magistrsko delo


Po knjigah za samopomoč posega vedno več ljudi. Postale so stalnica na knjižnih policah nesrečnih, bolnih in razočaranih, ki želijo svoje težave odpraviti sami, za štirimi stenami. Knjige za samopomoč prihajajo iz celega sveta in če želimo vsem bralcem omogočiti enako bralno izkušnjo, je potrebno zagotoviti kakovostne prevode le-teh. Magistrska naloga se osredotoča na prevajanje knjig za samopomoč, na umetnost prepričevanja z besedo in na iskanje razlik oz. prevodnih premikov med knjigama The Secret in The Power ter njunima slovenskima prevodoma. The Secret in The Power je avtorica Rhonda Byrne napisala z namenom pomagati bralcem najti rešitve za njihove težave. Ponovitve določenih besed in besednih zvez, poudarki ter številne velike začetnice pri besedah, ki niso lastna imena, imajo zato posebno retorično funkcijo - bralcu vtisniti v spomin določeno trditev in ga v nekaj prepričati. V prevodih del "Skrivnost" in "Moč" prihaja do nekaterih izpustov pogosto ponovljenih besed in besednih zvez ter do težav pri izbiri vrste nazivanja bralca. Prav tako prihaja do nedoslednega prevajanja velikih začetnic pri besedah, ki niso lastna imena. Zaradi tega se do neke mere izgubi avtoričina spretna izbira besed in njena prepričevalna moč. Ker je pri knjigah za samopomoč bistvenega pomena ravno prepričevanje z besedami, se morajo vse omenjene značilnosti v večji meri ohraniti v prevodu. Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, ali je prevajalkama knjig The Secret in The Power v prevodih uspelo obdržati avtoričin namen in kako sta prevoda prilagajali slovenskim bralcem.

Ključne besede

teorija skoposa;prevajanje;knjige za samopomoč;manipulacija;magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Šešerko]
UDK: 81'25=163.6(043.2)
COBISS: 20603400 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1643
Št. prenosov: 184
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: Self-help books are more and more popular. They are constantly present on bookshelves, available for those people who are miserable, sick and disappointed and who want to solve their problems, behind closed doors. Self-help books are written all over the world and good translations are necessary in order to convey the same reading experience to all readers. This master's thesis focuses on the translation of self-help books, on the art of persuasive writing and on the analysis of inconsistencies between the originals The Secret and The Power and their Slovene translations. Rhonda Byrne wrote The Secret and The Power to help the readers to find solutions to their problems. Repetitions, emphasis and capitalization of nouns which are not proper names therefore have a specific rhetoric function - to convince the reader. There are certain problems which occur in Slovene translations. One of them is the omission of certain lexical items (e.g. repetitions). Another problem is the use of formal or informal addressing of readers in the translations. There is also a problem of inconsistent translation of capital letters of those words which are not proper names. Due to all these translation shifts some of the deliberately used words and the power of the author's persuasion are lost. Because persuasion with words is essential in self-help books, all of the above-mentioned features should be preserved in the translation. The main focus of the master's thesis is to determine, whether the translators of The Secret and The Power succeeded in preserving the author's purpose, and how they adjusted the translations to the readers.
Sekundarne ključne besede: skopos theory;translating;self-help books;manipulation;master theses;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za prevodoslovje
Strani: II, 81 str.
ID: 8729582
Priporočena dela:
, poseg prevajalcev v prevod romana G. Orwella "Živalska farma"
, magistrsko delo