diplomsko delo
Sara Bizant (Avtor), Jera Gregorc (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati ustreznost metode igre za razvoj vzdržljivosti v heterogenem oddelku. Preko strokovne literature smo ugotovili, da je za otroka primerna in učinkovita samo vadba, pri kateri si lahko vsak individualno prilagodi njeno intenzivnost. Pri vadbah, kjer to ni mogoče, otrok preobremeni svoj srčno-žilni in dihalni sistem, ki sta v tem obdobju še v fazi razvoja in imata bistveno drugačne značilnosti kot pri odraslem. Odrasli ljudje za razvoj vzdržljivosti uporabljamo več metod. Najpogostejše so tri, in sicer metoda neprekinjenega napora, intervalna metoda in fartlek. Prvi dve ne dopuščata takšnih prilagoditev, ki bi ustrezno učinkovale na razvoj predšolskega otroka. Bolj primerna metoda je fartlek. Učinkovita je le, če jo izvajamo individualno in jo prilagajamo posamezniku. V diplomskem delu ugotavljamo, da je metoda igre tista metoda, ki omogoča individualno prilagoditev posamezniku, hkrati pa jo lahko izvajamo z vso skupino. To drži le, če je igra pravilno zasnovana in izvedena, da ima otrok možnost izvajati naloge v svojem ritmu (hitro ali počasi) in teči dolge ali kratke razdalje. Z raziskovanjem frekvence srca smo želeli ugotoviti, ali so imeli otroci med igro ob istem času možnost individualne prilagoditve. Vzorec je obsegal skupino predšolskih otrok, od teh smo desetim otrokom med vadbo merili srčni utrip. Ta je bila zasnovana po metodi igre s ciljem razvoja vzdržljivosti. Ugotovili smo, da so imeli otroci v istem trenutku popolnoma različne srčne utripe. Natančnejša analiza ni pokazala nobene podobnosti med krivuljami srčnega utripa. Iz analize krivulj srčnega utripa trdimo, da so otroci med igro prilagajali intenzivnost vadbe svojemu telesu. Ugotavljali smo tudi, ali je metoda igre edina učinkovita metoda za razvoj vzdržljivosti za otroke v heterogenem oddelku. To pomeni, da so v skupini skupaj otroci stari 1–3 let ali 3–6 let. Tako različno stari otroci imajo lahko izredno velike razlike ne vseh področjih razvoja (tudi ali predvsem gibalnega in telesnega). Zato nas je zanimalo, ali je možno narediti igro, ki bo zanimiva za vse starostne skupine in bo omogočala individualno prilagajanje napora. Srčni utrip smo zato merili šestletnikom in triletnikom. Mislili smo, da bodo imeli mlajši otroci v povprečju nižji srčni utri od starejših, a se je pokazalo, da razlike niso statistično pomembne. To nas usmerja v razmišljanje, da so otroci, ne glede na starost, delali skladno s svojimi zmožnostmi in sposobnostmi.

Ključne besede

vzdržljivost;metoda igre;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [S. Bizant]
UDK: 373.2.016:796.012.12(043.2)
COBISS: 10596937 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 728
Št. prenosov: 135
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Development of endurance by the method of play in the heterogeneous sections
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the suitability of the play method for the development of endurance in a heterogeneous section. Through the professional literature, we found out that only the exercise in which everyone can individually adjust its intensity is suitable and effective for children. In exercises where this is not possible, children overload their cardiovascular and respiratory systems which are still in the phase of development in this period and have fundamentally different characteristics than in an adult. Adult people use several methods to develop endurance. Three are the most common, namely the method of continuous effort, interval method and fartlek. The first two mentioned do not allow for such adjustments that would suitably affect the development of a pre-school child. The fartlek method is more suitable. It is effective only when it is performed individually and adjusted to an individual. In the thesis, we establish that the play method is the method which enables individual adjustment to an individual and at the same time can be performed with the entire group. This is true only, if the play is properly designed and performed so that a child has the possibility to perform tasks at his/her own pace (fast or slow) and to run long or short distances. By studying the hearth frequency, we wished to determine whether children had the possibility of individual adjustments at the same time during the play. The sample consisted of a group of pre-school children; we measured the hearth beat of ten of these children during the exercise. It was designed according to the play method with the aim to develop endurance. We found out that children had completely different hearth beats at the same moment. A more detailed analysis did not show any similarity between the hearth beat curves. On the basis of the analysis of the hearth beat curves, we claim that children adjusted the intensity of the exercise to their body during the play. We also determined whether the play method is the only effective method for development of endurance for children in a heterogeneous section. This means that in a group there are children aged 1-3 years or 3-6 years together. Children with such differences in age can have extremely large differences in all areas of development (also or mainly locomotor and physical). Therefore, we wished to know whether is it possible to design a play which would be interesting for all age groups and would enable individual adjustment of effort. Therefore, we measured the hearth beat of six year-olds and three year-olds. We thought that on average younger children would have lower hearth beat than older ones but it turned out that differences were not statistically important. This leads us to think that children, regardless of age, worked in accordance with their capabilities and abilities.
Sekundarne ključne besede: pre-school child;motor development;predšolski otrok;gibalni razvoj;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Strani: 30 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 8772765