that's why extreme and long endurance training is not appropriate for the children as it leads to depletion of minerals and nutrition needed for bone growth. We can conclude that with preschool children it is not possible to develop endurance by using continual and interval method, because both methods lead to anaerobic area and with this to the collapse of acid-basis balance and also put too much pressure on the organism. Fartlek is the only method which can be suitable for developing endurance during preschool education. Its main characteristic is that everyone can adjust the level of strain according to his ability which means that the children can stop anytime and this means that it does not come to overexertion. With this we confirmed the first hypothesis which is that the only appropriate method for developing endurance during preschool years is fartlek. With the help of the measurements we also confirmed the second hypothesis – through the method of game we develop the endurance by the fartlek method. From the graphs showing the frequency of the child's heartbeat we can read that on average the level of effort was between 50% and 85 % respectively their heart rate was between 140 and 190 bpm. With the majority of children we noticed exchanging intervals of lesser and greater exertion. Its length and intensity differ as the child adjusts the level of strain according to his individual needs. This being also the main characteristic of the fartlek method.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): preschool children
ID: 8311696
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